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Xenoblade Mafia - Game Over


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I want Blitz to get back and say what he thinks.

I am kinda running late for a class, but I find it weird that you want to wait for my thoughts especially when you always thought my thoughts were worthless in every other game we played

anyways, moving on, I find that Prims Jedi not willing to contribute (which is not better than Marth, but at least he had the vote on him for a while)



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Oh cool, some action. Thoughts:

I'm getting scummy vibes from Bizz but I dunno, I've been feeling she's trying too hard to show she's contributing, meh. The Prims vote wasn't exactly necessary, like you did that only on provocation.

I also don't understand Prims' point on how she looks townish but w/e.

I was concerned about Jedi's vote on Core but now I'm getting a scum read on him, especially with those diplomatic posts he's recently done. You want to start things on a clean slate with Aere?

Backing out isn't exactly a townish thing to do at this point.

Speaking of which I don't understand why Core is getting some flak(ok that's mainly Rapier and Jedi lol) nor did I understand his vote on BBM. I think Core looks townish compared to the others at this point though.

And I agree Cam does look like he's just interjecting and saying stuff, that does look scummy.

I'm just gonna vote ##Vote: La Levedad for now

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Okay, I'm feeling better now. Catching up quickly because I have to leave soon, again, but I can catch up to the rest on my phone.

Okay, Levity's later over-justification following her reaction to my vote looks fine. I'm annoyed at her trying to discredit it as OMGUS (seriously, OMGUS doesn't mean anything, it's just a buzzword people use to make somebody who voted them while also being voted by them look bad) but I can see why she would when there was no meat to the vote.

Could you maybe stop doing that thing where you discredit something people do/say because of your own personal opinion and try to make it seem objective? It's another scumtell I'm starting to notice in a certain few people and I think more attention should be brought to it.

That being said, I vote for people who vote for me if I think they're scum, especially if they're voting me for a bad reason/no reason. People may vote for me if I'm voting for them if they think I am scum/voting them for a bad reason. However, if I vote someone and they vote me back for no specified reason or with a flimsy counterargument, I'm not going to like that.

SPEAKING of that, Marth: you're doing that thing that players who were inactive/useless for the first parts of the phase do and suddenly they've got suspicions without explaining all of them, they echo a few reads, etc etc

then you do something you have done before as scum and vote for me when I don't really have ample suspicion on me, and to be honest I don't really understand why you're suspicious of me? I voted Prims because I'm legitimately suspicious of him and I still am--if anything, HIS vote was the one out of provocation. And 'trying too hard' because it's D1? ok.

Prims really feels off to me this game--he's more in the background than usual and kind of subdued.

I thought maybe the newbies were getting too much leeway for being new until I saw the suspicion on Jedi. I haven't looked into that very hard yet

except his post directed towards Aere sounded a little automatic

I have no idea what Marth is doing and I'm not exactly getting a town read on him but he doesn't exactly reek of scum yet??

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oh also I get the feeling that camtech is town and just being really indecisive/unhelpful

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actually despite my suspicions my vote on prims is pretty much useless so I'll probably be changing it when I get back

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Could you maybe stop doing that thing where you discredit something people do/say because of your own personal opinion and try to make it seem objective? It's another scumtell I'm starting to notice in a certain few people and I think more attention should be brought to it.

well if i'm saying that X isn't a scumtell then it's objectively true, static scumtells don't exist and if you're just going to vote somebody because they said what somebody else said once without considering the context and intent then you're missing the point of the game

Gameplay theory by itself isn't scummy btw because if asked about you pulling the OMGUS card postgame (or even this sentence) I would still say the exact same thing I said and treat it as objective.

Right now I'm not posting too much because most of the actual posts are noise rather than scumhunting. Cam still needs to playthegame, empty unvotes useless. I think his reactions following my vote are good though, if he were scum scared of being lynched he wouldn't have unvoted Core immediately.

Jedi basically handwaved the comment addressed to him in my #162, if I were to jump a wagon I'd prefer him over Aere, who has looked pretty good to me so far. We're definitely not lynching Rapier over prodvotes. I think the scum are among the players who have been evading attention or who haven't posted since RVS (Ether is totally scummy man), the non-voters are a good place to look.


##Vote: Core because you are spineless.

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I'm actually holding onto my vote for the moment because I have no reads on anyone yet, and because I personally do not like to vote and unvote repeatedly. I don't want to vote until I am definite that I am suspicious enough of someone to vote for them.

I have to go meet with my professor, so I'll be off for an hour or two.

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##Vote: Core because you are spineless.

Care to expound on that? I haven't been around for many hours so I apologize for that.

I wanted to see more content from blitz because

a)he hadn't posted in a while

b)his content is a bit questionable, but if he continued that trend then I'd say it fits right into his meta(no offense)

Levity raises good points about Prims, I don't know enough about Prim's meta to know how right she is, but my guess is that she isn't making things up.

Camtech's interjections strike me as more townish than scummy, because it seems like he's not concerned with how he appears.

At this point, I'm suspicious of Marth, Jedi, and Aere.

Marth did a really poor job at justifying his vote for Levity. I agree that maybe she is putting in more effort than usual, but, i think it's silly to say that she's doing this just to look active. Her observations seem deep and well-founded(At least, the one on Prims is. The camtech one-liner is something different), I think Marth's accusation of Levity describes himself more accurately.

Jedi's OMGUS was pretty strange, and his withdrawal was weird too. Were you drunk or something? How can one vote make you emotional enough to cloud your judgement? Instead of asking Aere for his opinions, provide yours and help the town out.

Aere justified his assessment of Jedi as noobscum with saying he can be either but he's been "flying under the radar" so he's noobscum. Jedi has been cautious, yes, but, uhh, *points at Rapier and Ether* I also want to hear your opinions on players not named Jedi.

I'm not ready to vote yet.

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well if i'm saying that X isn't a scumtell then it's objectively true, static scumtells don't exist and if you're just going to vote somebody because they said what somebody else said once without considering the context and intent then you're missing the point of the game

I just don't want to hear "I'm town because I am" and "this is true because it is" without any more to them than that anymore because they aren't legitimate arguments

but I'm not going to get all riled up about it anymore

As for Core's recent post, there's something that I've noticed. Is he the only one who's been saying that my suspicions on Prims were solid, or has there been someone else saying that too? I'll have to look back, but it's like Core's been saying the same exact things as he did before

##Unvote because my Prims vote isn't going to go anywhere right now

##Vote: Marth because I kinda changed my mind about him. His refusal to do anything and then his halfhearted post just now just both aren't cutting it for me. I can buy a Core lynch though if we end up going for that because it seems like he just keeps repeating himself without much substance

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and for anyone else that might have said something about my Prims suspicions, why is it that no one's been acting on them? People just seem so withdrawn in this game and I'm seeing a lot of one-liners and repetitive statements from people; I'm not getting a lot of memorable reads at all.

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I think everybody is waiting for somebody else to start the activity. Or I was, anyways.

Bizz if you think both Prims and Core are scummy, do you think that Prims is bussing Core?

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I disagree with your assessment. That's the first time I've commented on your suspicion of Prims, and I haven't been repeating anything else as far as I can tell.

I think nobody wanted to follow you in voting for Prims because they would be voting for Prims for your reasons, not theirs, which is easily chalked up as sheeping(myself included)

##Vote: Jedi

I wanted to wait for a response but that could potentially take a long time, so I'll just go ahead and vote.

So you're not suspicious of Aere at all anymore? what made you change your mind?

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I'm not getting very good reads in this game either, ugh. But I'm not generally good at getting reads D1 anyways.

I still feel like Aere is the scummiest. I feel like I'm tunneling on Aere, but someone (Prims?) said he didn't get why people thought him scummy for having a subjective opinion on whether Jedi was newbscum or newbtown. Basically, my problem is that he jumps to scum before thinking of him as neutral/null, and it feels to me like he's trying to push a mislynch.

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@Core- Jedi is subbing out, and his sub isn't going to know his mindset and thoughts.

Good catch, I missed that. I don't think that makes the playerslot less scummy, but I'll revisit it again next cycle after I see how the sub plays. ##Unvote

There's enough votes on Marth for now, so I will ##Vote: Aere.

He made the decision that Jedi was newbscum instead of newbtown so quickly with very little backing, and since then he has more or less ignored the other players.

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Bizz if you think both Prims and Core are scummy, do you think that Prims is bussing Core?

I wouldn't put it past him at all, but that sounds really meta and I'm ashamed of myself for saying it

And I think me thinking Core is scummy might be me misremembering some of what he's said because I didn't read the last two pages very in-depth so I'm probably just not in the right mind right now

In fact I might have gotten some of his posts mixed up with BBM's and I'm not sure how I feel about that /: in fact, now I'm actually pretty sure and I'll have to fix that here in a moment

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I'm not sure what the big deal with Aere is, he looks fine to me. From what I can tell people are voting him for having a subjective opinion? Not interested in lynching.

Jedi's reaction strikes me as indignant. More in a newbie way than a scummy way. Not a high priority but I do understand where Aere is coming from. Rapier is uhhhhhh. My vote on Levity is OMGUS but Aere is scummier than Jedi? Explain your train of thought here.

Cam still looks like he's sidelining with quick interjections that don't really add much and I'm content leaving my vote there. I'm not even sure where his vote is right now.

Looking like an OMGUS =/= Being an OMGUS. It's the reason I prefer Aere over you, really.

Oh cool, some action. Thoughts:

I'm getting scummy vibes from Bizz but I dunno, I've been feeling she's trying too hard to show she's contributing, meh. The Prims vote wasn't exactly necessary, like you did that only on provocation.

I also don't understand Prims' point on how she looks townish but w/e.

I was concerned about Jedi's vote on Core but now I'm getting a scum read on him, especially with those diplomatic posts he's recently done. You want to start things on a clean slate with Aere?

Backing out isn't exactly a townish thing to do at this point.

Speaking of which I don't understand why Core is getting some flak(ok that's mainly Rapier and Jedi lol) nor did I understand his vote on BBM. I think Core looks townish compared to the others at this point though.

And I agree Cam does look like he's just interjecting and saying stuff, that does look scummy.

I'm just gonna vote ##Vote: La Levedad for now

... When did Prims say that Bizz looks townish? I might have misreaded something along the way. I remember he said something about her action looked nice, but it's not the same as saying she looks townish.

Marth's lack of "knownledge" is unsettling to me (see how many times he says "I don't understand/know/see why" on his post and you'll see what I'm talking about) but it's not enough to deem him scummy right now. It is as if he just wants to go along with some half knownledge about what's going on and see where it gets him, which is scummy to me.

His main point agaisnt Bizz was "she's contributing to much, as if she's trying to look good". This is bad because there is some sort of scummy logic on this argument, as the Mafia gets more advantage when there is less contribution. Which reminds me Marth hasn't been contributing with -anything- and only now did he post his thoughts.

I'm having a hard time choosing between Aere or Marth. >:

Also, welcome back Manix. o/

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Guys, I've still never been mafia haha.

I've been concentrating on Jedi (I guess now Manix?) because, as I've said before, I found him the scummiest. I'd rather mislynch a newer player over a more experienced one, call me what you want for that.

Now, I want to wait for Manix to post. I can't use my feelings from noob!Jedi on Manix, their play styles are completely different.

Core, wtf, now you're voting for me? This is a complete 180.

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Firstly, I don't actually remember if my playerslot has a vote, so:


Now onto the fun stuff.

does anyone feel that planning out how our pr's should act today would be productive?






Horrible idea, we're meant to keep our PR's hidden from scum when possible.

I don't want to say anything definite until everyone's posted at least once on here ...

Ok uh....

I have no opinions, sorry.


Possible scum fluff, would consider lynching.

Personally, I want to see everyone who's signed up for this game pop in at least once before I make decisions on anything or anyone.

Second verse, same as the first.

More fluff that basically has a sign saying "don't lynch me, I don't have any opinions and I'm "waiting"."

I shall change that to:

I'm not inclined to vote anyone atm, sorry.

Also a horrible response. This doesn't help us later when analysing voting patterns.

I never said that. All I said was I haven't done anything yet for 3 votes to flop on me like that. I said in the past few games at least I DID something and then looked scummy(Eg: vote to save myself, intentionally not give any reason while voting, not claiming to town leader intentionally).

And I'm so sorry for not helping, really.

You do realize the reason you accumulated that many votes was because you haven't actually done anything?

Fix it.

I also have weird thoguhts about Bizz and Prims but hey I don't think its enough to warrant a vote especially since they're asleep and at this stage my vote would only be a prod vote. Hence I'm not voting atm.

Or you could of anyway, why should it matter?

You're not making this easy.

On another note, it's kind of aggressive, but one potential option we have is to force vanilla claims now. This prevents scum from claiming vanilla unless they want to do it now, which could potentially shut them down or catch them in a lie later. There are downsides, since scum also see which players are less threatening to them during the night stage of our cycles, but it may be well worth it if you want to try. I'll let some others give some thoughts on this one.


Again, no. It's not going to help us, because it still narrows down town's PR's. Which is a horrible idea.

just for the record i don't think boron is scum for the simple fact that iirc eclipse doesn't like making people scum in their first game

on the other hand she really should stop echoing

That is a horrible reason. It's random (who is what) for a reason, who says they can't be scum? I'd like to look into you when Xin flips.

kaoz, givemore player opinions.

I will give them when I deem them relevant.

Dislike this exchange from Kaoz. Why would you hold onto your reads, or in other words, why aren't you scumhunting?

not to mention this is coming from the person who's accusing me of posting 'too much empty noise' when there's not a lot else to talk about

You could actually change that and make discussion. You know, like a townie.

Other than that, I'm not particularly suspicious of anyone yet. I still feel like I need more information before I can even begin to form an opinion. People need to be more active.

Strike three. You don't wait for everyone to talk, you talk about what people have already said.

I'm not getting any reads from anyone, and I probably won't until I see more people interact with one another.

Fourth (!) time's the charm. Come on, it's not looking good on you.

i have basically no reads right now

Great, I found another one. This is atrocious.

I'm getting scummy vibes from Bizz but I dunno, I've been feeling she's trying too hard to show she's contributing, meh. The Prims vote wasn't exactly necessary, like you did that only on provocation.

I also don't understand Prims' point on how she looks townish but w/e.

More reasons why we should consider lynching you. Trying too hard? Are you kidding me?

I'm actually holding onto my vote for the moment because I have no reads on anyone yet, and because I personally do not like to vote and unvote repeatedly. I don't want to vote until I am definite that I am suspicious enough of someone to vote for them.

Do I actually have to explain this? Really?

You vote to get reactions/to lynch someone. Currently, we're at that point where it is a mix of both.

You're here, and reasonably active, but not really contributing.

I'm not ready to vote yet.


I think everybody is waiting for somebody else to start the activity. Or I was, anyways.

How many times do I have to say this...

Okay, that done, I'm getting weird feelings about Prims this game. He seems quite reserved and not really doing his usual scumhunting strat. He's looking very neutral to me.

Rapier actually is looking reasonably townie for once, which is a surprise.

Currently, I would consider lynching Marth, Xin or Cam.

##Vote: Xin Li

Really, really not liking his fluff about "I don't want to vote yet because not everyone has spoke."

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I was scumbuddies with Prims in Draft, where he was quite against either of us bussing the other until it was absolutely necessary. However, that was because there were only 2 of us. I'm not quite sure how it would change with a larger scumteam. My only problem with Prims is that he's not playing like Prims, whether it's town!Prims or scum!Prims. Basically, what Manix said about him being too reserved. I'm used to Prims being a lot more active and argumentative.

@Bizz- Which posts of Core's did you get mixed up with mine?

About Manix, I feel like he just read through the thread and found every instance of someone saying that they didn't have any reads, or needed more information for reads. That doesn't feel like scumhunting to me.

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