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The clothing on her far arm is her armor without shoulder guard covering it. I'm still novice to splicing, since I just got into it... about few days ago when eCut told me to practice it for my hack. Or is it the one in darker color?

Edited by Ubel Engel
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The clothing on her far arm is her armor without shoulder guard covering it. I'm still novice to splicing, since I just got into it... about few days ago when eCut told me to practice it for my hack.

For "a few days ago", you're doing much better than I do now. I can spot mistakes, but I can't actually draw it "right". Hope the other, better sprite guys can give you advice on how to fix that up!

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still applies


Ahem... caplock. :Idoun:

If you're not going to tell me how, I'll go grab a razor wires, a stool, a cliff with a tree looking over the long drop, super glues, and a gun then buy myself a pair of nice hungry sharks to release into the ocean below the cliff.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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neither issue is gone

Since Arch is not around, I think I'm gonna represent the team for a sec here and say that we can't accept your splice for now. It just doesn't match up with our quality standards yet.

From what I gather we may (?) be accepting high-quality splices if the changes are significant and/or meaningful enough (see: Erk, I can't speak for Sain but I think Arch had reasons), but your sprite just hasn't reached that level yet.

if either arch or trent or someone else who deals with sprites more than i do want to step up to the plate please by all means override me

Edited by CT075
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If he was asking for help for this project he'd have made a thread on it. As it stands we have all of our needs covered, and a far more experienced spriter is currently working on the mug in question.

I don't even charge that much, anyway, if we look at it on an hourly rate.

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Treat my work as a fan art then~

Then it does not belong here cluttering up the thread.

Make a sprite thread and give Arch a link or something.

If you wish to contribute a finished product, make one post to do so. If you're going to keep trying to improve the sprite in hopes of being accepted, refine it in another thread first. I think that's just proper protocol here.

I'm not minimodding. I'm just giving a suggestion.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Why does Priscilla look younger? >.>

a far more experienced spriter is currently working on the mug in question.

It's not the final version Arch just needed to fulfill his screenshot promises

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(Am I the only one to not like the new Raven that much? He looks okay, but even more generic than his original portrait to me...)

Seizing forts, huh... ? Sounds like Advance Wars all of a sudden. oô

Is it even a fort, actually? If it doesn't show on the minimap as one, it could also be a sort of new custom tile, I guess.

It's not the final version Arch just needed to fulfill his screenshot promises

Might have been a good idea to use the original Priscilla in that case. Since there are so many unchanged character portraits in the hack, we people here just assume that a different portrait in a screen is there for... a reason.

AKA, asking for feedback or just showing off the final version.

would probably avoid some more random arguments if that was taken into consideration.

Edited by Miacis
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In that case, I'll go delete all of my process, so Arch never have to burn his eyes from seeing my masterpieces.

/cry while deleting attachment

There, now it never happened.

Stangely though, I took red paint instead of the white.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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In that case, I'll go delete all of my process, so Arch never have to burn his eyes from seeing my masterpieces.

/cry while deleting attachment

There, now it never happened.

Stangely though, I took red paint instead of the white.

You really shouldn't take it that hard. EN has been in development for what, almost 3 years now? it's only reasonable that Arch already has everything he needs to finish off the hack at this point. Instead, you should focus on trying to improve your spriting skills so that when someone else comes along who might need sprites, you can see if they want to use yours. And by then they'll probably be better than simple splices.

On topic: it'd be cool if the boss was actually hiding in one of the forts, and we had to seize them in an attempt to flush him out or something.

Edited by Falcon The Swordmaster
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You really shouldn't take it that hard. EN has been in development for what, almost 3 years now? it's only reasonable that Arch already has everything he needs to finish off the hack at this point. Instead, you should focus on trying to improve your spriting skills so that when someone else comes along who might need sprites, you can see if they want to use yours. And by then they'll probably be better than simple splices.

I never planned on doing it.

I'm actually working on my own hack anyway. :Idoun:

I can't do the hacking thing yet, because I don't have a computer. So all I'm really doing is making sprites. If I had any talent in line art, I would be having better sprites.

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a far more experienced spriter is currently working on the mug in question

Yup. Mage Knight 404 is on the case!


And he's doing an awesome job.

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I actually like it better.

Or is that post supposed to be sarcastic? IDK. :C

Not being sarcastic at all. I'm extremely satisfied with the work that Ray's put into this. I'm glad to hear that you like it better.

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