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The second batch of DLC

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I'm curious, why don't characters' mouths move when they talk? I mean, if they were able to do this in past games, why not this one? I like the little voices though.

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Added the Lunatic stats, since those are the easiest to record due to having the least variation. Or no variation at all, for this map.


I'm curious, why don't characters' mouths move when they talk? I mean, if they were able to do this in past games, why not this one? I like the little voices though.

I think it's because it would be difficult to make it fit right with the voice acting, especially with all the combinations of phrases and varied poses. Also, each chunk of text shows up at once now.

Edited by Othin
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I actually like Est's art better, honestly.

Obviously, I have issues with the pose. It's just like the one from the Catria wallpaper and from Tiamo's artwork. Those are all from different artists, so I just don't get where all similar dumb locking poses come from.

Anyway, that one was pretty much her old design. However, she also got boots and tights from FE5 added to replace her old stockings. I consider this definitely an improvement.

Besides the pose, I still take points from it for the underboobs and the high heels. But then again, maybe they actually serve a purpose when riding.

But Catria... She doesn't keep anything from her old design except the stuff I dislike.

And this one-piece dress just looks really stupid, exposing her cleavage like that. I already disliked Petrine and Amalda for this but this is just an entirely different level.

And yet she is wearing massive armor parts all over the place. It just looks really messy to me. Especially without any of the usual armor at her upper body.

On a lighter note, going by her face expression and her pose I think she is about to fall over.

Anyway, how expensive is the whole DLC now? It must be more then the actual game already. I wonder how more they plan to add.

Edited by BrightBow
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The outfit is taken directly from the regular Dark Pegasus outfit.

We know they'll be adding two more each of the Other-World Resort and Ultimate Training maps, all of which seem to be quite cheap while still having as much content as the rest. As for Future of Despair, if they want Series 2 to have the same number of maps as Series 1 (likely), it'll have another eight, for a total of twelve remaining.

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The outfit is taken directly from the regular Dark Pegasus outfit.

We know they'll be adding two more each of the Other-World Resort and Ultimate Training maps, all of which seem to be quite cheap while still having as much content as the rest. As for Future of Despair, if they want Series 2 to have the same number of maps as Series 1 (likely), it'll have another eight, for a total of twelve remaining.

Thank you for the info, Othin.

Could you also tell me if the Yen prices are identical to the required Nintendo Points? They kinda look like that to me. With my own poor calculation attempts, I ended with a value significantly higher then the usual prices for a 3DS game.

Edited by BrightBow
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I think they're about the same, yeah. The game's price, at least initially, was 4,800 yen.

I'm getting really curious about rewards for future maps. It's possible that, as with the last maps in the Talisman groups, and for that matter the last monster map, we may get something special for the last Other-World Resort and Ultimate Training maps. And Future of Despair probably has rewards, as well. I'm hoping for FE13 talismans, like Cervantes and Fauder.

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I think they're about the same, yeah. The game's price, at least initially, was 4,800 yen.

I'm getting really curious about rewards for future maps. It's possible that, as with the last maps in the Talisman groups, and for that matter the last monster map, we may get something special for the last Other-World Resort and Ultimate Training maps. And Future of Despair probably has rewards, as well. I'm hoping for FE13 talismans, like Cervantes and Fauder.

Thank you. I wondered this for a while now.

Man, why must my calculations be accurate this time...

I'm kinda torn between my desire of wanting to support the series and my desire that this sort of DLC, that doubles the price without doubling the content, will go away.

Edited by BrightBow
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Catria's artwork is good. Since she has astra and Est has Luna I assume Palla will get sol if she's included. A triangle attack DLC would be cool, make it a skill and all three people participating have to have it.

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Why does it have to be a DLC ? It could have been included from the begining as a special attack performed by two lovers and their child if they are next to an enemy...

Next time : shoving and capture as DLCs ._.

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Thank you. I wondered this for a while now.

Man, why must my calculations be accurate this time...

I'm kinda torn between my desire of wanting to support the series and my desire that this sort of DLC, that doubles the price without doubling the content, will go away.

Well, let's see.

FE13 has 27 story chapters, 23 sidequests, and when including all the DLC, ~30 more replayable sidequests. That's a total of 80 maps, leading to quite a bit of flexibility in progression, plus all the skirmishes. 120 set skirmishes with past-game characters, all replayable, plus unlimited random monster skirmishes and StreetPass skirmishes. Oh, and 22 replayable Dual Tag battles.

Now let's look at past games. FE5 has 25 story chapters, plus two more depending on routes, and eight sidequests, for a total of 35. Even without the DLC included, FE13 has far more content, and with the DLC included, it has more than double the content, easily justifying double the price. FE6 across all possible route splits has 31 story chapters and seven sidequests, totaling 38 and still falling short by either standard. We can include the Trial Maps to give it some more points, but it still can't compete once FE13's skirmishes are included. FE9 has 33 story maps with six Trial Maps, and the Trial Maps do have some issues with counting at all when you can't save the results and therefore they can't fit into the quest to expand it like sidequests and other bonuses in other games. FE10 just has 43 story maps. Like with FE6 when including the Trial Maps, this does crack the halfway mark compared to FE13's 80 chapters, but the massive amount of other stuff easily adds up to more content than another six chapters. Then there's FE11, which has a standard 25-chapter main story, plus a four-map Prologue on just the easiest difficulty level and five sidequests that no one really wants to play. For the purposes of most regular playthroughs, it totals only 25 maps, and including all of them, it reaches only 34.

So while FE13's DLC may not result in a game with twice the content of FE13 alone, it certainly results in a game with more than twice the content of much if not all of the series preceding it, if desired. If not desired, it's still a game with more content than anything preceding it. This, I say, is certainly a good thing.

Catria's artwork is good. Since she has astra and Est has Luna I assume Palla will get sol if she's included. A triangle attack DLC would be cool, make it a skill and all three people participating have to have it.

Definitely seems that way, especially looking at the order of their skills. So Palla will probably have Lightning speed, one special skill, two other skills, and then Sol. Minerva, if she's included, will have all that and then Vengeance, in all likelihood. Unless one has Magnificent Flame.

A skill like that does seem like it could be appropriate for the last Ultimate Training, although I'm not sure it would actually be considered significant enough to be worth it. Of course, we could also note that this would be an appropriate place for that Iote's Shield skill, if they hadn't already released it.

Edited by Othin
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I like Catria's art, it looks pretty interesting. Although I'm not going to lie ... I didn't want another pegasus knight. -_-

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I wouldn't mind another male only and female only exclusive class, Catria's art work is quite nice IMO, I can't see a single thing that I dislike about it. Especially that blue, it is rather appealing.

Edited by Yoff
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Hmm, I know we were predicting Minerva, but I just remembered that that would violate the DLC pattern of always releasing DLC versions of characters before SpotPass versions of the same character. It even holds true here, with Catria being in the only regular team that hasn't been released yet. But when UT4 is released, we'll have all the SpotPass characters available, so it couldn't be anyone released so far, Minerva included.

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Hmm, I know we were predicting Minerva, but I just remembered that that would violate the DLC pattern of always releasing DLC versions of characters before SpotPass versions of the same character. It even holds true here, with Catria being in the only regular team that hasn't been released yet. But when UT4 is released, we'll have all the SpotPass characters available, so it couldn't be anyone released so far, Minerva included.

Well, if that pattern holds, then maybe we'll see someone who hasn't been included in Spotpass.

A la :Joshua:.



Yeah, I know. Never gonna happen. unsure.gif

Edited by Murdok Dracul
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Well, if that pattern holds, then maybe we'll see someone who hasn't been included in Spotpass.

A la :Joshua:.



Yeah, I know. Never gonna happen. unsure.gif

Or the guy whose Handaxe is already in the game. *cough*

The thing is, there doesn't seem to be any fourth character who wouldn't seem really bizarre following the Whitewings other than Minerva. She doesn't make sense, but anything else would just seem odd. Perhaps it's not a hard rule, like how they generally avoided class overlap with DLC but not always? And Minerva isn't going to be an advertised reward; not on the same level as the Lords, anyway.

Hmmm.. I wonder how broken an Emperor or Master Lord/Knight(w/e) would be if the classes got in this game as dlc.

They'd have just three weapons, tops, so not unusually broken based on that. They could hypothetically have absurd stats, though.

Something else occurs to me. We've seen items that enable skills or classes, but is it not possible that we might see DLC weapons directly as some rewards? Something like the Sword of Seals, or Garm, that doesn't yet exist at all. If you could get more from redoing the map, it would be unlimited without needing to show up in IDW.

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