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Eirika is surprisingly comfortable with this.

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When I was away on vacation I took my DS with me and the old Fire Emblem games. Aside from haveing Seth own everythign that moves I actually read the story in Eirika's route for a change.

I found 3 parts that made me feel like the pairing should've gotten a little bit extra attention in their supports.

The first is after you clear chapter 16.


The Stone of Renais is our last remaining weapon.


No, it’s not. You have forgotten the stone of my beloved Rausten. Remember, there were five Sacred Stones for our five nations. The Stones of Grado, Frelia, and Jehanna are gone, but hope is not. We have the Stone of Renais, after all, and that of Rausten is safe. Our road is clear, my friends. I must guide you to Rausten.


You’re right. L’Arachel, we’re counting on you to lead the way.


Of course. And you will all be welcome to stay in the palace. And, Eirika, you shall be my guest in my own private quarters! Let us be on our way.

The second and third are from chapter 19.


I think we'll take a night to rest after all. Everyone is so exhausted. My dear friend Eirika especially has had a very trying time of late.

(L’Arachel and Eirika are in a room. Eirika is looking sad.)








Don't look so sad. It wreaks such havoc on your beauty.

While that one is pretty tame L'Arachel goes on to flirt some more later on.


Behold. Victory is ours!


Yes, we did it somehow. I wonder if everyone else is OK.


Eirika? Did you find your answer?


Yes. Thank you, L’Arachel. Your words guided me.


My-my words? It was nothing?Come, we should find the Sacred Stone. If anything were to happen to it?


L’Arachel? Your face is flushed. Is anything amiss?


N-no, it’s nothing. Nothing at all!

I can't find anything else on this pairing but it's pretty suggestive. (Though I know I'm blowing it further then it was intended) Maybe it was erased from the Overseas release and the Japanese version had more between these two?

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I'm guessing it's more a case of L'Arachel not being used to having friends. She's got her mooks but she doesn't really treat them as equals does she? If I recall she invites her to have tea with her in some support.

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Are you sure it didn't get more attention in their supports?


L'Arachel: I hope you do not think this all too sudden, but... Here. Look at this.

Eirika: What's this...?

L'Arachel: This ruby has been in Rausten for generations. It is a valuable gem. I would be honored if... I would like for you to have it.

Eirika: What? No, I couldn't! It's far too precious to accept...

L'Arachel: No, I mean it. Please, accept this as a gift. Here. I won't allow you to refuse.

Eirika: L'Arachel... Thank you. I will treasure it. I so wish I had something to give you in return...

L'Arachel: You needn't feel that way. Here, I've an idea... Once we've put an end to all the monstrosities in our lands... Invite me to Renais. Does this plan please you?

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L'arachel sure is friendly, though as a girl I wouldn't hesitate to invite other girls who are close friends to sleep in my room. So while I think the bedchamber thing is a moot point, that support with the ruby is a little harder to ignore as just any casual old thing...

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... Yeah, not seeing romance in that. Certainly not going both ways. Do people share quarters PURELY to fuck? :p

Also maybe it's just me, but I always thought quarters were like, a pretty sizeable portion of the castle; doesn't mean they were sleeping in the same bed. :p

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People only blush because they're interested in sex.


Let's consider a few things that I noticed about L'Arachel in her supports:

- She stutters when she's caught off-guard (Innes/Ephraim)

- She's quite sheltered (Joshua/Ephraim)

- She hasn't seen much outside of Rausten (Innes)

(1) says that Eir's actions wasn't what she was expecting. (2) and (3) somewhat explain this - her life so far has been an extremely small subset of things.

If we step back and look at her personality, and the people that follow her, I get three impressions:

1. She was surrounded by people who praised her (her interactions with her uncle, for one)

2. She realized that not all the praise was because she was awesome (I'd guess Rennac may have been one of the keys to this)

3. She hasn't been around many females her own age that she can call friends (her entire support list is a clue, but not conclusive)

Combine everything, and I suspect that L'Arachel didn't have many close female friends, and due to the way she was raised, didn't know how to handle it. Eir was both unexpected and welcome; thus, L'Arachel went overboard. Given what I've seen of her character, I don't think L'Arachel would understand what it is to find women attractive in that way.

Edited by eclipse
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People only blush because they're interested in sex.


Not really, it's really just "interestingly" placed for one.

Mostly it seems that all these things aren't particularly suggest by themselves, but all of them together have some mild subtext.

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... Yeah, not seeing romance in that. Certainly not going both ways. Do people share quarters PURELY to fuck? :p

Same. Im seeing a sheltered girl who comes to really treasure Eirika's friendship.

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I'm not convinced that there's anything going on between L'Arachel and Eirika, or that the former even sees the latter that way. As other people have said in this thread, L'Arachel comes off as a sheltered girl who really doesn't get it at times. It seems as if she didn't have a lot of female friends who are Eirika's age (or even friends in general at all - remember Lyon and his "I've never had any friends" thing?). I'm assuming she was just really touched by Eirika's friendship. The ruby thing doesn't say much to me either. Do you only give special, treasured objects to people you love "that way" or to your closest friends who you don't feel romantically for?

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You guys are no fun.

Aren't fans supposed to take almost every friendly or flirty line as a total romance confession?

Depends on the fan, really. I have no sense of humor whatsoever when it comes to crack pairings.

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You guys are no fun.

Aren't fans supposed to take almost every friendly or flirty line as a total romance confession?

It reminds me of that Roy x Cecelia support where they're clearly having sex.

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