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"That one boss..."

Gold Vanguard

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Dark Link from Zelda 2.

I tried everyday for about a month, then I just gave up.

Dark Link himself isnt hard. Its GETTING to him that...omg..its been...what? 23 years since ive owned that game and still cant beat it? D: Damn man....

I never really had any trouble with any boss that I can remember, but now that I fought Lavos(from Chrono Trigger in his Human form) I would say he would be my first.

If I have trouble I usually come up with a strategy right away and it almost always works.

Theres a trick to Lavos. One of its bits is the the thing you gotta kill...If i recall correctly, its the one on the left. Just aim for that and spam the fuck out of it and yeah!

I'll take the initiative and mention Lenus and the Grand Jewel from Legend of Dragoon. The former is superfast and loves attacking with powerful magic attacks, and the latter can lower your party's levels, and when it's almost dead, it'll heal itself for a nice chunk of health.

Ohhhhohoh...those two are BALLS. Theres a trick to Lenus and it really requires having magic resistant and fast characters. (Meru is out because no dragoon at that point.) So having Haschel with the Bandits Ring equipped and Rose in the party for Astral Drain fun and Dart with level 3 Dragoon (for Final Burst fun) will make Lenus go "aww fuck." Grand Jewel...theres a trick to that too but...its tricky. Having a physically heavy hitter on the team is a good idea but since the heavy hitters (Albert and Kongol) get whomped by magic attacks, yeah...Meru on the team helps loads. Get her to at least level 1 SP gauge and have her heal the party on every other turn or so. And since shes so fast, having her use dragoon (only at level 1 SP) to smack that thing around never hurts. Cuz if you stay dragoon'd for more than one turn at a time, it will Dragon Block Staff your ass and that SUUUUCKS.

Speaking of Legend of Dragoon...Faust. That is all. Hope you saved up for a Legend Casque.

That One Boss for me...hmmm. BLOODBANE in Valkyrie Profile is a cunt. Yeah theres a trick to work around him but its still a balls hard fight. If he manages to heal, omg yer screwed. Theres another boss in that game that just pisses me off to no end. Hes the boss of the pyramid level...i forget his name but hes a mummy guy and he will spam your ass with great magic. (Seraphic Law if im not mistaken...) And at that point, its hard to exploit some of the avoid death tricks. (Unlike Bloodbane) Fuck that guy.

Abyssion in Tales of Symphonia can eat a dick. So can the Sword Dancer boss. The final one in particular.

Ramsus and Miang final fight in Xenogears. (not the final boss one..that other one.) FUCK YOU! I never could beat it because i always run out of fuel. Dammit.

K. Rool in Donkey Kong Country 2 is a serious asspain.

Also when you fight him in Ocean Palace, he's pretty fucking hard.

You really arent supposed to win that fight...

Edited by Jon Snow
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Ouroboros in Strange Journey is kind of a thing.

Extremely resilient to most attacks, deals some good damage, and she recovers HP at the end of each turn. Doesn't help that the fusion system makes it rather difficult to pass down certain skills such as Luster Candy and Debilitate without the essence thingies which help bring her down to make her HP recovery more manageable instead of having to do a damage race so you can do enough damage to overcome her regen effect. @_@

TBH, Ouroboros is kind of weird to me. Once you actually do a bit of prep for it, it's not very hard, but both I and at elast one other person have mentioned wondering (the first time fighting it) if they were supposed to lose the battle or something.

I'm a little surprised at the LoD bosses mentioned. I remember, my progression through that game was something like:

-Never lost a fight until Divine Dragon.

-Killed once by divine dragon, I suspect because at the time I didn't realize he was a multi-target boss.

-Didn't play again for like 5 years.

-Come back and beat the Divine Dragon on my 2nd try, and didn't lose a single fight after.

The way to beat Lenus (both fights), was something like, guard and attack, but I think I did actually have a character get knocked out during the first fight against her, which is pretty remarkable. I know grand jewel seriously screws with dragoon form, but I don't remember him being difficult at all.

Oh and since Xenogears was mentioned


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Ridley in Super Metroid. I can get him well into the red, but the gamecube controller I'm using (It's virtual console, by the way) makes it difficult to maneuver around.

I tried forever to beat Kratos Aurion the first time he betrays the party, but I eventually gave up, since winning wasn't required.

That's all I can remember.

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I'm a little surprised at the LoD bosses mentioned. I remember, my progression through that game was something like:

-Never lost a fight until Divine Dragon.

-Killed once by divine dragon, I suspect because at the time I didn't realize he was a multi-target boss.

-Didn't play again for like 5 years.

-Come back and beat the Divine Dragon on my 2nd try, and didn't lose a single fight after.

The way to beat Lenus (both fights), was something like, guard and attack, but I think I did actually have a character get knocked out during the first fight against her, which is pretty remarkable. I know grand jewel seriously screws with dragoon form, but I don't remember him being difficult at all.

Divine Dragon, once you know the thing, is cake compared to Grand Jewel. Divine Dragon HATES those highest level magic attack items. Once you take out the Cannon and that other thing, yeah no prabs. Plus Meru's healing spell. (did i mention thats awesome?)

I actually found the Lloyd fight (in Flanvel) to be trickier.

Second Lenus fight is easy.

Something tells me you never fought Faust. Hes the hardest goddamn thing in the game, but oh so sweet when you beat him.

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The "true" boss songs in the later IIDX games. I'm not even close to them. . .oh, you mean something more tangible? Let's go with Little Queen from Tales of Graces, because I can't even GET to her.

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I honestly can't say I remember any bosses that were particularly frustrating... actually wait.

Like, normal culprits such as Daredevil Bouldergeist and Tabuu (Intense) I didn't really have a huge problem with.

Although I do have at least one (after looking through my collection); Jasper Fucking Batt Jr. on Bitter Mode (No More Heroes 2) Yeah, if you've ever played it, you know exactly how cruel he is. ughhhhhhh

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Theres a trick to Lavos. One of its bits is the the thing you gotta kill...If i recall correctly, its the one on the left. Just aim for that and spam the fuck out of it and yeah!

Ohhhhohoh...those two are BALLS. Theres a trick to Lenus and it really requires having magic resistant and fast characters. (Meru is out because no dragoon at that point.) So having Haschel with the Bandits Ring equipped and Rose in the party for Astral Drain fun and Dart with level 3 Dragoon (for Final Burst fun) will make Lenus go "aww fuck." Grand Jewel...theres a trick to that too but...its tricky. Having a physically heavy hitter on the team is a good idea but since the heavy hitters (Albert and Kongol) get whomped by magic attacks, yeah...Meru on the team helps loads. Get her to at least level 1 SP gauge and have her heal the party on every other turn or so. And since shes so fast, having her use dragoon (only at level 1 SP) to smack that thing around never hurts. Cuz if you stay dragoon'd for more than one turn at a time, it will Dragon Block Staff your ass and that SUUUUCKS.

Speaking of Legend of Dragoon...Faust. That is all. Hope you saved up for a Legend Casque.

Actually, it's the one on the right. Though you have to kill one of the others to even do any significant damage first.

Indeed. Though IIRC, even when you're in dragoon form, Lenus can still make a big dent on your points with her magic.

Didn't mention Faust because he's optional (and because I never got to face him).

Divine Dragon, once you know the thing, is cake compared to Grand Jewel. Divine Dragon HATES those highest level magic attack items. Once you take out the Cannon and that other thing, yeah no prabs. Plus Meru's healing spell. (did i mention thats awesome?)

I actually found the Lloyd fight (in Flanvel) to be trickier.

Second Lenus fight is easy.

Something tells me you never fought Faust. Hes the hardest goddamn thing in the game, but oh so sweet when you beat him.

Yeah. The Divine Dragon Spirit, on the other hand... ugh.

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I actually found the Lloyd fight (in Flanvel) to be trickier.

Oh, Lloyd was tough. But I know I didn't lose to him.

Something tells me you never fought Faust. Hes the hardest goddamn thing in the game, but oh so sweet when you beat him.

I beat Faust. But I mean, I didn't even know he existed without a guide, so I was significantly more prep'd for him. Though at this point I don't remember what my party was at all. All I know is legend casque, and that he counters with stupid strong magic.

EDIT-And I also think he was like the last thing I did before disc 4, even though I just looked at a guide and it looks like you can fight him much earlier.

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Oh, Lloyd was tough. But I know I didn't lose to him.

I beat Faust. But I mean, I didn't even know he existed without a guide, so I was significantly more prep'd for him. Though at this point I don't remember what my party was at all. All I know is legend casque, and that he counters with stupid strong magic.

EDIT-And I also think he was like the last thing I did before disc 4, even though I just looked at a guide and it looks like you can fight him much earlier.

WRT Faust, you'd need the Vanishing Stone to be able to fight him, which you can't get without finding all 50 Statdust.

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Actually, it's the one on the right. Though you have to kill one of the others to even do any significant damage first.Indeed. Though IIRC, even when you're in dragoon form, Lenus can still make a big dent on your points with her magic. Didn't mention Faust because he's optional (and because I never got to face him).Yeah. The Divine Dragon Spirit, on the other hand... ugh.

The one on the right? Ohh yeah? Ok. I couldnt remember. Its been awhile since i pounded Lavos. lol!

Oh yeah, Lenus can spam you pretty hard even in dragoon form in the first fight. You just somehow, gotta be quicker than her.

Oh, Lloyd was tough. But I know I didn't lose to him.I beat Faust. But I mean, I didn't even know he existed without a guide, so I was significantly more prep'd for him. Though at this point I don't remember what my party was at all. All I know is legend casque, and that he counters with stupid strong magic.EDIT-And I also think he was like the last thing I did before disc 4, even though I just looked at a guide and it looks like you can fight him much earlier.

You cant because you need all the stardust to get to Faust and the last one is on disk 4. Hes balls hard though. Hes super fast and his magic decimates. Ive fought him numerous times but nearly every time i do beat him, theres usually only one character left standing. The one with the Legend Casque. lawl.

Lloyd...if you have the Talisman item and equip it on Dart or someone, staying in Dragoon form isnt a problem. The Dragon Buster move Lloyd uses wont kill with that item on. But...hes still tricksome.

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You cant because you need all the stardust to get to Faust and the last one is on disk 4. Hes balls hard though. Hes super fast and his magic decimates. Ive fought him numerous times but nearly every time i do beat him, theres usually only one character left standing. The one with the Legend Casque. lawl.

Ahahaha Damn, it's been so long since I played LoD, I got confused and thought that the disc 3/4 split was at the divine tree, rather than after 1st trip to Vellweb.

So that should give a better marker for when I actually fought Faust.

EDIT: At least Lloyd is easier as a divine dragoon than he is as a human in the tournament.

Still so pissed that he couldn't win that tournament.

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I propose "Aztec Falcon" from "Mega Man Zero".

He blocks most of your ranged attacks and has a hitbox that hurts you but can't be hurt himself, rendering melee useless. And even so, he could rush towards you any time anyway. It just isn't worth it.

You could cling to the wall to play it save but for one thing you will have trouble coming back down since he will keep attacking and... there is a time limit. You just can't play it save with this guy.

As I said melee will hut you too much. And as if it wasn't difficult already to kill this guy with nothing but ranged scratch damage, if you try shooting he will shoot at you as well, with the difference that his big gun blocks your projectiles and his projectiles will stick to the walls to limit your dodging abilities. And the bullets are lengthy and the stage is smaller then usual.

And he has a magnet that pulls you towards him. It's not strong to overcome your dashing speed but the magnet also cannot be bypassed by bullets and if you melee, you can't avoid touching him. It's just to drain the last bit of time you might have left,

And the worst thing is: You fight this guy before the main game even starts. He is in the second prologue stage before the series iconic level select. Hence why he also doesn't appear in the series' usual boss rush at the end.

I don't even mean that this guy is difficult for appearing so early. Even after playing so many Mega Man games, I will always grind to get the charged attack before facing this guy. Yeah, he is so difficult, I still rather waste like 10 minutes of less then two hours of playtime on killing the same couple of enemies over and over and over.

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Speaking of hard early bosses, there's Tales of Vesperia's Gattuso. I can't remember too much of the specifics, but he's really hard. And there's the last boss... His first two forms aren't too bad, but...

If you get all the Fell Arms, he gets a third form that's insanely hard (17 levels or so higher than his second, and much stronger to boot!). And while he retains Big Bang from his second form (which blasts everyone's HP down to 1), his new MA can only be described as killer. Brave Vesperia is a combination of the party's Mystic Artes, which means you're screwed (read; at least one of your party's a goner). And the worst part? It also heals him for a significant chunk of life; a real dick move if there ever was one.

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Omega Zero, Megaman ZX. That is all.

He is stunned only for a very brief time if you get to hit him, he doesn't stop moving, he can kill you with three or four hits, he is insanely fast and his attacks are hard to dodge and he can attack from affar. By the way, he's got three lifebars and recovers his health considerably while invulnerable to attacks at the same time. The boss room is really short and there are no walls, which means you'll have to jump and dodge him in order to escape from his mad Leeroy Jenkins rush. Good luck beating him.

I propose "Aztec Falcon" from "Mega Man Zero".

He blocks most of your ranged attacks and has a hitbox that hurts you but can't be hurt himself, rendering melee useless. And even so, he could rush towards you any time anyway. It just isn't worth it.

You could cling to the wall to play it save but for one thing you will have trouble coming back down since he will keep attacking and... there is a time limit. You just can't play it save with this guy.

As I said melee will hut you too much. And as if it wasn't difficult already to kill this guy with nothing but ranged scratch damage, if you try shooting he will shoot at you as well, with the difference that his big gun blocks your projectiles and his projectiles will stick to the walls to limit your dodging abilities. And the bullets are lengthy and the stage is smaller then usual.

And he has a magnet that pulls you towards him. It's not strong to overcome your dashing speed but the magnet also cannot be bypassed by bullets and if you melee, you can't avoid touching him. It's just to drain the last bit of time you might have left,

And the worst thing is: You fight this guy before the main game even starts. He is in the second prologue stage before the series iconic level select. Hence why he also doesn't appear in the series' usual boss rush at the end.

I don't even mean that this guy is difficult for appearing so early. Even after playing so many Mega Man games, I will always grind to get the charged attack before facing this guy. Yeah, he is so difficult, I still rather waste like 10 minutes of less then two hours of playtime on killing the same couple of enemies over and over and over.

This, too. It's an absurd to have the most difficult boss fight right on the start of the game. I mean, if he isn't the hardest, then he is one of them. At least your skills are on the maximum level when you get to fight the Final Boss.

The trick to beat him is to let him climb the wall, then stay right beside him and hack away. You'll take damage but he'll be done for quickly... If you don't die first. Well, you won't get a good ranking with this strategy, but it's efficient at least.

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Ancient Slime, followed by Gades, round1, in Lufia 2.

Ridiculousness. Well, Gades by grinding is handlable.

Gades round 1 is ridiculous, but Gades round 2 isn't much better...

Hard early bosses? Spikey Tiger from Secret of Mana! I choose you!

I knew that one would be mentioned eventually, with the fact that he likes going to the sides, where you can only get at him with ranged weapons.

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Hard early bosses? Spikey Tiger from Secret of Mana! I choose you!



that guy...


EDIT-Also ever since my second run of SoM, I've made sure not to die against the mantis ant XD

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Super Mario Galaxy - Daredevil Bouldergheist.

I never really had any trouble with any boss that I can remember, but now that I fought Lavos(from Chrono Trigger in his Human form) I would say he would be my first.

If I have trouble I usually come up with a strategy right away and it almost always works.

Omega Zero, Megaman ZX. That is all.

He is stunned only for a very brief time if you get to hit him, he doesn't stop moving, he can kill you with three or four hits, he is insanely fast and his attacks are hard to dodge and he can attack from affar. By the way, he's got three lifebars and recovers his health considerably while invulnerable to attacks at the same time. The boss room is really short and there are no walls, which means you'll have to jump and dodge him in order to escape from his mad Leeroy Jenkins rush. Good luck beating him.

This, too. It's an absurd to have the most difficult boss fight right on the start of the game. I mean, if he isn't the hardest, then he is one of them. At least your skills are on the maximum level when you get to fight the Final Boss.

The trick to beat him is to let him climb the wall, then stay right beside him and hack away. You'll take damage but he'll be done for quickly... If you don't die first. Well, you won't get a good ranking with this strategy, but it's efficient at least.

All of those bosses are jokes.

Anyway, that never happened to me.

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All of those bosses are jokes.

Anyway, that never happened to me.


Ahem. . .

Completely forgot about Hanekoma.

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You aren't very funny.

It was a statement of fact not humor.

Didn't think he was hard

But I didn't do like crazy MAX DIFFICULTY LEVEL 1 or something like that

I cheesed my way through Easy, and decided that it wasn't worth the headache for the pin. Then again, I'm not that great at that game, because certain mobs in Another Day kill me if I'm not paying attention.

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