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Ana's Updated Sprites


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Is this a bad thing? Or are you just pointing that out for the heck of it? xP

Yes becuase the current shape doesn't look good. It looking like something doesn't matter if the path itself still looks good enough.

For one, its nearly 100% symmetrical. So just edit it a little and it should be good.

Edited by Feawture
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Oh, that. I thought you were talking about the bird-shaped path. xP

...OH. Wait, that also looks like a bird. I was looking at a different path that I thought looked like a bird's head. Stupid me.

Edited by Anacybele
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Mkay, is this better? I also changed up some of the locations of some trees and hills. I also replaced that bit of trees at the top so Ike wouldn't be sitting in it when I re-add units.


You know, I kinda can't wait to make the chapter maps that have a bunch more allied units. :D

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Not to be a prick, but could you please add your stuff as you create more sprites/maps, to the OP as well? I'd like to see what new stuff you're creating, but not sift through 14 pages to find that new Ikelincia offspring that I forgot what page it was on.

~~Just a harmless suggestion~~

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Mkay, I added the version of the map with units to the OP.

I also edited the Fighter sprite to look more like the ones in RD (I'll update the chapter 3 map with the this sprite as well). I like them way better than the GBA versions. They don't look so retarded and actually wear some armor. Really, PoR and RD just have the best character and unit designs by far.

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Well, from now on, if there does turn out to be any little issues that absolutely should be fixed, I'm saving my maps as psd files in GIMP, so once I update them, instead of adding units all over again, I swap out the old map layers for the new ones. Much easier and much quicker. I also won't need to show blank maps all the time because of this.

Unless you all would prefer that I post blank maps first, of course. xP

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personally i'd rather see the blank map because enemy placement is the kind of thing where you actually have to play the map before it starts making sense and IMO that's kind of out of the scope of a sprite thread

but what do i know

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okay yeah I'm done.


literally took a color from Ike's FE10 mug for the middle hair tone and went from there. Derped on the cape cause Roy's is just ugly. I brightened the red a bit, but kept the undertone down to keep from OW MY EYES. But yeah. There's something of a ref. Have fun~

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okay yeah I'm done.


literally took a color from Ike's FE10 mug for the middle hair tone and went from there. Derped on the cape cause Roy's is just ugly. I brightened the red a bit, but kept the undertone down to keep from OW MY EYES. But yeah. There's something of a ref. Have fun~

Cape looks fine, but now the headband looks really weird. In fact, I couldn't even tell it WAS a headband at first. I also don't think he looks 17 anymore. Again, he looks 15 in your version. Not to mention the shape of those eyes make him look too content. He's supposed to have that serious look like Ike always has. Also, what's with the random blobs of shading on the collar?

Thanks, but no thanks. Also, I had no intention of messing with this mug any further anyway. At least not right now.

Oh, and to be honest, I really don't like people messing with my mugs, even if it's just for references.

Edited by Anacybele
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