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Ana's Updated Sprites


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And I did change Wolt's face. I didn't leave it exactly the way it was.

And you didn't change it enough.

"I did change it. Can't you notice?"



... doesn't cut it.

Wolt's features need to be changed a bit to show proper aging without squinting.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Well, I'm not sure what to do about it then.

Using HoneyBADGER's reference, I made some edits.


Fixed some shading, changed the cape color to something from Eleanora, and used Hector's hair color. I actually do think this does look better now.

Edited by Anacybele
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"Oh my god. Your sprites are awful and you should go crawl into a hole and die." <--- An example of a troll post. No help whatsoever, simply designed to either hurt your feelings or be a dick.

HOWEVAH! Some people mix in things like that with good, solid help. I'm newer here, so I can't be certain, but the people who are considered good have been at this for a long, long time. They're jaded, sadistic blunt fucks because years of taking critique and giving it has stripped them of their desire to be elegant and/or kind. A good post mixed with 'troll' is an expert's attempt to entertain themselves and help you at the same time. That, or they're just being jerks and such. But you know what? I'm an optimist, so I'll take option one.

I'm kind of reminded of my own mindset a while back. I seem to be seeing that your idea of critique is something like a step-by-step guide, almost like you're using a how-to-draw book. That isn't what critique is. They're drawing your attention to problems, and then you're supposed to take the initiative, and mess around with the problem. There's a different way to solve each sprite's problems, and if you tell someone to tell you exactly what pixel and what color to use in each place, it gets old, really fast.

Even if you don't see the problems, try to change something, and if you do, change something that someone mentioned. Maybe you'll get it right, and then people will say, "Hey, it's better, now try this:". Then try to change something with that. Eventually, through trial and error, if nothing else, you'll make a sprite that people are willing to accept as mediocre/good. Besides, even if you change the wrong thing, at least people will know you're trying.

I'm not the most experienced spriter on SF, and so much of what I say is possibly wrong, and wrong to the extreme. Despite that, I suddenly felt the urge to type a long post on something or other, and here it is. Thank you, and take the fucking critique like a (wo)man have a nice day.

And look, you're starting to understand that. Even if you change something wrong, at least you're changing it.

Edited by Mercenary Lord
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No problem. I needed to write something like that for my own sanity.

But, remember, if you happen to START seeing what other people are talking about as you derp around, try to fix what they mention.

Now that that's done, it;s fucking shower time, adios.

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paths and cliffs are much better

the mountains are still kind of off

it's like

they're too continuous

like, break them off and make a new peak or something

i dunno maybe someone else can explain it

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That's the right idea. Here's a few things to point out though:


Red: The tiles are cut off in one form or another. Like for the very top one, there's a tile that has the green mountains but also a little bit of the shaded peak in the bottom left to transition between the two.

Black: Awkward and doesn't line up correctly or is really jarring.

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that is slightly better although that's a different issue than i was referring to


notice how i can draw an unbroken line down basically all of the peaks

i can't actually think of a better example (too tired) but imo that looks bad and a bit unnatural

Edited by CT075
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that is slightly better although that's a different issue than i was referring to


notice how i can draw an unbroken line down basically all of the peaks

i can't actually think of a better example (too tired) but imo that looks bad and a bit unnatural

OH, that. I see now. Yeah, that is kinda continuous. I'll see what I can do.

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I like your update, but it's still a little too zig-zaggy. I'd say remove one strip of cliffs, and make a few of them a few tiles shorter?

Also that path in the north-west looks like a bird.

Edited by Feawture
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 I like your update, but it's still a little too zig-zaggy. I'd say remove one strip of cliffs, and make a few of them a few tiles shorter?

I don't know. It might leave the path not winding enough when it's supposed to be a winding path.

Also that path in the north-west looks like a bird.

Is this a bad thing? Or are you just pointing that out for the heck of it? xP

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I don't know. It might leave the path not winding enough when it's supposed to be a winding path.

You could try adding different varieties of winding, instead of the back and forth pattern you've got going on. Then you might be able to remove one of the strips while still having it wind.

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