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Whats the worst video game ending you've seen?

Gold Vanguard

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After all those, hours, after all that grinding, after all that hard time spent, you beat the game. You were then treated to a ending. Some made all your hard work worth it while others, others make you think 'Well WTF" at the ending. Now tell me, whats the worst ending youe ever seen in a video game?

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Metal Gear Solid 4. Love the game, hate the fact that it took 2 hours for the ending to finish. I mean, look, long endings aren't necessarily bad (most of the games I like have endings of 30 minutes or longer), and I really hate games whose ending is just a quick aside (I'm looking at you, Operation Raccoon City), but the worst are the games that have long endings that are a pain to watch through, and that could have been cut dramatically if someone took the time to edit the script. Metal Gear Solid 4 is the reigning king of the trope.

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whoo boy

YGO: WC2011

- Its story followed loosely that of the anime except the big bad behind the "final boss" of the game was not included.


- SO I just ruined the hopes and dreams of everyone else? Roll the credits,


- K guyz I'm done with the adventure, bye.

Ultima 9

- Shitty game that ends with the big bad losing because he took an inter-dimensional trip to the toilet while the good guy sets up a fatal trap in his living room.

KH: 358?/2 days

- If they removed the last clip the ending would be perfect. Now its ending just raises million and one questions to the ones like me who have no earlier knowledge of KH Fluff, only to serve as minute long flashback to KH 2 for fans.

Every color-coded pkmn game ever made.

- You finally become the pkmn champion and you just skip the title and hit the road just to roam the land until you decide to arrive on top of a snowy mountain and stand really still? BULLSHIT

FFX-2 (the secret ending)

- Tidus comes back.


- What final battle? Wait till the next game asshole!


- Killing of the best man in the game? Fuck you!

Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood

- Most books and movies do not tell of the dance party they had in the Sherwood forest after beating the evil prince.

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Final Fantasy XIII

They fight Cid, he turns into crystal and dies, and then at the end he gets brought back so his friends can shoot him again to start a rebellion? What? And that's not even the most horribly confusing part. I was dealing with the story even though it wasn't the greatest, but then... ugh... I absolutely think it is one of the worst endings I've ever suffered through in a game. This game has zero payoff. I wish I had never played it.

Pretty much all Elder Scrolls games have terrible endings, and Skyrim was no exception. Dragons fly around and congratulate you. Sort of. No one really seems to care. Yay?

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn resolves absolutely zero parts of the plot I actually cared about, leaving a huge dangling question mark without actually promising a sequel. They then went off to make Mario Tennis Open. This game simply isn't finished and I want to know what the hell happened despite all the pitfalls the game grows through by giving every party member a line when something happens.

NieR just deletes all of your save files if you get the final ending. If that's not a terrible thing, I don't know what is.

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Final Fantasy XIII

They fight Cid, he turns into crystal and dies, and then at the end he gets brought back so his friends can shoot him again to start a rebellion? What? And that's not even the most horribly confusing part. I was dealing with the story even though it wasn't the greatest, but then... ugh... I absolutely think it is one of the worst endings I've ever suffered through in a game. This game has zero payoff. I wish I had never played it.

Pretty much all Elder Scrolls games have terrible endings, and Skyrim was no exception. Dragons fly around and congratulate you. Sort of. No one really seems to care. Yay?

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn resolves absolutely zero parts of the plot I actually cared about, leaving a huge dangling question mark without actually promising a sequel. They then went off to make Mario Tennis Open. This game simply isn't finished and I want to know what the hell happened despite all the pitfalls the game grows through by giving every party member a line when something happens.

NieR just deletes all of your save files if you get the final ending. If that's not a terrible thing, I don't know what is.

To be fair, Elder Scrolls were based off of medieval times, and the endings were fitting. You were granted some kind of title and usually given a fief (land). Hmm, worst ending is really difficult, can't come up with any off the top of my head... Maybe Summon Craft, I think it was called. Nothing really happened at end.

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To be fair, Elder Scrolls were based off of medieval times, and the endings were fitting. You were granted some kind of title and usually given a fief (land). Hmm, worst ending is really difficult, can't come up with any off the top of my head... Maybe Summon Craft, I think it was called. Nothing really happened at end.

I dunno, man. I went to the afterlife of the Nords and killed an ancient dragon who wanted to destroy the world (in a battle that was actually no different from fighting any other dragon), come back, and absolutely no one is there to say anything about it except other dragons. You get to summon a dragon ally, but that's it. They don't even give you a title or any land parcels, because you have to earn Thanedom through other quests. And once that's over with, the dragons fly away, and um... nothing has changed. Your great deeds are basically jack all in the end game, because it would be too much to program a reaction from anyone but the guards. Your accomplishments as Dragonborn don't mean anything more than any other quest you embark on in the game, except they don't even give you your own house. You still gotta buy one. You don't even get a discount.

Edited by Samias
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Probably Dark Cloud 2. Why?

I go through 40+ hours of amazing RPG gameplay, loveable characters, GEORAMA and a beautiful story for what?

The big bad guy who blows up the world TRAVELING THROUGH TIME is a freakin' bunny. Who isn't even the end boss.

ITS SOME RANDOM DARK SHADOW GUY. Named Dark Element. We get it. He's dark. Where the fuck did he come from?

I wanted to beat the shit out of Lord Griffin, not Link's a shadow monster.

And to top it all off, you beat him, and then NOTHING HAPPENS.

Max's mom goes back to the future. Monica just waves and leaves too. cry.gif Why Monica, why? I mean c'mon, Max doesn't get any?

It's sad considering it's one of my favorite RPGs.

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Golden Sun: Dark Dawn resolves absolutely zero parts of the plot I actually cared about, leaving a huge dangling question mark without actually promising a sequel. They then went off to make Mario Tennis Open. This game simply isn't finished and I want to know what the hell happened despite all the pitfalls the game grows through by giving every party member a line when something happens.

They did the same with the first game. Maybe it's the series' "thing".

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but for me it would have to be Xenogears

I actually liked that ending. Of course, im a Krelian fan....*shifty eyes*

I think Chrono Cross was one of the most disappointing endings. (even the Good Ending) because while it did explain junk, it was kinda rushed and tacked on. Made me sad.

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They did the same with the first game. Maybe it's the series' "thing".

Honestly though, I didn't feel much of a sense of disappointment with Golden Sun 1, mostly because GS1 was focused around the same basic thing as GS2 (rescuing Vale people, beating Saturos and Menardi, stopping lighthouses from being lit).

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World of Warcraft because it doesn't end

Okay but really, probably FFXIII as Samias said. I didn't beat that game because I read ahead after I realized where the game was going, and it went exactly where I expected. I guess Resident Evil 5 seemed a bit lame to me as well. PUNCH THE ROCK, then the whole final thing where you shoot him and are surrounded by lava and it just seemed too easy after how badass Wesker has been throughout the games. :\

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I don't really think too much about video game ending since they're usually only the tiniest fraction of the overall experience and all I get is an "Okay, cool." sort of reaction or something.

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I actually liked that ending. Of course, im a Krelian fan....*shifty eyes*

I think Chrono Cross was one of the most disappointing endings. (even the Good Ending) because while it did explain junk, it was kinda rushed and tacked on. Made me sad.

ah fuck i forgot Chrono Cross, granted i think i enjoyed that more then Xenogears but the endings were alot worse imo.

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Baten Kaitos almost had the best game ending. . .then that final stupid clip happened, and I facepalmed.

I'm not sure why people are complaining about FFXIII's ending, because I felt FFXIII-2 was a bigger troll.

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