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Your favorite character of each class?


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Randomly thought of this while doing stuff. xP

Who is your favorite character of each class in Fire Emblem? This could be your favorite to use or favorite personality-wise or whatever.

Lord: Ike, obviously. I don't think I'll love any video game character more than him. <3

Lance Knight/Blade Knight/Axe Knight/Bow Knight/Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin/Gold Knight/Silver Knight: Kieran, definitely. He's my second favorite FE character after Ike. I love him to bits too! Oscar and Sain are close seconds for this class group though. They're also totally lovable. <3

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Zihark. :D Joshua's pretty cool too though.

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Boyd, definitely!

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Hmmm... Aran, I guess. I thought his relationship with Laura was cute.

Mercenary/Hero: Ike, again! Hey, he's a Hero in RD, remember? XD Oh, and in Awakening too.

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: Not counting Elincia, Marcia, with Fiora as a close second. Otherwise, Elincia! :)

Wyvern Rider/Dracoknight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord: Haar. Cause he's lolzy.

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Shinon, definitely. Wil is pretty cool though.

Knight/Armor Sword/Armor Axe/Armor Lance/General/Marshall: Gatrie. Yeah, that guy's a beast.

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Eh, I dunno. I'm not all that fond of magic users. Erk, I guess, for how humorous he is around Serra. lol

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Rhys. He's weak, but tough at the same time, because he can actually kick more butt than it seems at first glance. I like that.

Cleric/Troubador/Valkyrie: Eh, not many choices here for me. I guess Mist. *shrug*

Thief/Rogue/Whisper/Assassin: Leila. I hate that Jaffar killed her.

Beast laguz: Ranulf! I love him to bits. <3

Bird laguz: Tibarn, definitely. He's badass.

Dragon laguz: Kurthnaga. I like how he's so much more open-minded than Dheginsea.

I left out Nomad/Nomadic Trooper because the only one of them that I really know is Rath. xP

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This is hard for me because all of my favorites tend to be gathered in a few classes, not spread out.

Lord: Lucina

Pallies: Titania/Sirius

Myrms: Athena

Axe dudes: Echidna

Lance dudes: Nephenee, I guess

Mercs: Flavia

Pegs: Shiida/Tiamo/Manith

Wyverns: Miledy

Archers: Innes

Knight: Zelgius

Mage: Pent

Foot healers: uh Rhys I guess

Monks: Libera

Troubs: Mariabel

Thieves: Anna

Dragons: Nagi

Beasts: Chambray

Birds: Reyson (Naesala is a close second though)

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Lord: I'm going to have to say Ike or Hector. They make me laugh more than the usual lords.

Lance Knight/Blade Knight/Axe Knight/Bow Knight/Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin/Gold Knight/Silver Knight: I like Forde! Working on art in the midst of battle....

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Gotta love Stefan. It's like he learned manners from a manual or something.

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Buyd

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Hmmmm I don't use many of them.... I'll go with Devdan. He is a friend of young people everywhere after all.

Mercenary/Hero: Harken is adorable. Even with his emo.

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: I'll have to say Sheeda. I mean she recruits almost everyone for you.

Wyvern Rider/Dracoknight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord: I've always loved Cormag. And he saves the little kitties.

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Gordin! While I don't actually use him in the game, I love him in the OVA

Knight/Armor Sword/Armor Axe/Armor Lance/General/Marshall: Oh Gatrie, sometimes I believe that you would marry that tree wearing a skirt.

Mage/Sage/Archsage: SOREN I LOVE YOU

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Rhys is adorable. I always want to pat him on the head.

Cleric/Troubador/Valkyrie: L'Arachel is always a laugh

Thief/Rogue/Whisper/Assassin: I love the fact that Nergal just screams "JAFFAR!" and Jaffar just falls from the ceiling. He probably lives up there like a bat.

Beast laguz: Ranulf! Such a sweet kitteh!

Bird laguz: I warmed up to Naesala in FE10. Though Ulki is fun too.

Dragon laguz:I fell in love with Rajaion before I found out who he was. He's not a unit, but does he count?

Nomad/Nomadic Trooper: I still love you Rath!

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Lord: Ike

Lance Knight/Blade Knight/Axe Knight/Bow Knight/Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin/Gold Knight/Silver Knight: Titania.

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Edward.

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Nolan.

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Nephenee.

Mercenary/Hero: Ike, I guess...

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: Elincia if she counts, otherwise I don't have one.

Wyvern Rider/Dracoknight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord: Jill.

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Shinon.

Knight/Armor Sword/Armor Axe/Armor Lance/General/Marshall: Gatrie.

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Pelleas.

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Laura.

Cleric/Troubador/Valkyrie: Mist.

Thief/Rogue/Whisper/Assassin: Volke.

Beast laguz: Nailah.

Bird laguz: Vika.

Dragon laguz: Kurthnaga.

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Lord: Ephraim (FE8), Sigurd (FE4)

Cavalier/Paladin: Sain (FE7)

Lance Knight/Duke Knight: Fin (FE4/FE5)

Axe Knight/Great Knight: Lex (FE4)

Bow Knight/Arch Knight: Lester (FE4)

Archer/Sniper: Wil (FE7)

Hunter/Horseman: Castor (FE1/3/11/12)

Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight: Palla (FE1/FE3/FE11/FE12), Phee (FE4), Tate (FE6), Fiora (FE7), Vanessa (FE8), Marcia (FE9/10), Sumia (FE13)

Fighter/Warrior: Boyd (FE9/10)

Mage/Sage: Pent (FE7), Lute (FE8)

Cleric/Bishop/High Priest: Lena (FE1/3/11/12), Lana (FE4)

Nomad/Nomadic Trooper: Shin (FE6)

Thief/Thief Fighter/Rogue/Assassin: Patty (FE4)

Monk/Bishop/Sage: Julia/Yuria (FE4), Lucius (FE7)

Dancer/Bard: Sylvia (FE4), Ninian (FE7)

Knight/General: Oswin (FE7)

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Rutger (FE6), Karel (FE6/FE7)

Troubadour/Valkyrie: Priscilla (FE7), L'Arachel (FE8)

Mercenary/Swordfighter/Hero: Machua (FE5), Gerik (FE8)

Shaman/Druid/Loputo Mage: Salem (FE5), Canas (FE7)

(Gogogo Journeyman) Pirate/Berserker: Ross (FE8)

Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord: Heath (FE7)

Priest/Bishop/High Priest: Saul (FE6)

Free Knight/Forrest Knight: Fergus (FE5)

Soldier/Halberdier: Nephenee (FE9/10)

Laguz: Janaff (FE9/10), Lethe (FE9/FE10)

Bard/Sage: Homer (FE5)

Manakete: Tiki (FE1/3/11/12), Myrrh (FE8)

I probably forgot a few, but I was thinking of the GBA FEs and the SNES ones, mainly.

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Lord: Sigurd

Lance Knight/Blade Knight/Axe Knight/Bow Knight/Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin/Gold Knight/Silver Knight: Seth / Marcus

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Lakche / Ayra / Rutger

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Geitz

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Not really fond of any of the playable ones.

Mercenary/Hero: Echidna

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: Farina

Wyvern Rider/Dracoknight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord: Miledy / Vaida / Haar

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Igrene

Knight/Armor Sword/Armor Axe/Armor Lance/General/Marshall: Gatrie

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Pent / Sety

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Lucius

Cleric/Troubador/Valkyrie: Clarine

Thief/Rogue/Whisper/Assassin: Pahn

Pirate/Brigand/Zerk: Hawkeye

Beast laguz: Nailah.

Bird laguz: Tibarn

Dragon laguz: Didn't use

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Lord: Hector. Ike is a close second, but close only counts in grenades and horseshoes.

Myrmidon: Edward. He's cool! And my friend noted that he's a bit like Genesis from Final Fantasy when he's promoted.

Soldier: Oh, Nephenee, how I adore you~

Fighter: Well... Nolan. I would say Ross, but he's a Pirate. ...*cue Pirates of the Caribbean theme* >_>

Mercenary: Gerik. Gerik is a butt-kicker. ...Actually, I don't know why, but I think Caellach's cool too, mainly for his personality and the bit of background he has. Not as a unit, though.

Knight: Honestly... uh... I'm gonna say Black Knight/Zelgius. As a normal person, probably Gatrie.

Pirate/Brigand/Berserker: Ross, man. Ross.

Cavalier: I like Titania. C: Not so much in Path of Radiance, but still.

Pegasus Knight: ...Umm... Hmm. Fiora. She looks like Nephenee? XP; I don't care for Pegasus Knights.

Dracoknight: Cormag... his whole "rawr I avenge my brother" thing is awesome. Haar's the Black Knight on a dragon, though. >w<

Archer: Shinon's cool. What's the problem?

Thief: ...Volke XD Thieves are kinda ehh other than thieving.

Cleric/Troubadour: L'Arachel is amazing. Enough said. Since she can generally cap her speed and luck, she'll steamroll through Lagdou until Floor 10 even without a bunch of stat boosters.

Mage: Well, I'm partial to Soren, I guess. As a unit, he's great.

Shaman: This is hard. It's between Pelleas and Lyon. Technically Lyon's his own class, so... Pelleas. I like his story, and him as a unit...


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Lord: Roy. I thought he was pretty cool. He could have had a better personality and better stats but whatever.

Cavalier/Paladin: Lex because he is a badass.

Armored Knight/General: Gatrie because he's fast for an armor and he's pretty cool.

Soldier: Aran. Not too many options here, but he's cool.

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Edward. He kinda matches my personality. A nice change from the Navarre archtype.

Mage/Sage: Lute. Funny as hell, isn't afraid of spiders, and burns monsters with love. Triple win.

Shaman/Druid: Ray. I don't really like Lugh at all. Ray has a better personality.

Archer/Sniper: Jamka. Bandannas are a necessity.

Theif/Assassin: Volke, only if I don't have to pay him to keep him on my faves list.

Pegasus Knight: Catria and Shiida. Both are awesome.

Wyvern Knight: Cormag. I always let him get his revenge on Valter. Minerva and Miledy deserve mentioning as well.

Pirate/Brigand/Berzerker: Gonzales :Gonzales: is :awesome:

Fighter/Warrior: Barst. He usually turns out better than Bord and Cord.

Mercenary/Hero: Echidna. Pretty good for a pre promote and a women

Cleric/Monk/Bishop: Saul. The only funny priest if I can remember correctly.

Princess/Troubadour/Valkyrie: Lachesis. She is awesome when promoted to Master Knight.

Ranger/Trooper: Sue and Shin are both great. I actually don't care for Rath though... not sure why.

Dancer/Bard: Elphin because of his theme and since I don't like any other bards/dancers

Manakete/Dragon Laguz: Fa is da best!

Bird Laguz: Vika, even though I don't really use her. Too bad she didn't get a lot of screen time.

Beast Laguz: Volug. I like wolves more than the other beasts.

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Lord: Hector. Totes! Hes the bawmb!

Lance Knight/Blade Knight/Axe Knight/Bow Knight/Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin/Gold Knight/Silver Knight: (hey RanRan, next time just say Paladin. :P:) Uhhh...toss up really. Seth and Oscar are actually fighting for the favorite spot here. Sain coming in quick behind them. Lowen is awesomesauce. I also do love Lance, Fiona (shaddup!), Astrid and Isadora.

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Squishua! Zihark and Rutger get special mention.

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Yeah.......Boyd.

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Nephenee. Not her biggest fan but shes the best one out of the lot.

Mercenary/Hero: Gerik with a side order of Raven and a Dieck gravy.

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: Dude...do you even have to ask? Its all about Florina! Marcia rocks my face too. Tanith <3

Wyvern Rider/Dracoknight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord: Heath and Jill.

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Shinon.

Knight/Armor Sword/Armor Axe/Armor Lance/General/Marshall: Oswin, Oswin, rhymes with win.

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Soren. And Pent. Ohh yeah!

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Serra and Lucius! fuck yeah!

Cleric/Troubador/Valkyrie: L'Arachel and Priscilla.

Thief/Rogue/Whisper/Assassin: Heather.

Beast laguz: Volug. Dem abs.

Bird laguz: Naesala. Im down! Nealuchi gets special mention.

Dragon laguz: Rajaion. (Myrrh isnt a laguz but manakete works too. I like her a lot!)

Ranger/Trooper: Rath Rath, rhymes with bloodbath!

EDIT to add a couple of classes:

Zerker/Pirate: Gonzales even though i couldnt get him to work. But hes so awesome anyway! Dart gets seconds.

Dancer/refresher: Ninian and Reyson. Reyson can quad! Ninian has rings of win.

Dark Magic user: Pelleas and some Canas monocle action.

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Lord: FE9!Ike

Cavalier/Paladin: Oscar and/or Kieran (FE9/10)

Archer/Sniper: Innes (FE8)

Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight: Marcia (FE9/10)

Fighter/Warrior: Boyd (FE9/10)

Mage/Sage: Tormod (FE9/10)

Cleric/Priest/Bishop: Rhys (FE9/10) or Natasha (FE8)

Nomad/Nomadic Trooper: Rath (FE7)

Thief/Rogue: Sothe (FE9/10)

Monk/Bishop: Artur (FE8)

Dancer/Bard/Heron: Reyson (FE9/10)

Knight/General: FE10!Gatrie

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Guy (FE7)

Troubadour/Valkyrie: L'Arachel (FE8)

Mercenary/Hero: Gerik (FE8)

Shaman/Druid: Canas (FE7)

Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord: Heath (FE7)

Laguz (not counting herons): Janaff (FE9/10)

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Lord: Gotta be Ike

Cavalier/Paladin: Hmm... Oscar

Knight/General: Gatrie

Great Knight: Frederick

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Probably either Ronku or Stefan

Thief/Assassin: Volke

Brigand/Pirate/Berserker: Hawkeye

Fighter/Warrior: Boyd

Mercenary/Hero: Gerik

Archer/Sniper: Shinon

Mounted Archer: Rath

Pegasus/Falcoknight: Tiamo

Dracoknight/Dragonmaster/Wyvern: Cormag or Haar or Serge

Shaman/Druid/Dark Mage/Sorcerer: Sariya or Henry

Mage/Sage: I really like Sety and Pent...

Priest/Cleric/Monk/Equivalent: Rhys

Troubadour/Valkyrie: Mist or L'Arachel

Dancer/Heron: Reyson

Soldier (lol): Nephenee

Bird Laguz: Tibarn

Beast Laguz: Muarim

Manakete/Dragon Laguz: Tiki (FE13)

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Lord: Lyn and Eirika

Cavaliers/Paladins: Astrid, Roshea and Vyland

Myrimidons/Swordmasters: Mia

Fighters/Warriors: Garcia

Soldiers/Halberdiers: Nephenee

Mercenary/Heroes: Harken

Pegasus Knights/Falcoknights: Caeda and Florina

Wyvern Knights: Cormag

Archers/Snipers: Rebecca

Nomad/Nomadic Trooper: Sue

Knights/Generals: Oswin

Mage/Sage: Nino, Ilyana, and Lilina

Shaman/Druid: Canas

Cleric/Priest: Serra and Lena

Monks/Bishops: Artur

Troubadours/Valkyries: Priscilla and L'Arachel

Thieves/Assassins: Legault or Colm

Dancer/Bard: Ninian

Dragons: Myrrh

Beasts: Mordecai

Birds: Leanne

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Lord: Lyn, though Hector, Ike, and Sigurd aren't too far behind, and Krom and Lucina are definitely growing on me despite not playing their game. Micaiah's growing on me too, due to me playing FE10 more often.

Cavalier/Paladin: Sain, Kent, Oscar, Kieran, Duessel, Lex, Beowulf, Cuan, Oifey, and Alex.

Armor Knight/General: Meh, don't really care for most of them. But if I had to pick one, Oswin. He's one of the best ones aside from FE10 Gatrie anyway. The rest are either meh or crappy.

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Shanan, though Joshua and Ayra aren't too far behind.

Fighter/Warrior: Garcia and Bartre.

Soldier/Halberdier: Nephenee mainly because she's the best one, period.

Pegasus Knight: Definitely Caeda due to the Wing Spear. Fiora, Farina, Marcia, Tanith, Fury, and Fee, are close though. And I'll just include Elincia right over here while I'm at it.

Dracoknight/Dragonmaster: Jill, Haar, and Heath

Thieves: Matthew and Legault, despite not being the best ones out there.

Pirate/Bandit/Berserker: Dart, for reasons listed above. There's also Gonzales as well.

Mercenary/Hero: Holyn, Gerik, Deke, Ike, and Ogma

Archer/Sniper: Faval, Bridget, and Jamuka, due to reasons similar to Armor Knights.

Mounted Archer: Astrid, Midir, and Lester.

Mage/Sage: Levin, Arthur, and Sety. Also Pent. And Lilina, despite her being nowhere near their caliber.

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Similar: Lucius, Micaiah, Sephiran, and Julia.

Dark Mage/Sorcerer: Canas and Pelleas, though Sariya's growing on me for reasons listed in my favorite Lord line.

Troubadour/Valkyrie: Priscilla and Mist

Dragon Laguz: Kurthnaga

Manakete: Tiki

Beast Laguz: Ranulf and Volug

Bird Laguz: Janaff and Ulki

Dancer/Bard/Heron: Ninian and Reyson

Trainees: Ross because he's the best one out of the three. But then again, I've yet to play FE2.

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Play more FE's

Lord: Siguuuurd

Lance Knight/Blade Knight/Axe Knight/Bow Knight/Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin/Gold Knight/Silver Knight: Finn

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Rutger

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Othin

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: Aha

Mercenary/Hero: Raven

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: Fiora is cool and doesnt afraid of anything

Wyvern Rider/Dracoknight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord: Miredy

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Aha

Knight/Armor Sword/Armor Axe/Armor Lance/General/Marshall: Aha

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Levin

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Aha

Cleric/Troubador/Valkyrie: Priscilla

Thief/Rogue/Whisper/Assassin: Jaffar

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Geezus... I'm just gonna list the usual characters I list oh whatever. You can figure it out yourself.

Ike, Sain, Florina, Nino, Laura, Heath, Sariya, Nono, Gaia, Ronku and some others.

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Lord: Hard one considering the new game, but going with PoR!Ike for now

Myrmidon: tie between Marisa, Ronku and Wood

Mercenary: Gerik obviously, but I like all of the unpromoted ones

Thief: Matthew

Brigand/Pirate: Dart

Fighter: Lott as character, Othin as unit, Boyd overall

Archer: Rolf, no contest

Soldier: heh same, Nephenee

ArmorKnight: Gilliam or Gatrie

Mounted Knight: my favorite of all is Oscar; if divided:

-Sword: Fergus (I'd count Sol since he'll be always sword-focused), Lance: Oscar, Axe: Kieran

-Bow Knight/Nomad: can't decide between Rath and Shin

-Social Knight/Cavalier: Kyle

Pegasus Knight: Tiamo, formerly Tana

Queen/Lady: Elincia (the category is necessary just for her)

Dracoknight: Cormag

(Anima) Mage: Ilyana [F-Sanaki, T-Ilyana, W-Asvel]

Light Mage: Micaiah (Rhys for priest)

Dark Mage/Shaman: Canas

Troubadour: L'Arachel

Dancer/Heron: Ninian

Beast Laguz: Caineghis

Bird Laguz: Ulki overall (Tibarn as unit)

Dragon Laguz/Manakete: Kurthnaga

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Lord: Leaf Micaiah

Paladin: Kyle

General: Oswin

Swordmaster: Mia

Hero: Machua

Soldier: Generic Solder #5

Warrior: Johalva

Sniper: Igrene

Falcoknight: Farina

Dragonknight: Jill/Miledy

Thief: Pahn

Sage: Levin

Bishop: Lena

Dark Mage: Canas

Mage Knight: Olwen

Refresher: Elphin

Manakete: Chainey

Laguz: Skrimir

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Lord : Sigurd

Knight : Kieran

Armorknight : Xavier

Archer : Shinon

Pegasus : Inverse

Cleric : Oliver

Mercenary : Galzus

Axefighter : Geitz

Pirate : Geese

Thief : Parn

Mage : Eyrios

Swordfighter : Shiva

Dragon Knight : Trabant

Mamkute : Banutu

Dancer : Lara

Troubadour : Amalda

Bandit : Dagda

Dark Mage : Salem

Nomad : Shin

Soldier : Devdan

Beast Laguz : Muarim

Bird Laguz : Tibarn

Dragon Laguz : Nasir

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lord: Ike (I don't like those late promotions, at least Ike's isn't as late as most others.)

myrms: Mia

mercs: Ike (yes, I also count him under that class)

soldiers: Nephenee

armors: Meg (I don't like using armors, but Meg has a funny personality)

fighters: Nolan

bandits: Gonzales

archers: Rolf

thief: Colm

anima magic user: Lute

light magic user: Artur

dark magic user: would Bramimond count? if not, Pelleas

healer: Elincia (and don't tell me she doesn't count)

pallies: Astrid (FE9)

peggies: Vanessa (promoting to wyvern)

wyverns: Vanessa (since I like wyverns over dragons)

human-dragon-thingie: Fa (her conversation with Roy about Idoun, so sad...)

beast laguz: Ranulf (hardly ever used him though)

bird laguz: Vika

dragon laguz: Kurthnaga

refresher: Rafiel

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Lord: Leaf, Sigurd

Paladin: Astrid, Percival, Geoffrey

Myrmidon: Navarl, Ronku, Sairi

Mercenary: Machua, Selena, Azure, Galzus

Axe Fighter: Nolan, Geitz

Armor Knight: Dalshin, Doga, Horace

Pegasus Knight: Shiida, Misha

Dragon Knight: Minerva, Haar

Archer: Norne, Noire (FE13), Shinon

Thief: Lifis, Pahn, Heather

Mage: Asvel, Miranda, Saleh

Monk: Liberia

Priest/Cleric: Lena, Sleuf

Troubadour: Cecilia

Dark Mage: Salem

Beast Laguz: Volug

Bird Laguz: Ulki

Manakete/Dragon Laguz: Nagi, Nasir

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Ah I was wondering where Manakete went but including with dragon laguz seems to fit x3 And I didn't even think that dancers were missing till I saw it XD

Lord: Well... haven't played many FE games... I guess I like Ephraim? =3

Lance Knight/Blade Knight/Axe Knight/Bow Knight/Cavalier/Great Knight/Paladin/Gold Knight/Silver Knight: Orson!!

Myrmidon/Swordmaster/Trueblade: Hmmmm maybe Zihark

Fighter/Warrior/Reaver: Boyd

Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel: I like Nephenee

Mercenary/Hero: Gerik

Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight/Seraph Knight: Hmmmmmmmmm probably Sumia

Wyvern Rider/Dracoknight/Wyvern Lord/Dragonmaster/Dragonlord: Haar is silly =D

Archer/Sniper/Marksman: Innes~

Knight/Armor Sword/Armor Axe/Armor Lance/General/Marshall: Gatrie

Mage/Sage/Archsage: Soren

Priest/Monk/Bishop/Saint: Awwwww Rhys =3

Cleric/Troubador/Valkyrie: Natasha

Thief/Rogue/Whisper/Assassin: Volke is coolio =D

Beast laguz: Probably Muarim

Dancer/Bird laguz: Lorazieh Reysooonnnn~

Manakete/Dragon laguz: Nasir because he just looks cool

Nomad/Nomadic Trooper: Rath

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Lord: Sigurd

Myrmidon: Wood and Athena tie

Mercenary: Gerik

Thief: Julian

Brigand/Pirate: Darros, duh

Fighter: Boyd

Archer: Norne

Soldier: Nephenee I suppose, but that's because I like her competition less than her.

ArmorKnight: Gatrie

Mounted Knight: Kyle


-Sword: Delmud

-Lance: Fin

-Axe: Lex

-Bow Knight/Nomad: Sue

-Social Knight/Cavalier: Kyle

Pegasus Knight: Palla

Dracoknight: Minerva

(Anima) Mage: Linde

Light Mage: Julia

Dark Mage/Shaman: Niime. Forgot her somehow. :(

Troubadour: L'Arachel

Cleic/Mancleric: Lana (FAT SHOTA SIGURD for Mancleric)

Dancer/Heron: Tethys

Beast Laguz: Mordecai

Bird Laguz: Tibarn

Dragon Laguz/Manakete: They all suck.

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Lord: Ike, but Hector if I can't put the same guy twice

Mercenary: Ike

Fighter: Boyd

Myrmidon: Edward

Soldier: Aran

Armor: Gatrie

Pirate/Bandit: Dart

Dracoknight: Cormag

Pegasus: Tana

Sniper: Shinon

Horsie: Rath

Axe: Titania

Bow: Rath

Sword: Eliwood? otherwise Makalov

Lance: Ephraim? otherwise Kyle

Magic dude: Ewan

Light: Ewan? otherwise Lucius

Dark: Ewan? otherwise Canas

Anima: Ewan

Fire: Ewan? otherwise tormod

Thunder: Ewan? otherwise Ilyana

Wind: Ewan? otherwise Soren

Troubadour: L'archel, for performance alone

Cleric/priest: Laura, I guess

Laguz: Tibarn

Beast: Ranulf

Lion: Caineghis

Cat: Ranulf

Tiger: Muarim

Dragon/manakete: Gareth

Bird: Tibarn

Heron/dancer/bard: Tethys, because she can survive

Hawk: Tibarn

Raven: Naesala

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Time for my obligarory wall of text!


Lord: Sigurd, FE4. I've done walls about how I really like how his character was written, how he is a classical victim of tragedy, and how it starts to break down his psyche. Really good writing on the part of FE4's staff.

Paladin/Mounted Unit that is not a healer: Seth, FE8. I guess here it comes more to a bit of fandom hypothesis, but I think they draw some parallels between Seth and Callech in the story. Callech killed Ismaire out of pent-up lust for her, and there may be hints Seth could do the same. That, or I'm letting fan conspiricies merge into the actual game, which means HELP ME. That aside, I do like his portrayal as an Arthurian knight, most similar to Lancelot. Except for the getting stabbed by Valter thing and fleeing with Eirika. If he were Lancelot, he'd start singing "C'est Moi" and kick Valter's ass.

Mage: Levin, FE4. He is actually interesting. His character is full of self-doubt masked by an attitude of frivolity. He doesn't trust himself to govern Silesia, and does not trust himself with Holsety initially. Or you could read taht into his character. By Chapter 4, he's forced to confront these aspects of himself. It just takes the death of Fury's sister and betrayal of his uncles to force him to face himself.

Swordfighter/Swordsmaster: Ayra, FE4. I do wish more time could have been spent with Ayra, there is more potential with her character. Mainly, look at how long it takes to adjust to Sigurd's army, dealing with her status as as Isaacian within the army of the country that subjugated hers, there is more that could be done. There just wasn't enough time or a place to focus on her character in the game itself.

Axefighter/Warrior: ... Dorcas? I don't know, none of these characters have ever stood out in my mind.

Armor/General: Oswin, I guess, again that sort of Arthurian mythos. Never a lot of influence on me, really, and I've never been too fond of them.

Archer/Sniper/Nomad/Trooper/Bow Knight: Rolf, on the premise that he is a character forced to grow up quickly. More potential with his character and development dealing with being a child soldier. Bridget is close behind, just because she becomes Eyval.

Pegasus/Falcon/Dragonknight: Altenna, definitely. I think if FE4 part 2 was not rushed, her character could have had a ton of interesting aspects about realizing her father killed her biological father. A lot of interesting aspects to her character.

Cleric/Troubadour: Serra is just plain entertaining. She is hysterical, it's as simple as that. Seeing as most clerics don't contribute to the plot much, it boils down to this. Mist would be close behind.

Thief Classes: Jaffar. He has an arc, discovery of humanity, and forced to leave his life of violence until his past catches up with him.

Dancer: Tethys, I guess. Yeah, Ninian has importance to the plot but she always seemed a bit dull to me. Tethys is a bit of a flirt, intelligent, but controlled. Sylvia is an extreme flirt but has no control. And I was never too fond of any of the herons...


Lord: Sigurd or Celice. I don't know, it is kind of funny to see either of these two nearly solo FE4. It's entertaining.

Paladin/Mounted non-healer: Percival, FE6. IT is between him and Seth, and while Seth can solo FE8, Percival can come close with FE6. The fact that FE6 is a much harder game and the reprieve at obtaining a godlike unit is much better in FE6 than just getting god at the start of the game. Then again, seeing what I put with Sigurd, that's slightly hypocritical, isn't it... ... okay, game bias, I'm fond of FE6. Flat out bias here.

Mage: Rei, FE6. I just find it funny to load this guy up with Rizziah/Nosferatu tomes because they are so light in FE6 and send him into giant waves of mooks. All the mooks die and Rei isn't even left hurt. Inefficient, oh horribly. Funny? Yes, very much so. You can't do this with Sophia because she's just... really terrible.

Swordfighter/Swordsmaster: Rutger, FE6. The inclusion of the 2 RN system took the concept of a Dodge tank from being restricted to someone with Holsety or hilarious speed to more applicable because of the 2 RN mechanics. Add Rutger, who has the build of most swordsmasters and give Clarine's support, and he will not be hit. And then he will kill things.

Axefighter/Warrior: Ross, just because I like to use the trainees because I'm a nutcase. And because I'm just... well, I like those sort of hyper-growth units for some reason.

Armor/General: Oswin, again, he's in a game that doesn't punish armors for being armors (FE4-6), he has good availability unlike FE9 Gatrie, and Gilliam is kind of unnecessary in FE8.

Archer/Sniper/Nomad/Trooper/Bow Knight: Bridget, more because of lolIchival. Still not great, but she's one of the best bow-users in teh series, they tend to be screwed over. Sue is close behind, and *shameless moment* Igrene because her art is pretty hot. */Shameless moment, moving on now*

Pegasus/FalconKnight/Dragonknight: I would say Miledy because she can break most of FE6. =D

Cleric/Troubadour: Nanna is a charisma bot! =D Aside from that, any of the FE5 staffbots for sheer lulz.

Thief Class Promotions: Colm is the only one who has decent growths and can turn into something. Even FE10 sothe kind of pales because he becomes near useless by Part 4 of FE10.

Dancer: lol FE4.

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I will pick three or four people for each class because I can't really choose ^_^

Lords: Hector, Ephraim, Sigurd, and Roy (yes, Roy)

Horse people: Forde, Aless, Percival, Allen and Lance

Myrmidons: Lakche, Rutger, Joshua

Fighters: the only one I like is Boyd and I haven't even fully played the Tellius games :/

Mercenaries: Dieck, Raven, Echidna, Harken

Pegasi: awww I like most of them (glaring exception: EST). still: Florina, Thany, Fury, Caeda

Wyverns: Vaida, Miledy, Altenna

Bow people: I don't need to pick more than one person: <3 Wolt <3

Armor people: I only care about Ardan and lolwallace

Mages: I love pretty much all of them. Even the boring, mediocre ones like Erk and the FE4 substitutes. I can't help it.

Holy people: Serra, Lucius, Yuria

Staffbots on horses: Clarine, L'Arachel, Mist

Thieves: Chad, Patty, Heather

Laguz: I don't know Tellius enough to pick three of them, I think, but I love the Herons and their entire concept.

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