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(Serenes Forest Mafia) General Discussion


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[21:45:03] SB: yo

[21:45:37] Eli: Hmm

[21:45:46] SB: are you planning on hosting

[21:45:52] SB: or do you want to skip for now

[21:46:05] Eli: Mlp?

[21:46:12] SB: yeah

[21:46:16] Eli: Is it time?

[21:46:19] Eli: I can post signups tonight

[21:46:37] SB: pirates ended like

[21:46:40] SB: a week ago

[21:46:41] SB: lol

[21:46:49] Eli: But.inception is small?

[21:46:55] SB: inception is large

[21:46:58] Eli: O

[21:47:02] Eli: Derp

[21:47:11] SB: will post this in thread

[21:47:19] Eli: Ok ill post signups for mlp:fimafia

[21:47:21] Eli: In

[21:47:27] Eli: 6ish hours

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Can someone who has manix on skype tell him to get on our ~secret gay qt~ because my internet is broken again

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  • 3 weeks later...

<Prims> i should make a fe hack with my mafia modding philosophy. scum (the maps) will have chests but town (the player) will never get any thieves

<Prims> also all stat boosts are picked in advance but the game tells you it's RNG

<Prims> also, the game only has 4 maps and one gaiden chapter (ITP), but it's balanced because the boss is a level 20 prepromote vs the player's 19 level 1 archers.

<Prims> and then manix complains that the game is too easy for the player #ShotsFired

self-quoting strong

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it seemed reasonable right up until you mentioned Manix and ##ShotsFired in the same sentence. maybe if it was ##shotsfasted it'd be more believable...

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So what do you think about role madness games? Do you prefer them? Or do you prefer mixed setups( a few passive roles and vanillas along with active roles) or vanilla setups(no roles whatsoever or very few of them)?

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