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(Serenes Forest Mafia) General Discussion


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Fate/Zero is better, though.



Also wondering (again) how you would draw "sides" between town and scum, since there seem to be many goals, but not really two clear sides. ITP(s) should be fun, though. Plenty of choices there.

I'll just have to read the game, or better yet, play :):

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At least I won't forget about the game. =P

... err, I promise.

I had to sub in for you in Manix's game. Couldn't you have at least claimed your role in your RVS post?

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Can someone bug manix on irc, I'm on my iPad & tumblr isn't cooperating rn (unless manix sees this first in which case your gay and check the qt you fucker)

Nvm I got his attention. Carry on

Edited by Miria Harvent
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I had to sub in for you in Manix's game. Couldn't you have at least claimed your role in your RVS post?

I had some issues with my internet back then. Honest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I debated on making something but decided not to and decided to just post here instead.

I was gonna make a player analysis thread where people could post if they were interested in taking any criticism for other players in private but chose not to.

However I would like anyone who is willing to take the time to pm me PRIVATELY the following:

My town meta in your eyes.

My scum meta in your eyes.

Pros about my playing ability.

Cons about my playing ability.

What you feel I can do to improve my play.

And any other random criticism you feel that you should tell me(Honestly anything can go here).

Any and all help would be appreciated, I do feel like I'm missing something but whatever.

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this is so hilarious I have to post it here

but okay. so in choir rehearsal today my director gave us a new piece to practice, and started talking a little bit about the composer, because she is from here.

and I was sitting there in my seat holding in laughter because the composer is my choir director from high school. and my director is telling everyone about how she taught music in my hometown and she sings in a small ensemble that tours the midwest. everyone is hearing this brief three-minute bio about her and I have a 4-year history with her and a series of fucking mafia games inspired by how pissed off I was at her and my high school's whole music department in general. and I'm the only one in there who was taught by her. just sitting there, thinking about how at this moment I am building the sixth mafia game in that series and no one in there will ever know that. no one will ever know that. I hold all the power. all the memories

Edited by Miria Harvent
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this is so hilarious I have to post it here

but okay. so in choir rehearsal today my director gave us a new piece to practice, and started talking a little bit about the composer, because she is from here.

and I was sitting there in my seat holding in laughter because the composer is my choir director from high school. and my director is telling everyone about how she taught music in my hometown and she sings in a small ensemble that tours the midwest. everyone is hearing this brief three-minute bio about her and I have a 4-year history with her and a series of fucking mafia games inspired by how pissed off I was at her and my high school's whole music department in general. and I'm the only one in there who was taught by her. just sitting there, thinking about how at this moment I am building the sixth mafia game in that series and no one in there will ever know that. no one will ever know that. I hold all the power. all the memories


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  • 2 weeks later...

Is anyone around that has manix on skype because I can't get ahold of him on tumblr and don't have access to skype rn tell him to get me on qt or tumblr pls

If he's offline on skype he probably went to sleep tho

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think part of the reason I was having anxiety issues a few days ago might be partially because being called Miria makes me feel weird since it's a feminine name & doesn't fit with my gender identity I guess. which probably calls for another namechange (manix and I are planning another one that we'll probably stick with for a long time it's gonna be awesome)

The other reasons I've taken care of already but will probably sit out of mafia until Manix hosts his game because I'm a gay

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Ps manix if you see this you should qt because I can't sleep. Sorry for spamming this I'll go away now

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can we have a soft agreement against pestering people who idle on IRC and claim not to like mafia to join mafia, I mean I like necktie as much as the next gay but I don't think it's worked out well ever

(however people who like mafia but "don't play NOC because OC is better" are fair game still. this means snike and obviam had better start joining some games)

Edited by Prims
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can we have a soft agreement against pestering people who idle on IRC and claim not to like mafia to join mafia

i agree with this post that does not relate to me or current events

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