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Your most difficult fighting game move to input

Gold Vanguard

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Well, I can't do either Super or Revenge move in "Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition". This requires 3 buttons to be pressed at once with one of them being a shoulder button. Getting the timing for that right, has proven to be next to impossible for me.

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That weird charging down+forward to down+back -> up+right motion, especially when combined into pressing three punch buttons at the same time. Thank you, SF.

Some SF combos are really difficult to input too, not just because of the shitfakehard timing.

As well as some of Zero's more advanced loops involving charging your buster and doing specials mid-air while keeping up the combo in Tatsunoko vs Capcom. Getting Tekkaman's Galaxy windmill to Voltekka mid-air and doing a combination hyper cancel with Polimar at the air stagger hit has proven to be difficult too, however not really because of the motions themselves and more because of the timings. Polimar's Tenshin Drill even alone was sometimes painful to do consistently on a pad, though I've gotten much better with it by now.

What else.. Some random stuff like a 412363214789+ABC ultra hyper motion on one of my MUGEN characters a while back. At least until I modified the characters to be slightly simpler. Very difficult to buffer in 12 frames using a keyboard.

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Any move.


Also charge moves are harder for my walnut brain than the raging storm. Especially Vega/Guile's (super Turbo at least) super

Also half-circle back, forward

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Lucina- Wavedashing is easy. So is L-Canceling. What I find really really hard, is Fox's Short Hop double laser. I swear that thing took me ages to get down.

Edited by CR-S0I
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Well, I can't do either Super or Revenge move in "Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition". This requires 3 buttons to be pressed at once with one of them being a shoulder button. Getting the timing for that right, has proven to be next to impossible for me.

Go to the control configurations. There should be something for all three punches and all three kicks at once. You're welcome.

As for me, it would probably be something like this :

There's likely even worse in this game.

Edited by Dio
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A lot of people seem to be tripping up on the 720's and SFIV's inputs. It's hard to do on pad, but it's a lot easier to do on Arcade Stick. Also, for 720's as long as you can buffer the 720 (Focus Attack, FADC, jumping, taunting), you shouldn't have a problem with it.

As for hard moves, I'd say anything involving 1-frame links and very specific timing in Street Fighter, as well as those that require plinks and double plinks. Try pulling one of these off:

Aside from those, there's also the excessively long combos in Marvel 3, especially those that abuse the Dr. Doom infinites. It's both timing and memorization of a very long moveset. Illustrated here:

Edited by Keiya
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Wavedashing and L cancels... hard?

...OK then.

Anyways, I hate charge moves with a passion, but in Kof I have some difficulties with the following set of two inputs (alone they're easy but together they're evil)

Forwards shoryken motion->Quarter circle backwards to half circle forwards. I can do it on the right side of the screen but I always. screw. up. on the left side.

Also double half circle motions are annoying on the pad, which I learned thanks to KoF, hard to pick up you're finger after the first one and not drag it along the pad, that takes memorization, but it's not too bad.

Charge moves are the worse however.

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Specifically Hazama's Astral when combo'ing it in the corner with a 4D.

And KoF in general. That game's execution window is freaking demanding. I commend anyone who plays that game and regularly pulls off combos.

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And KoF in general. That game's execution window is freaking demanding. I commend anyone who plays that game and regularly pulls off combos.

teehee So basically Hispanics/Latinos? >w>

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IIRC, a/the funny thing is in XII, the inputs had huge bigger windows for a change but then in XIII NOPE

At least it's generally kind enough (at least to me) to have at least as many cancels as links. I do appreciate having a big, loud flash of sparks be the signal to DO THE MOVE DUDE rather than waiting until that part's over.

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What I find really really hard, is Fox's Short Hop double laser. I swear that thing took me ages to get down.

SHDL is also like, the most useless advanced tech ever ._.

i can't do doubleshines and shit, but that's why i don't play spacies. edge canceled egg tosses with yoshi are something that i have trouble doing with precision, though.

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Half of Ivy's moveset from SCII.

Especially Summon Suffering and Calamity Symphony - how the heck is someone supposed to pull that off?

Also, there's Talim's Monsoon Season (a multi-part throw) which I can't do for beans.

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