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Hardest chapter of every fire emblem


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Recently I have been playing FE. 3 and being near the end I look back and think about which chapters were the hardest for each game I have played,( this of course is my personal experience) considering that I do not use arenas, warpskip ( although I used warp in chapter 24x and final of FE 5) and side battles, but I do use star shards, boosters and scrolls; also I recruit all characters and reset when someone dies, so here are my thoughts:

FE 2--> The death mountain with the zombie dragons in the third battle in chapter 4 was annoying because of a bunch of misses I got in one try. My strategy consisted in having Zeke, Pasion, Robin, Cliff and Silk in the lower left corner luring most of the dragons while a Alm dealed with the others that went to the right part of the map and Teeta with the prayer ring using reblow. The problem was that I needed to kill one of the dragons that attacked the lower group but cliff and paison missed, resulting in zeke's death, something similar happened the next try and it was in the third that I could finish it.

Aside from that, the game was easy, with Paola, Katua and Est trivializing Celica's route and Alm, Zeke and Cliff for Alm's route

FE 3--> I have not finished it but currently on chapter 20. For now chapter 19 is the one I had most problems; the first time I got surprised when a bunch of paladins and mages appeared from the fortresses and killed Malliesia, considering that those enemies hit like a truck almost no one in my team can sustain more than two hits I had to lure the first bunch of paladins with demon Chiki and then rush-kill- conquer with the peg sisters and a Marth with 11 mov. Before this chapter the game as been really easy ( I think that it is more than 2 thanks to how ridiculous are stats boosters and shards, that practically fixes any unit in the game)

FE 4--> this one is on the easy side, so I would say that chapter 3 was the most difficult trying to keep Tiltyu and Claude, and maybe Eltshan.

FE 5--> Now this was a challenge! I struggled deciding which chapter but in the end I decided on chapter 24x. There I got my ass kicked the first time with the warping bishops, the warping tiles and the berserk staff; then I had to warp a Leaf with pure water to the center of the map to kill the bishop with the berserk staff, Silence the 2 enemies in the lower pit and rushing some units to the respawn point, rescuing warped characters and then rescuing those that were blocking the stairs.this was one huge saff-fest and I can not think how could someone complete this with everybody escaping without using the staff users.

Special mention to chapter 22 were Cyas and Rinehart are, the first one is standing there like a boss with his 10 leadership stars saying that he only needs his presence to screw you, the latter has Big shield, ambush, dime thunder and 5 leadership stars, why the hell do you serve Ishtar when you alone could conquer all Trachia, pissing on Tabrant, or you could overthrow all the Freeji nobles and make yourself the king; Julius must be blind ditching him when he was a better soldier than Ishtar, think about it, if in final FE 4 Rinehart was in the place of Ishtar, only Celice, Aless and Holsety could kill efficiently this guy.

Anyway, I had to play extremely careful this chapter to the point of going like a turtle and gang banging Rinehart with Leaf, Homeros and Asello.

Inb4 someone says that warpskiping would trivialize this chapter.

( Oddly enough I did not found chapter 4 that difficult, but maybe I feel that way because Machua dodged a lot and Leaf got like 3 second movement thanks to luck)

Next time I will write the rest, so which chapters did you feel were the hardest and why?

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FE6--> Chapter 7 is annoying for various reasons. Shaky hitrates all over the place and the power of the enemies compared to your group is pretty high.

FE7--> 29H Hector Hard Mode. Cog of Destiny is almost completely filled with magic users, many of them promoted. That means siege tomes, status staves, Luna Druids, and surprisingly quick Valkyries all over the place.

FE8--> I'll go with 14 Eph. The status staves and more promoted units complicate matters in a game that's otherwise pretty easy.

FE9--> Chapter 7. You don't have access to BEXP or forges yet and enemy density is pretty high. Non-Titania units tend to struggle here and even Titania can't solo the whole thing since it's a rout.

FE10--> 1-3. Most of your units here are ORKOd and those that aren't are 2RKOd save Sothe. You're forced to field them and none of them are allowed to die. Reinforcements coming in from behind make this chapter dangerous to do slowly, but pressing on can also be dangerous.

FE11--> I'll go with Chapter 3. No base access means no forging or reclassing and the boss is annoying on higher difficulties.

FE12--> Lots of choices here, on Lunatic there are plenty of frustrating chapters. I'll go with Prologue-8 which gets rather tricky due to limited prep options combined with lots of difficult enemies.

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FE6? Chapter 7. FE8 it's that fucking boat. I don't think C2 of FE4 is so much hard as that I hate every moment of it. The others... I don't think I could single out a chapter, although I did find the earlygame the hardest part of FE7, 11 and 12.

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Chapter 14 of FE6 makes me cry. Strangely, I've never had too much trouble with Chapter 7; I never tried LTC though.

Chapter 26E/28H can be a pain too. It's one of the chapters I actually have a harder time on Eliwood's story because Jatfar is in Ursula's Bolting range >< and recently Chapter 14Eph caught me off-guard in FE8 HM because I take that game's (lack of) difficulty for granted.

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FE6: Chapter 7 is just augh, what with tons of enemies, the fact that hit rates are pretty shaky, and the fact that there are wyverns just serves to make an already painful map even worse as your means of dealing with them at this point are rather limited...

FE7: HHM CoD for reasons mentiooned earlier.

FE8: I'll back Furet up on Phantom Ship being pretty bad.

FE9: Chapter 12, with honorable mention to chapter 8 (A defense map where I have to hold three sides where without my THWOMP... Ugh.)

FE10: 1-3. Honorable mention to 4-4 because screw Mr. Sleep Staff. Also, 2-1 and 1-E tend to be pretty awful.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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FE4: Chapter 7 gave me some trouble the first time around, but that's about it.

FE5: Hardest so far were chapters 4 and 5. I know it's gonna get worse soon.

FE6: Chapter 7 wasn't too bad in my HM playthrough, actually. Of course, SPD blessed Ward made lunch out of the cavalier reinforcements. Chapter 18 Sacae and Chapter 21, though? I've never had more trouble playing FE than I had with those two chapters.

FE7: HHM. Chapter 22 was a bit annoying, but not too overwhelming. Chapters 28 and 29? Hardest chapters in the game because of the nasty surprises HHM threw at us.

FE8: Ephraim's route had the hardest chapters: 11 and 14. Phantom Ship is annoying as all hell and the status staves in 14 are pretty bad.

FE9: Chapter 7 can be annoying, as well as chapters 12 and 13. That's really it.

Edited by ZM456
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FE8 it's that fucking boat.


I only beat it after deploying only 5 units, Dozla, Seth, Franz, L' Arachel, and of course Ephraim.

I'd have to go with:

Fe6: Chapter 7 for many of the same reasons stated, plus it's hard enough to save Zealot and Treck on HM before access to the arena.

Fe7: Ch29x I'd have to go with 28 HHM, because of the difficulty of getting everything and killing bosses in that chapter while keeping Jaffar and Nino alive, although 16x and 17 were not fun either.

Fe8: Ch 11 Ephraim's route, definitely the hardest in any FE 6-11 game.

Fe9: Ch 10 hard Mode, because of the difficulty of saving all of the prisoners and avoiding all of the guards.

Fe10: I'd have to go with 3-13 on HM because the Dawn Brigade is just that much weaker than the Greil Mercs.

Fe11: Ch 10 H5, because of the difficulty of surviving all four of those Cavaliers' at once

Edited by darkkfan
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FE4: Chapter 2. Not really hard, but moreso just really tedious and annoying due to how fast you have to move EVERYWHERE.

FE5: CHAPTER 4X. The reason why I don't play FE5 anymore.

FE6: CHAPTER 7. The reason I don't play FE6 anymore.

FE7: Cog of Destiny. Annoying map due to all the LOONYLOOPs, status staves and Valks.

FE8: Lameo Phantom Ship.

FE9: I only find Chapter 7 to be hard in drafts. Every other time it's freaking Chapter 21 and all the status staves.

FE10: 1-3. So many squishies. So few solid tanks.

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FE4: Prologue looooool

FE6: Chapter 7 for sure.

FE7: Chapter 29 HHM and 13x.

FE8: Chapter 14 Ephraim. I HATE STATUS STAVES

FE9: Chapter 21 ^

FE10: 4-3 and 4-4 SLEEP STAFF

FE11: Chapters 1-3 in H5

FE12: Chapter 11 or Chapter 4 H3

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FE5: Chapter 4x. Just fuck that chapter. I had an easier time on 24x.

FE6: Chapter 7. That one gave me nightmares.

FE7: Chapter 26E/28H. Edit: 28H more so.

FE8: Chapter 11 Ephiram Route.

FE9: There were hard chapters in this game? Gonna have to go with Chapter 7.

FE10: Chapter 1-3. Too easy to get a game over just because of the enemies and that you have to keep everyone alive. Honorable mention to 4-4.

Edited by BLS
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FE8: Chapter 14, both routes, because they're so annoying.

FE10: 2-3 HM. Not so much hard as annoying as fuck thanks to long ass EPs and retarded AI. Honorable mention to 2-1 HM, screw that. 4-4 sucks in general because status staves.

FE11: Chapter 2 H5. Chapter 1 is okay, but this one chapter just annoys me so much. Partly because I have to reset a lot because if someone misses, they die most of the time.

FE12: Prologue 8, especially on Lunatic reverse. Except I haven't played any FE12 besides L' so I wouldn't really know.

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FE4: Chapter 2, merely for the length and having to double back to Mackily. Also Clement's Sleep Staff.

FE6: Chapter 21. When not warpskipping it's really hard to do this chapter because of all the Wyvern Lord reinforcements to trigger. Honorable mention to C7, C14, and all the gaidens from 14x on.

FE7: Chapter 26/28. Hi luck-based missions. Honorable mention to C27/29.

FE8: Chapter 14 Ephraim. Status Staves suck.

FE9: Chapter 8. No Shinon or Gatrie? Have to tank three sides? Shit.

FE10: 3-12. I usually have a horribly underleveled Dawn Brigade team.Honorable mention to 1-3 (anyone see a pattern here?).

Edited by Hamlet
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FE11 has got to be Chapter 20 for me. Braves start popping up here on harder difficulties, and it was my hangup point on H5.

For FE4, that game is easy, but Chapter 2 is long and terrible so that.

And that FE6 mission with all the nomad bosses is also terrible.

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FE7: Uh.... I guess the chapter with NPC Zephiel. You know, since relying on the RNG to keep a weak NPC alive or else you get a game over is always fun. :L

FE8: Uh.... The boat level on Ephraim's route if only because L'aRachel and Dozla are dumb and get themselves killed. The game is too easy anyway. :L

FE9: The game is too easy. :L

FE10: Pretty much all of Part 1 because IS are geniuses of character balance when the only characters that don't get 1ROK'd are Nolan, Sothe, Zihark, and those dudes who only show up to help out then fall off of the face of Tellius until Part 4. :L

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FE4: Chapter 3, I would say. This is only because of limited area to try and 'pincer' the cross knights, Sigurd possibly being far away from the fight, plus Eltoshan with the Mistoltin. Honestly, not many of these maps are too hard. The only other one I would mention would be the Final Chapter because of the falcon knight trio from hell. -__-;

FE5: Chapter 24x or Chapter 4. 22, the river, deserves mention because of the insanity if you don't warp-skip the map. 24x and 4, however, either don't allow that easy warp-skip or or have other objective that you can't bypass. 24x has all the traps, getting Eyval, fog of war, dark mages popping up and statusing you if you don't hit them first, and it gets to be a nightmare. Chapter 4 is on here because it is just mean. You get a number of new units, only a few of them actually worth something, and need to escape from prisons, fight your way through endlessly respawning guards, and then the room from hell where the opponents can easily kill anyone. Not fun...

FE6: Chapter 7. Yeah, I was stuck on 21 for a few months when I first played the game as a high schooler, now that chapter is not a barrier. I get through that chapter without much difficulty now. Not the same with Chapter 7, where it serves as a bit of a roadblock almost every time I try to play the game, especially on hard mode. The dragon knights, pretty high enemy density, brutal reinforcements from the south, a lot of reinforcements when you push on the boss, plus recruiting Zealot and Treck before they suicide like idiots, and then recruiting Noah before he dies horribly. This chapter is just brutal to play through, and is easily one of my least favorites because it goes from being "fun difficult" to "screw this" difficult.

FE7: Cog of Destiny. HHM is the worst with tons of magic users with status staffs and really high speed to give you the middle finger. High enemy density with high reinforcement density is usually fun to stomp through (parts of FE6 chapter 21) but making them all high speed magic users is just painful. This chapter is not as much of a barrier to me unless I didn't have a few restore staffs, but it is still painful.

FE8: Phantom Ship or warp-less Chapter 19. Phantom ship because it's fog of war, you don't have as many units that can tank *everything* in sight, L'arachel can be insta-gibbed easily, plus reinforcements to close in on your squishies. Oh, and the reinforcements fly so you can't make a wall to protect them. -__-;

FE9: Honestly, I can' think of one. I guess if you want to win the Black Knight fight, maybe that... Some of the later early maps is my best guess, before you get all the tools that break FE9 into pieces.

FE10: Chapter 3-6. I really don't like the Dawn Brigade. Part of this is from my potent dislike for Micaiah, but on a gameplay level, I never care. They are deliberately weak in a game where being much stronger than average is the norm. A number of units from them can be useful, but if you try to level a large number of them you always fall behind. Plus, if you have not prioritized one person on the team, then most of the squad gets 2-shotted by most of the Laguz. Yes, there are tricks to making this level easy, but you don't know them early on and they require some planning in Part 1. I just really dislike this map...

FE11: ... I don't remember anything from this game. Maybe Chapter 2 or 3, before you get warp and money to forge game-breaking weapons that turns this game into a complete joke.

FE12: Prologue-8. Here's Marth! He is at base stats! Here's a ton of enemies that are close to your base stats of the entire cast, can easily kill any of you, and respawn at the exact times ot make you hate life! Ugh... I hate this map.

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FE7: HHM Genesis. CoD is definitely a contender, but I find it's easier to be prepared for CoD.

FE8: I've had trouble on both Turning Traitor and Phantom Ship. Been a long time since I played the game, though, so I don't remember too well.

FE9: ...None. But probably Without a King if I had to pick. Ch 7 is a contender.

FE10: 2-E would be a shoo-in if you had to play out the 15 turns. Sometimes I'm disappointed you don't. Otherwise, I don't know. There isn't a map that is really tough and can't be well-prepared for, but my opinion may be biased since it's the game I know the best. 3-6 is probably the most consistently difficult no matter what you do. 1-3 may be tough at first, but it doesn't seem as hard to me after finding a way to beat it with just Sothe and Micaiah that requires very little luck and doesn't even go down the right side.

Haven't played the others enough to judge.

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FE10: 2-E would be a shoo-in if you had to play out the 15 turns. Sometimes I'm disappointed you don't. Otherwise, I don't know. There isn't a map that is really tough and can't be well-prepared for, but my opinion may be biased since it's the game I know the best. 3-6 is probably the most consistently difficult no matter what you do. 1-3 may be tough at first, but it doesn't seem as hard to me after finding a way to beat it with just Sothe and Micaiah that requires very little luck and doesn't even go down the right side.

Haven't played the others enough to judge.

What about 2-1? What do you think of that map?

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FE6 - Arcadia (Chapter 14?)

FE7 - Can't remember off the top of my head, haven't played HHM in a while

FE8 - the chapter where you can either tank it out or kill Riev towards the end

FE9 - Chapter 8 or Chapter 25

FE10 - 1-3

FE12 - Chapter 8 in Lunatic

FE13 - the chapter with the tree

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True, 2-1 in HM without transfers is not a nice map at all.

Even in normal mode, I don't like it. Being stuck with only two (later 3) units against that many enemies is just ugh.

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a lot of maps are made easy if you know the tricks or do a slight bit of luck manipulation which is why i didn't consider them

- FE6 chapter 7 has a couple of tricks with recruiting zealot on turn 2, pulling enemies in the right direction, and completely avoiding the reinforcements in the throne room

- FE6 chapter 14 has the RNG trick with finding desert items and looking at a map to get around fog of war

- FE6 chapter 21 one can avoid the reinforcement trigger zones and fly/warp past huge parts of the map

- FE5 chapter 4 has a certain formation that maximizes the chance of survival in the hell room and allows all units to escape on the subsequent turn

- FE5 chapter 24x is a really convoluted warpskip; honestly one of the most fun chapters in the game if you approach it in exactly the correct way

but the ones that i listed just don't really have cool tricks and shortcuts. FE6 chapter 16 you just have to go around every single damn time, run past douglas, and then break down that 100 HP wall if you want to recruit zeiss. FE5 chapter 5, run around the whole map and pray that you don't miss or asvel/leaf don't die. FE7 chapter 29, there's not really an easy way to rout the entire map quickly, and those druids just shut down your staff users.

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