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FAYZ Mafia - Game Over


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You are not the fucking hero. Don't try to play one. This goes for a lot of you.




Scumhunting by flavor is stupid.


Mafia dayvigs are even stupider.


I'd appreciate it if town would stop claiming things that they are not for stupid reasons, and I hope you all learned WHY.

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Btw when I was talking to Manix on skype I had a scumread on Paperblade for his D1 performance(and one on Bizz too) but I saw him claim bulletproof and if Mancer had actually counterclaimed him, I probably wouldn't have let Paperblade off the hook that easily lol

Then again D1 reads xD

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Then why did you guys vote for me despite my second, genuine claim? That is what I don't get? Don't TurboLynch, but you still TurboLynched. PaperBlade just had to say "Yeeeeeeeah no" and Vote me and you guys Wagoned...

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gg Paper/Helios

Mancer, don't fake claims like that for no reason. If there are counterclaims, they are the LEAST likely people for the mafia to shoot, because they know that they are the most likely to get lynched.

And I'm sorry guys, I've been really busy the last few days, or I would've done better. :(

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Then why did you guys vote for me despite my second, genuine claim? That is what I don't get? Don't TurboLynch, but you still TurboLynched. PaperBlade just had to say "Yeeeeeeeah no" and Vote me and you guys Wagoned...

You waffled and switched your claim. That's very scummy and the turbo lynch was uh, acceptable then.

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"You lied to us!"

"But I-"

"Save it scum!"

But it ended too quickly.

MancerNecro has been lynched!

His role was...

Dear MancerNecro,

You are Orc, Town Bulletproof.

You are a freak, who was attacked and nearly killed by coyotes. The damaged skin however was soon replaced with a gravel like substance, which makes you incredibly difficult to kill.

Before the FAYZ you were a bully with a hatred for Sam. Your only real friend is Howard, even though the two of you use each other you do see each other as friends. You are an alcoholic and can be vicious when drunk.

Because of your gravel like skin, you will be protected from one attempt on your life outside of being lynched. Multiple attempts upon your life will still kill you, and your status is not restored each phase.

You are allied with Perdido Beach. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

You go home, knowing there's no hope in tomorrow.


The next morning, you return to the plaza, realizing all hope is gone.

Bizz has been killed!

Her role was!

Dear Bizz,

You are Pete Ellison, Town Mason.

You are a five your old autistic freak with the extraordinary powers. So extraordinary you were actually the one who created the FAYZ. You are also the only thing in the FAYZ that the Gaiaphage is afraid of.

You cannot control your powers, only react as situations present themselves. You are Astrid's younger brother. Most know you as "Little Pete".

Since Astrid is your guardian, you know that she is the user Kay. You may talk in the quicktopic below, unless otherwise stated.

You are allied with Perdido Beach. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.


BBM has been endgamed!

His role was...

Dear BigBangMeteor,

You are Brianna, Town Tracker.

You are a freak with the power of superspeed. Before the FAYZ you attended Coates, however after being rescued by Sam you are a respected member of Perdido Beach.

While well intentioned you are cocky, headstrong, but undeniably brave. You have coined yourself the nickname, "The Breeze", due to your powers.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM "USER, where are you?". You will see who said USER visits that night.

You are allied with Perdido Beach. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Bluedoom has been endgamed!

His role was...

Dear Bluedoom,

You are Dekka Talent, Town Safeguard.

You are a black, lesbian freak, with the power the control gravity. Before FAYZ you attended Coates, after being sent by your parents when they discovered your sexuality.

You were trapped by Caine, but after Sam rescued you, you became loyal to him. You also have a crush on Brianna, although you don't dare to tell her.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM "Nobody touches USER". You will prevent any non lethal actions from affecting the user, harmful or otherwise.

You are allied with Perdido Beach. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Paperblade stands triumphantly. He knows he is the king of Perdido Beach now.

Paperblade has won!

His role was...

Dear Paperblade,

You are Caine Soren, Coates Jack of all Trades.

You are a freak with telekentic powers. You are charasmatic and manipulative, almost managing to take over the FAYZ within the first week of it's formation. You are Sam's

fraternal twin, but you were put up for adoption shortly after your birth.

Even before you had your powers, you were a guy who nobody in Coates messed with. They knew if they crossed you, they would be in massive trouble. You are also in love with


During the night, you may perform one of the following actions. You may only use each action once and only one action may be used per night.

You may reply to your role pm "Protect Myself". You will prevent a single killing action upon you that night.

You may reply to your role pm "Ninja" instead. You repel anyone watching the user your faction targets for the night kill, providing you are the one who performs it.

Alternatively, during the day, you may "Goodbye USER!". Said user will be killed as soon as the host sees this. You must type this in the thread. This may not be used in LYLO or MYLO situations. If you use this, you cannot perform an action at night.

You are allied with Coates. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Standing by his side is none other than Helios.

Helios has won!

His role was...

Dear Helios,

You are Penny, Coates Roleblocker.

You are a freak with the power to create illusions, horrifying or blissful. However due to the nature of your work and your sadistic nature, they are usually horrifying.

You got your father jailed when you discovered he was taking illegal pictures of your sisters and put them on the internet, and were neglected when you went to live with your aunt and uncle, jealous of the pity your sisters got. You put some Drano in your younger sister's cereal and wound up at Coates.

During the night, you may reply to your role PM "Terrify USER". You will create an illusion to terrify said into fleeing and prevents them from completing their night action. Killers will not be deterred.

Also to note, once you die the mafia and any other kind of restricted outside contact can only occur during the night phase.

You are allied with Coates. You win when all hostile factions are eliminated.

Congrats to the Scumteam/Coates for winning this trainwreck of a mafia.


^Night actions

Postgame coming some time.

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mason means mason guys, not FUCKING neighbour

obvscum team 2012:

Paper was playing like he did in EO

Helios pushed a bullshit case on an uncounterclaimed mason (which is completely stupid)

Aere was far too hesistant

Edited by Manix
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My god, this game was a trainwreck, for various reasons. So my basic plan was for the game to revolve around 3 main powers of each faction, and with so 2 or 3 possible night kills, I added in 2 ways to block deaths, in Elie and Prims' roles. There was also the two bulletproofs and the self doc Paper, so it was likely at one point or another a kill would fail if the town's methods of preventing kills didn't ended up dead before day 2. You guys REALLY jumped the gun on that one, although I guess most of you had no idea that a mayor existed. As for the modkill on Day 2, it seemed questionable, but I had to enforce the rules and stop anyone else from breaking it and getting modkilled, or else I'd have to lynch them, along with Cam. It seems a bit harsh but I didn't want the game to end up anymore of a trainwreck then it already became (but it kind of blew up in my face because I didn't post fast enough >.>).

Day 2 was filled with decisions I had to make, whether or not it was MYLO or not in both cases. First The thing that complicated things was the Cam vs Scum dynamic. It was possible for town to be equal with scum players by day 3 if town mislynched, and Cam and Scum both managed to kill townies. It wouldn't have ended there due to Cam being alive, but it would be scum reaching parity with the town, so I had to say something about it.

Then after the first modkill, dayvig caused a problem in saying whether or not it was MYLO again. It could only be used in non LYLO/MYLO, so if I put it as not it went to LYLO because of the addition of the dayvig kill would make it MYLO again, but then it wouldn't be, because of no day vig, and it was basically an endless circle and I had to decide what to do quickly, so I kept it at MYLO. Then Rein pointed it out that the day vig would be the thing to push it into LYLO and I facepalmed. At the time, scorri encouraged Aere to break the same rule. I really should have been more specific about it, but not killing Aere when Cam got killed by it would have been unfair to Cam, and scorri living would be unfair on Aere. Either way I massively fucked up, and I'm sorry to everyone involved.

Night 0 was just people doing things that didn't matter, except for Aere who scanned Prims. Which is probably why Prims got roleblocked, in retrospect. After the day 1 quicklynch on Eli (which shouldn't have gotten that far, and I think everyone involved is a little bit to blame), but a minute afterwards Prims sent me the post he was making saying that he wasn't really cop. He was a few minutes late anyway because Cam hammered, but Prims' gambit did make sense, it just ended in the worst possible way. Night 1 followed suit in fucking over the town, scorri shot Paper who self docced, and Prims attempted to block Cam (which would have hooked the kill), but got blocked by Helios instead. Day 2 I already adressed that massive fail on my part so I'd prefer to not bring it up again. Night 2 Helios blocked BBM from tracking Marth, and the scum idled so they could use day vig to finish with style. They night killed Bizz on night 3 for what it's worth.

https://docs.google....hJM29WN0E#gid=0 Night Actions

http://www.quicktopi...8/H/R4YzCRBmiu4 Scum

http://www.quicktopi...H/yQzmgSYRKhPAE Masons

http://www.quicktopi.../H/RYU4dduEx5LN Dead

Individual player stuff coming at some point.

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