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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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- I'm the mod and my word is final, deal with it and don't try to find loopholes in my rules or do things that you would expect I wouldn't want you to do (if you're not sure, then ask)

- NOC, don't talk to people about the game outside of the thread unless your role lets you (this affects dead folks as well). when i say people i mean "anyone except the mods and informed observers", you don't even know who's in the game

- similarly: don't post at night unless I say you can, and if you're dead, you shut up unless I say you can talk

- don't quote communications with the mod (role PMs, night results, etc) or anything similiar (like comparing letter placement / worth length of PMs)

- don't screenshot things

- don't edit your posts

- days will last 72 hours, nights will consistently last 24

- 24 hours without posting = modprod, 48 hours without posting = modkill / forced replace. i will be lax on prods and inactivity modkills if you inform me of absence or busyness ahead of time

- DAY 1 ONLY: the player with the most votes will be lynched. in case of a lynch tie, i will rng between eligible targets

- DAY 2 ONWARDS: the first time there's no majority at the time deadline, there will be no lynch. the second time, the game will instantly end in universal loss.

- if somebody hammers, stop talking until I post the flip

- if you're modkilled then you lose gg, unless the mod decides to give you grace over circumstances (tactical modkills and inactivity modkills will never result in grace)

- if you get somebody else modkilled, you get modkilled too

- i will not accept a sub request unless you give me a valid reason while requesting ("i lost interest" is not a valid reason)

- anything obvious that I forgot to mention applies

- don't be lame

- play2win

Set-up Info:

- day start

- both scum and a theoretical serial killer may no kill without limit

- you will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail

- you will be told if your action is redirected

- lylo and variations will not be announced

- !!!CLUSTERFUCK ALERT!!!: this game is a trainwreck. ideally it will be a fun, balanced trainwreck! but overall the set-up is incredibly silly and you should expect incredibly silly things

- Stuff I guarantee is not in the set-up: Any role that can cause a town-aligned player to become mafia-aligned, any role that can revive another player, Vanilla Townie / Mafia Goon, Random Cop, percentage roles, Nexus, scumteam "moles" (and variants), Death Miller, Death Godfather, Death Tailor, Voyeur

- even though this game is bastard just by existing, I can guarantee that your role PM will never lie to you about the function of your role

All Aboard:

1. Admiral Shin

4. Bluedoom

5. Boron

6. Camtech

7. Elieson

10. Levity

11. MancerNecro

12. Manix

15. scorri

16. Shinori

Off The Rails:

0. Kalas - Passenger Miller Shield Breaker Blacksmith, modkilled for quoting role PM and lost

17. Snike - Passenger Cop Interceptor, vengekilled D1

-1. Paperblade - Hidden Wolf, modkilled N1

13. Psych - ????????, ???????? N1

14. Rapier - Passenger Miller CPR Doctor, lynched / modkilled D2

2. Aere - Passenger Rioter, lynched D2

9. Kay - Mafia Paranoid Gun Owner / Rolecop Oracle, killed N2

8. Helios - Passenger 1-Shot Weak Dayvig, killed N2

3. BigBangMeteor - Passenger Hated Macho Miller Insomniac Eagle Eye Question Asker Beloved Princess, killed N2

-2. eclipse - Hidden Coroner / Doctor / Mayor, won and left D3

Sample Town Role PM:

Welcome to Trainwreck Mafia, Prims.

You are a Death Miller. Your abilities are as follows:

Death Miller (Passive): You will flip as "Mafia Miller Bomb Jester" on death.

You are aligned with the Passengers. You win when at least one player of your alignment remains and all threats are removed.


- End of Day 1

- End of Day 2

Edited by Prims
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Okay you fuckers

I'm Miller Survivor (I scan as mafia) and a bunch of other stuff

and I have the capacity to be modkilled for a certain reason, so yay

it's trainwreck time

##Vote: Rapier

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This game is a trainwreck. I assume that there will be some duplicate abilities and roles.

Assuming makes an ass out of you and me.

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nah, just you 8)

Actually, I suppose I misspoke. It makes an ass out of you, but I doesn't out of me, as I am already a bear.

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