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Do you want to have kids?


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1350185574[/url]' post='2156033']

I bet all the people that say they don't want kids will end up having kids eventually x3

That includes you

1350186258[/url]' post='2156041']

I'll prove you wrong

Wait 50 years , then post in this topic " I told you Freohr"

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And? Unless you were a complete knob in your early adult life, it should go without saying that having kids when you're older is a far more practical idea. Not only should you already be sitting on money, but you should also have a much better idea of what you're going to be capable of, a more stable job, and a much greater degree of maturity that comes with over a decade in the adult world. If there were ever a time to not have kids, it would be in your teens and early to mid 20s. You should be focusing on creating a stable environment for a child to actually live in, rather than trying to bring one into the world when you don't even have your own life straight.

Seriously, it was pretty rude to say she's getting too old to have a child. Eclipse would be a wonderful mother regardless of when she decided to have a kid.

Thank you, Fruit Beest. It really rustles my jimmies when people go on tangents on how one must have children as soon as possible despite not being married, not having a means to support said child, and just not being ready in general. Just because someone is older. Fucken A rustles my jimmies. I will choke a bitch when they tell me "YOU MUST MAKE CHILD! YOU ARE NOT GETTING ANY YOUNGER! WHO CARES IF YOU HAVE NO HUSBAND OR WHATEVER!" fuck. off. Ya know? Raeg! Sorry...its such a sore point with me because some moron tried to give me that spiel IRL once and i nearly cleaned her stupid clock. Especially when HER husband told her to shut the fuck up and my boyfriend at the time was all "wow...like, fuck no!" at her.

I bet all the people that say they don't want kids will end up having kids eventually x3

I still havent and im perfectly cool with it. lol! Kids make me wanna kick puppies sometimes. And i love puppies!

I wouldn't mind adopting.

If i ever want a child, ill probably go this route. Cuz pregnancy freaks me the fuck out, mang. Totes. Gettin' all big, then having it with all the pain, and then the whole breast feeding thing...Everyone is all "its so natural omg!" and im like "yeah....no...sounds creepy to me!"

So yeah i dont think i really want kids cuz if i really did, id probably have one by now. And dont get me started on the Mommy Club. :angry: :angry: :angry: Hey, i dig that one's life will revolve entirely around one's child. Its cool because im pretty fucking old fashioned that way. Wife, Husband (or wife-wife or husband-husband, whatever), kids, dog, car, house. Its all good. But for the love of fuck! STOP TRYING TO GET YOUR SINGLE, NON-MOTHER FRIENDS TO HAVE CHILDREN! IF THEY DONT HAVE KIDS, THERES PROBABLY A GOOD GODDAMN REASON FOR IT! AGH!


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Well I'm mostly referring to the younger ones, but idk~ And people here are just taking my posty too literally =[

I know. :P: Lots of 14 to 17 year olds say "I DONT WANT KIDS!" and end up with them and are the happiest fuckers around when they do. Especially if they were smart about it. Most people here seem to be smart enough to know when they want children.

LOL LUMI! One reason my friend didnt take her maternity leave until way late into term!

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I'm still pretending that one in New Zealand isn't mine

In any case, yes, but certainly not right now. I still have a long time to wait before I'm planning on that. CUrrently, my life is sorted out fantastically, but add a child in the mix would flip the entire world upside down there and then. I want to have a child when MY life and my partners life won't spin a 180 when parenting becomes part of the equation.

This is coupled with the fact that my own upbringing wasn't the greatest, I had to grow up and toughen up from the age of 5. (Mostly because I don't really have any recollection of serious stuff before my fifth, but the yelling was still there). I am very heavily influenced by my father, with all the wrong viewing points, parenting techniques etc. I now know he did it wrong, and I know what NOT to do and what to do (great mom luckily, and great stepdad). But even when having a discussion that's getting heated or something similar, I notice myself acting like my father. Which is not surprising, he raised me and I lived with him for 18 years, but I don't want to do that myself, and I don't want to do that to my kids later on.

So I want to be able to rid myself of my fathers bad qualities before anything else.

This being said, he was still a father to me, and I didn't leave him for that reason, but it wasn't the easiest time. Far from.

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LOL LUMI! One reason my friend didnt take her maternity leave until way late into term!

That's probably one of my biggest reasons why I'm most likely not having kids ever. That and I'd have the carry the little fucker. That and I kinda really don't get along with children at all and that's an understatement. If I ever change my mind about hating children, adoption might be a more likely way. Saves myself a few years of pain, maybe, and honestly there's too many people in this world and I don't really need to make more.

IDK though. I have a bit of anger management issues and I don't want to turn into that angry parent that hits their kids for everything. I have a policy to never hit children no matter how much of a little dick they're being, but I don't actually know the limits of my self control on that. I'd probably make a pretty terrible parent anyway. Being a parent is a hard job, and a good one especially difficult and I don't know if I'm the type of person that can handle it. I just have this feeling I'll be utterly shit.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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But seriously.

I would like to have a kid or two at some point but I want to be nice and ready career wise and mentally among other things.

Knowing my family history I'd most likely only have girls which would make my mom and me really happy. >___>

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And? Unless you were a complete knob in your early adult life, it should go without saying that having kids when you're older is a far more practical idea. Not only should you already be sitting on money, but you should also have a much better idea of what you're going to be capable of, a more stable job, and a much greater degree of maturity that comes with over a decade in the adult world. If there were ever a time to not have kids, it would be in your teens and early to mid 20s. You should be focusing on creating a stable environment for a child to actually live in, rather than trying to bring one into the world when you don't even have your own life straight.

Seriously, it was pretty rude to say she's getting too old to have a child. Eclipse would be a wonderful mother regardless of when she decided to have a kid.


Replica: You're way younger than me, so don't worry 'bout it right now. I prioritized school, because stuff like college is easier right out of high school.

As for maternity leave, let's just say there's a reason why I'm working for the government. :P:

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Honestly, I kinda want to but there are many things that would hold me back.

Besides all the aforementioned issues with actually having a kid, there's finding a girl. We'd have to be married but that's not the issue either. I wouldn't even START looking for a girlfriend until I'm out of University and since I plan to do a Masters degree and get a PhD I'm guessing that'll be 6-7 years...

Though I know one thing: If/when I have a kid, they're getting bottlefed! Beastfeeding is fucking disgusting, that'd be like me forcing my little baby to give me a blowjob!

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Honestly, I kinda want to but there are many things that would hold me back.

Besides all the aforementioned issues with actually having a kid, there's finding a girl. We'd have to be married but that's not the issue either. I wouldn't even START looking for a girlfriend until I'm out of University and since I plan to do a Masters degree and get a PhD I'm guessing that'll be 6-7 years...

Though I know one thing: If/when I have a kid, they're getting bottlefed! Beastfeeding is fucking disgusting, that'd be like me forcing my little baby to give me a blowjob!

I was cool up until the last point. One of the benefits of breastfeeding is that the mother's antibodies pass on to the baby, which means that the baby is less likely to be sick.

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Pffft, the modern formulas probably have something for that. Even if they don't it wouldn't be worth having her do THAT to the poor kid! :wtf:

No, they don't pass on antibodies. Really, they don't.

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Though I know one thing: If/when I have a kid, they're getting bottlefed! Beastfeeding is fucking disgusting, that'd be like me forcing my little baby to give me a blowjob!

Pfffft hahahahahaha

Classic Crash.

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No, they don't pass on antibodies. Really, they don't.

Antibodies simply can't survive even a moment in powder formula. And they wouldn't survive the manufacturing process either way because sterilization would destroy any antibody.

Right then, I guess I'll just have to write those off.

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Seriously, it was pretty rude to say she's getting too old to have a child. Eclipse would be a wonderful mother regardless of when she decided to have a kid.

I'd know =D

Anyway, I really think I would, but it's not something I'm thinking about atm.

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that'd be like me forcing my little baby to give me a blowjob!


You ought to hope that your wife agrees with you about your views on breastfeeding!

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