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Naruto Mafia - Game Over


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Manix, I'm not really mentioning you because you made yourself clear that you thought my reactions were crappy. Elie's whole case on me was three words. Totally not excellent.

Wait, BBM, bro, if you don't think I'm scum, then what the hell man? Then my flip won't help you at all!

Associative reads, Aere! Currently, my idea that Scumblade is trying to profit from defending you is just conjecture, because I can't actually know your alignment for sure! But if you flip town, that looks worse to me, and it also makes me more sure that one of the wagoners (Elie/Marth/Manix) are scum! Plus, I might be wrong in my idea that you aren't scum! Again, my gut about Paper is the only reason I'm not voting you! Currently, I think you're town not doing well, but you COULD be scum!

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See I could listpost scumreads except there has barely been any interaction and only Aere is sticking out like this atm.

Btw I'm claiming Kakashi Hatake, if it hasn't been obvious by now. GG Helios.

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Wait, BBM, bro, if you don't think I'm scum, then what the hell man? Then my flip won't help you at all!

Uh, yes it will. There's a reason we always lynch day 1, it gives the town more information, and something finite we can go off, especially with no night 0 results.

I don't think Aere's been that scummy, but nobody has due to the lack of interaction.

Sharingan to copy the dead foes' techniques, cool! =D

Please tell me this isn't a claim. Also my vote stays here for the same reasons as before, although I'll change if need be.

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SB read properly. He was talking about how MY role works acc. to my character.

I don't like how you misread and are trying to justify your vote with Bullshit like that.

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I never watched Naruto, my bad.

And I justified it earlier that he was sheeping and he really hasn't done anything to make me think otherwise. I never said the the thing I quoted made him look scummy, I said he looked scummy because of the same reasons as before, aka sheeping.

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... BBM's posts are driving me to insanity.

He starts a wagon on Aere for his behaviour... then gets off of it and says he hasn't seen Aere do anything wrong, and is concerned about how fast the wagon grew.

Then he votes for Paperblade, one of the people who didn't rapidly hop on the wagon, for not hopping on the wagon.




I almost want to lynch him just for being annoying.

That aside, personally, I think there is no case on Aere, every scum and their mother knows not to overreact to votes anymore, and Aere is the one who actually got discussion going (I don't consider Marth's attempt to have been particularly successful.)

As for Marth, aside from pushing a very weak initial case on SB, he very quickly reinforced the wagon against Aere with arguments against what he was doing, but did not commit to it until after other people had hopped on the wagon first, perhaps in an attempt to avoid appearing to be WIFOMing.

I feel we'll get the most information out of lynching one of them, and right now I'm more inclined to go for Marth, amnesiac claim be damned.

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I found Marth to be town before the Insomniac claim came up. He might have pursued a weak case on me, but I don't think scum would do that and risk drawing so much attention to themselves when they could just sit by and do nothing, and watch us waste time getting nothing done.

Still unsure on a lynch target, just due to lack of activity.

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Well I actually believe Marth so I'd rather not vote for him. I also think he was just trying to pull an Elie and start to discussion for the sake of benefiting the town, but as he should know pulling an Elie will get all attention towards you (and usually negative attention at that).

Ironically my RVS vote is the vote I'm gonna stay with still because I'm not really liking how BBM has played so far. "You don't really look scummy to me Aere, and you'll probably flip town, but I think you're scummy and would vote for you." What? And I'm not a fan of the Paperblade vote either at this stage since he hasn't really done anything scummy either off the top of my head (though like most of us he hasn't really existed yet either).

I also see the case on Aere though, and if BBM doesn't look like he'll be a viable lynch target I'm willing to switch my vote to him.

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Because of lack of talking and communication, mostly my own fault for not posting much here I don't have the best of reads on people. I also will not be here at phase end because of work.

I'm not really liking SB's play, so that's where my vote is going to go. I have a scum read on him. I MIGHT be able to post from my phone later. Other than SB I think IU would prefer the BBM lynch.


##Vote: SB

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You know, Amnesiac or not, there is no reason why Blueninja is overly town to me. As far as I'm concerned, that claim was unnecessary, and in hindsight, he should be punished for such a claim, combined with the push on Ninjaere earlier (that could have been easily slowed down at an earlier time and diverted to a different player). Blueninja has made a mountain out of a molehill, and I suspect it's all he was really able to come up worth.

##Vote Blueninja-sensei, to 1,000 pushups with one arm

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BBM's making less and less sense

First Aere wagon is scummy but the wagon is too fast

Then Aere is town because I'm buddying up to him

Now Aere is scummy again but I'm still scummy

##Unvote, ##Vote: BBM

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The thing is, there's very little to actually get a good Vote off of without sheeping at all, unless more major issues and discussions are going on and happening. Otherwise, what I might want to give as reasons for my Vote would actually already have been said by someone else and I feel that repeating another argument point constitutes to a greater sheeping offense.

Why the sudden change in interest over to BBM? I know you guys are looking at the fact that BBM's actions are not making sense or making him look Scummy right? Are there any other reasons why you guys have decided to lynch him today?

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*yawn* I guess its time to get busy, right? ^_^

We are now at a three way tie I believe? Aere, BBM and I have two votes. Sorry, I think Aere has three votes?

Elininja- sensei, the reason I claimed early is because we had only 24 hours left, there was not much discussion and I had 4 votes on me and was considered a viable lynch target. If you think its a pro-town move to claim 5-6 hours before end phase, then sorry but that's just not how it works.

Ok who do we lynch, Aere or BBM? I'm starting to see how BBM has been kind of contradictory but this is more about consolidating a lynch at this point.

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You guys are totally misunderstanding me!

Thought Process:

1. Aere has been doing very little at all! That is grounds for suspicion!

2. Aere suddenly gathers 3 votes in a relatively short amount of time! That seems too fast! Although he doesn't look town, when wagons accelerate like that, there are probably sum trying to push for a mislynch! Someone there is probably scum, but I'm not sure who!

3. Paper suddenly says, "lol Aere wagon is bad"! He gives very little reasoning for this read at all, which makes me think he is simply trying to look good after Aere actually ends up being town!

4. Therefore, my thoughts are that one of the people on the Aere wagon might be scum, and that Paper might be scum! But few people are saying anything about Paper even though he's lurking really hard, so I try to look for something else!

5. Although I think Aere might actually be town, his play HASN'T been great. Plus, his flip will either solidify my thoughts about Paper and the Aere wagon, or tell me that I was wrong. So if we lynch him, the worst case scenario is that he is town, but we get associative reads! Best case scenario is that I am wrong and he is actually scum, in which case I can change my line of reasoning! Therefore, I wouldn't mind lynching Aere!

Also, I don't like Haze's post at all! He gave reasons for why he thought a couple people were scummy, and then didn't vote for any of them! Instead, unless I'm mistaken, he still has his RVS vote! This is Marth, who he DID list on his list of suspicious people, but he said a lot more about me! Why is he voting for him over me if he thinks my play has been bad, annoying, and almost worthy of a policy lynch!?

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Ok I think we should just lynch Aere. He's making himself look like obv!Scum.

1. Votes me because I made a weak case on SB. On its own is not very scummy, but looking other things he's doing it looks opportunistic.

2. Then he asks Manix why he's voting him and starts overreacting. Mistake no.2

3. He then proceeds to vote Elieson because Eli "Doesn't give clear reasoning." which is cool and all but that's just pure OMGUS without any meat behind it.

4. He then proceeds to vote BBM which is cool because saving your skin is understandable. However he maintain a passive aggressive stance on me. Why is that? You could as well have kept your vote on me because people are looking at me as a viable lynch target. Why be passive aggressive towards me?

I don't see BBM as scummy, so I don't really want to lynch him but like I said, I need to consolidate.

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Also, I don't like Haze's post at all! He gave reasons for why he thought a couple people were scummy, and then didn't vote for any of them! Instead, unless I'm mistaken, he still has his RVS vote! This is Marth, who he DID list on his list of suspicious people, but he said a lot more about me! Why is he voting for him over me if he thinks my play has been bad, annoying, and almost worthy of a policy lynch!?

Fortunately for you, I don't consider being an annoying asshole grounds for a lynch.

I'm not entirely sure how that makes my post bad, but there you go.

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From what I see, I think the RVS has been going on for too long, which is why on D1 today, it's actually hard to get any evidence or Scumtells off of people. Even if there are Scumtells, most of it is just us grasping at air or at things that are actually not solid Scumtells.

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