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The Results of Bullying


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So basically everybody's answer to bullying is martial arts lessons

I almost wanted people to bully me when I was younger. I assumed that being skinny and relatively short, I looked like a prime target, and that given what training I'd had I could probably take even somebody bigger. That didn't exactly work out well, not because I got myself beat up but because I was overzealous a couple times when the situation didn't really call for force. I was lucky enough that, while it seemed like there was a high concentration of douchebag in my area, none of them seemed to get physically abusive far as I knew.

Particularly not-proud of the times I used force without really needing it. They contributed to my just coming to think the average street fight is a bad idea for everybody involved.

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Eh, I was never bullied because I made it clear that if you got in my bad side you wouldn't like it at all. Helps that the teachers generally liked me because of my high grades and that I didn't act out in class like the bully types tended to do. Though I can see why someone would kill themselves if there is enough bullying forced upon them and they don't feel that they have any other way out. I also can understand how victims can snap and in the end the bully is lying in a pool of blood. Sorta like that teen that stabbed a bully 12 times when the bully chased after him and started attacking him when the kid just wanted to be left alone.

No sympathy for that bully, he dug his own grave. Glad the justice system there didn't punish the victim.

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youve only just realised that

bullying's gonna happen no matter what

i don't know what advice to give but just try not to take it out on yourself, take it out on them

bullying is similar to racism and i despise it but what can i do

i cant go on a travis bickler like rampage and kill everyone (that was pretty dark im sorry)

the world is one fucked up place and the longer you dont realise it, the better for you

try to care less what other people think about you. be selfish

ok now im just rambling

There are definitely things that you can do to prevent them, such as making "bullying" illegal.Yes the world is fucked up, but i think bullying here is far more than just mere verbal abuse (i'm saying this because of this line - "try to care less what other people think about you"). Bullying is fucked up and there is no reason that it shouldn't have its own legal consequences.

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I think we've only barely scratched the surface of what can be done over the internet. Internet's a really terrifying thing when you think about it - not because of anonymity issues, it's not as anonymous as most people think, but more because of the viral nature of the thing.

Everything, including bullying, is 100x worse over the internet. We were lucky in that the bully took down the incriminating blog posts, which were friendslocked anyway even before the incident (thereby making them quite a bit harder to actually find) and changing schools was a viable solution - it very nearly could've been a nonviable one, given the particular social circles involved. If it had gone anywhere near viral (viral within relevant social circles is good enough for that) without a viable solution, which really is just a question of scale, I'm not entirely sure what would have happened. We were also considering legal action, and really we'd most likely have won the case, but the internet has different standards than a court of law.

Yeah, the internet. I like it most of the time, but there's always a dark side. Things get magnified over the internet. Bad things.

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The Internet is a place where everyone is anonymous until someone decides to make someone else not anonymous. Since the Internet is so readily available, the audience is bigger and more diverse, so the odds of finding people that agree on things (for good or for ill) goes up significantly.

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The whole thread reminds me of this article.

That article was kinda interesting, but seems mostly defensive and rather smug. Particularly the "Re:" article responding to emails which just blatantly said "lol why would you even want to be popular"

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I actually find myself agreeing with the video Slayer posted there. I think it's very interesting how the use of some term can affect the way a human perceives something. Or maybe it's the other way around, I don't know yet because my thought has not properly crystalized yet.

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I too agree that the word/term "bullying" is much too light.

To be bullied makes you sound like a weak person incapable of self-defense for whatever reason and you should man up.

But to be harassed makes you sound like a real victim who needs help.

At least that's how I perceive it.

Edited by Raven
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  • 2 weeks later...

Now onto the really juicy part! I SEEKED HELP AND IT PRETTY MUCH NEVER WORKED!! I would tell the teachers and they wouldn't lift a fucking finger (One particularly good example: I went to report another student for name-calling and the teacher dismissed it outright saying "If I tried to tell him off, he'd just say he didn't do it), my parents would try their very best (except for those times when even they would abandon me) but couldn't do anything about it. But oh, when I retaliated in any way at all they'd be on my ass like flies on fucking flypaper! I'd get loads of shit and they would often get away scot-free! One time I remember getting dragged out of the room while my bully FUCKING LAUGHED AT ME AND GOT NOTHING FOR DOING THAT!

The only thing that ever stopped it was when my Teaching Assistants were sanctioned to follow me everywhere I went. Even these fuckers knew better than to fuck with someone who had an adult right behind them.

When you combine this with the terrible lessons, teaching and support I got for many years (and to a degree still get), can you blame me for my deep-seated hatred of education? :3:

I agree with this part. When you're being bullied, you just don't have the strenght to fight back. You become depressed and weak. And the last thing someone who's being bullied does is think someone might help them, or solve their problems... At least after they do it once, or twice, and nothing happens. They just don't believe on this, and lack the strenght to fight back.

For me, bullying wouldn't exist if society was more integrated. This is what I wished for my schools, and it is still something I wish: An integrated community. It never happened, obviously, because it's a rather utopian and silly thought. With this, there would be no bullies and no isolated people with issues that would help getting themselves bullied.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be bullied makes you sound like a weak person incapable of self-defense for whatever reason and you should man up.

man up

give me a break

not everyone is strong enough to defend themselves

whats the point in retaliating anyway. you'll get into more trouble

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I've always hated bullies. In Jr.high there was kid a who racked (hit me in the private areas) me everyday. One day I got fed up with it, then broke his nose/eye socket and got suspended for a week; but it worth it if you ask me. After that word went around and I never got picked on again... but I feel for the ladies out there, girls are way meaner than guys imo. If you've got a bully the best solution is to stand up for yourself and kick that bullies ass.

Bottom line:If you're a dude, bring a weapon you can sneak into school, fuck him up, wipe off your fingerprints, ditch your weapon, then say you don't know anything. Nobody will ever mess with you again. Recommendations are a sock full of nickels, a broken glass bottle or a piece of rebar. This might seem a bit extreme, but anyone who's had an asshole pick on them every single day will get where I'm coming from.

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Very good point, I never said it was a go-to solution. Let me clarify this guy had been harassing/giving me hell for 6+ months. However eventually for you have to stand up for yourself, plus nothing you do in Jr. High gets stuck on your adult record. (As long as you don't kill anybody, murder is NEVER a good option for your problems.)

Edit: Also grew up in a messed up town that had minimal law enforcement. If you live in a big city with gangs/groups don't take my advice; because all your gonna do is earn an ass whooping later on.

Great anti bully video right here:


Edited by redturtle806
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't say I have none of this, but when it was my time, for a short guy I somehow have an equally fitting short fuse. Bullies? If it wasn't for a teacher one of them could've gotten smacked by a wooden chair back then.

In my case, I think I had to feel bad for those bullies trying to target me. I beat them all up because back then words are of no use. Well, that got me a scolding from the vice-principal something about "violence is not the way to go", but eh.

I think I'm glad I'm much more sane and calm now.

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