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Oi, unicorns is already used to derogatorily refer to cis males who say they want to be genderqueer allies, we wuz 'ere first

Get your own mythical animal >:

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It shouldn't matter. If you're not going to meet, people on the internet should cyber with both genders.

Oi, unicorns is already used to derogatorily refer to cis males who say they want to be genderqueer allies, we wuz 'ere first

Get your own mythical animal >:

I'm a rhinogriff.

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Crash, here's another thing: why does it matter whether a random person on the Internet you'll probably never meet is a male or a female? Would it change how you treat or interact with that person? Should it?

I'm going to tell you a story right now. Back when I was new to SF (so new that the FR thing hadn't even started up at that point), I didn't mark my gender as female. I wanted to see whether people thought I were male or female based merely off my posts and words and typing style.

Funny thing: the consensus was that I was male.

The not-so-funny thing: Harpoon, after I told him that I was female, said something like, "but I was taught to treat ladies differently" or some bullshit like that. Fast forward a couple of months where he has the nerve to portray me as an ambition-less housemother type. This is a guy who when he first talked to me thought I was a dude and treated me normally. If he never figured out that I was actually female, I can guarantee that he would've treated me differently.

Long story short? Sometimes, you don't WANT people to know you're gender because they'll treat you differently over it. And don't tell me that it doesn't happen because it did.

Thats just sad. Really really sad. Why should this even...aggh! And people wonder why i dont view people as genders but as...well people.

Srsly, ive had people bitch at me for not placing importance on gender. :facepalm:

At topic, i dont freaking care. If people wanna put Not Telling or leave it blank, cool. Doesnt matter to me.

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this must be how psych felt

although i didn't post a joke i found on the internet

Oh and sorry if I actually offended anyone; it wasn't my intention.

Edited by Helios
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I just have two tiny things to say, I won't continue the argument at all.

1) However you feel about hiding your gender, can't we all agree that it sucks that some people would feel forced into doing it by fear of horrid behaviour? Should we be trying to work on some way to lessen it, even a little bit?

2) If you want an option for "non-binary" people, wouldn't "Other" be a better choice for them specifically?

Edited by CrashGordon94
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1) However you feel about hiding your gender, can't we all agree that it sucks that some people would feel forced into doing it by fear of horrid behaviour? Should we be trying to work on some way to lessen it, even a little bit?

2) If you want an option for "non-binary" people, wouldn't "Other" be a better choice for them specifically?

1) if you want to make it a personal crusade to fix people, go nuts, but it's easier for people to just put "not telling" instead of try to change the opinions of so many people

2) no because "not telling" makes it vague enough that it could be male, female, or whatever. "Other" implies not male or female and that leaves said person open to attacks from people who are phobic against nonbinary people.

what ain't broke y'don't fix. "Not telling" is fine as it is.

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I just have two tiny things to say, I won't continue the argument at all.

1) However you feel about hiding your gender, can't we all agree that it sucks that some people would feel forced into doing it by fear of horrid behaviour? Should we be trying to work on some way to lessen it, even a little bit?

Sure. Maybe not calling people who decide to hide it idiotic would be one thing you can avoid in the future.

2) If you want an option for "non-binary" people, wouldn't "Other" be a better choice for them specifically?

Depends - why don't we see if anyone actually wants the "other" option to be available so they can use it? I guess I don't see how it could hurt as another option. I don't see why it matters very much though.

Edited by L1049
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Sure. Maybe not calling people who decide to hide it idiotic would be one thing you can avoid in the future.

That's not really related to that point I made. :/

Depends - why don't we see if anyone actually wants the "other" option to be available so they can use it? I guess I don't see how it could hurt as another option. I don't see why it matters very much though.

It wasn't really a serious suggestion, just a little thought that came up since he was bringing up that point.

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@1: Yes, it is shitty that circumstances are such that some people really want to hide their gender based on the behavior of others, and an attempt should be made to reduce that. Getting rid of the hidden option is not going to help, though. Attempting to force disclosure will not cause a general behavior change.

@2:Having an "Other" option alongside "Not Telling" wouldn't be a bad thing, since people would be free to use it or not depending on what they wanted. It's not perfect, but it's a step in the right direction. I've also seen a text field used to decent effect, though obviously there's room for trolling with that. Having the option to represent oneself is usually a good thing. If you used it to replace "Not Telling", well, the people who didn't want to disclose would probably use it anyway, because it's pretty nonindicative.

I don't remember who it was on staff that I asked about that a while back, but it seems that at least in the case of Serenes, the options given are dictated by the board software, and not really customizable, so an "Other" option probably isn't in the cards here. Oh well.

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"Other" implies not male or female and that leaves said person open to attacks from people who are phobic against nonbinary people.





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Oh, wait Borons a girl.

Derp, and I was talking like he/she was one of the guys....

That comment didn't bother me at the time. But after all those arguments that had happened between us, it now reinforces my current thought that part of the trouble between us was BECAUSE he started treating me like a girl. :/

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Zak does that and he's a dude.

What IS true is that it's idiotic and the option shouldn't be there.

Why not? Isn't it nice for people to know whether others on this forum have a penis or a vagina?

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