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Guilty Pleasure Character


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I love Ardan's personality so much, but even for my slightly sluggish FE4 standards he's unusable. emo10.gif One day I WILL baby him enough to actually promote him.

There are some not very useful characters I always use, though: Tiltyu and Tinny, Wolt (and I give him the A Support with Roy every time too), Lilina, L'Arachel (is she considered not very useful though?), FE11 Linde... and there are probably others I'm forgetting.

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FE9 Rolf. He is practically detrimental for the team seeing as he competes with a ton of other, better units for exp and he's forever bowlocked, but I've babied him more than I care to admit. Top 5 kills level of babying. Marcia is just so much better, it's almost unbelievable how bad she makes Rolf look in comparison.

Neimi's start is undeniably bad but I think she's the bee's knees as a ranger. I practically have blinders on to ignore what a terrible start she has and how she needs to be babied to keep up exp wise.

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FE4: For Gen I, I guess...Dew? He isn't exactly terrible, though, but he is a bit difficult to train. The results are awesome, though. I can't really think of any terrible characters in Gen II other than Hannibal and most subs, but I never use the ones that are that bad.

FE5: I really like Ronan's design and he has a pretty cool character, so I like using him despite his abysmal STR growth.

FE6: Ward. Ward's the man, and he's the greatest. I also like using Sophia in NM, despite even in that mode she's still rather bad.

FE7: Wil's my favorite character in this game other than Priscilla, and he's just...bro. It really sucks seeing him get bashed all the time, but he is bow-locked and can get screwed easily. Doesn't stop me from using him, though. Same with Nino. She's even WORSE than Wil, but it's satisfying in a way training her.

FE8: Marisa. I just...prefer her to Joshua. As for L'Arachel, she may join really late, but she's just...awesome.

FE9: Rolf. I really like his support conversations and his character is great.

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I promote her to a sniper all the time too, which ensures that she stays awful!


Oh, and many of the magic users in FE10. And Gatrie (is he considered bad? His caps and movement hold him back a lot, but he has amazingly distributed growths)

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All archers and armors for me, and all Ests (even if they don't have Est-like growths like Sophia).

Then again, I always try to use different characters for each playthrough, so it doesn't matter if a character is considered terrible or not.

For characters that don't fit those above three, there's Elice (she's usually not counted as an Est), Robin, Diadora, Lilina, Dorcas, and Garcia (long term use for the latter two, since their earlygame is considered good but their lategame is considered horrible).

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FE7: Guy

FE8: L'Arachel, Lute

FE9: Rolf (sometimes), Rhys

FE10: Tormod, Stefan (they're just late, not horrible!)

Note that I do not consider Rath and Tormod to be not useful in FE7 and FE9.

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FE6: Roy. I just can't stop using him. Not because I want to, but because the game forces me!

FE7: Lyn. At least, she's considered bad by like everyone. She does well for me though :/

FE8: Syrene.

FE9: Rolf, Lucia.

FE10: Rolf (hes not that bad here but still), Lucia, HMEdward, Micaiah

FE11: Athena, Midia

FE12: Cain

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FE4: I always kind of liked Azel, but he's almost as bad as Ardan to use early.

FE5: She's not bad by any means, but I use Machua more than she probably deserves.

FE6: Again, not bad, but I have a soft spot for Sue. Also Thany as a combat unit.

FE7: Lowen, I guess? He's kind of thrown under the bus when compared to Kent and Sain usually but I find him pretty solid.

FE8: Lute

FE12: Rody, in the same vein as Lowen (but for different reasons)

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FE3 : Banutu. He offers interesting chip damage and tanking abilities.

FE4 : Noish, who is typically paired with Ayra. It's kind of a tossup between him and Levin for the Pursuit ring in Gen. 1 for me. For Gen. 2, I'd probably say Johalva. I always liked him with the Killer Bow.

FE5 : Definitely Marty. The Hero Axe helps his doubling problems and the scrolls that help him best appear early, unlike for Ronan.

FE6 : The twins, supported together. Kind of a pain to raise, but in the end Lugh clears out waves of Dragon Knights while Ray can be a pretty effective tank.

FE7 : Bartre, mostly because I enjoy recruiting everyone.

FE8 : Pretty much everyone.

FE9 : Shinon mostly because I liike him. I also tend to use Volke as a fighter too and even give him Lethality.

FE10 : Again, Volke.

FE12 : I've used Navarre as a Mercenary > Swordmaster with some success in H3. Him and Merric would get so many level ups against those dragons.

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FE7: Bartre, totes. Hes just...i love Bartre but if he doesnt get that one point in speed on his first level up, its a no-go. lol! Nino is another one. Shes not horribad but she starts at such a low level that...yeah.

FE8: Amelia. I love me some PaladinAmelia.

FE9: Volke as a combat unit.

FE10: Fiona and how!

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