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I lost faith in FE


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whats so objectively bad about sparse sexualization that you cant just ignore it though

im not big on fanservice but it's not particularly blatant here, just a couple of pictures that have nothing to do with gameplay

people gettin upset over nothing

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After genderbent Ike in a bunny waitress/PlaymateTM outfit I'm afraid this just doesn't register dude

Edited by Rehab
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Wait linked pic in the OP is an example of oversexualization? Man and I thought there was something really funny with the link >_>

Losing faith in FE because of character design is hilarious.

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Im not losing faith, i just the art is meh to bad. Ill probably get the game anyway and play it. But some of the character designs are a bit too eehhh for me. As for the DLC characters, if im even arsed to get them, ill just picture them as their original art.

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Wait linked pic in the OP is an example of oversexualization? Man and I thought there was something really funny with the link >_>

Losing faith in FE because of character design is hilarious.

Sounds like the insane Sonic fanboys [me being one of the more sane ones] complaining about Sonic's eye color being green [and this seriously happens]

I'm not a fan of the fanservicey designs but meh I'll cope

Edited by Captain Jedi
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It's funny because Palla's art is one of the best for the female characters

Just do what I do and pretend the bottom half doesn't exist. The artist probably drew her that way and found out later that it had to be a full body picture.

you know what, cool story bro. I'm glad you do. All I want is to enjoy my boobies without all these damn threads "omg its all sexualized and shit (cos that's never happened) and now fe is shit!"

It's why I never go to the FE13 board anymore. ;/

The problem isn't just that, they're also either drawn like shit or have bad designs to begin with. It leads to them being sexualized for the sake of being sexualized.

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I was disappointed by the FE13 art more than I might have been for a game from some other franchise because while it's got its ridiculous bits, FE had actually been decent on the character design front up before this. Failed to meet prior expectations, basically.

I'm too broke to be buying a 3DS anytime soon soooo.

Edited by kdanger
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Insofar as Nintendo/IS had the final word on whether a work of art by another artist would be used, they're "responsible" for any changes in the art direction, and the DLC art is relevant to "faith" in Nintendo/IS/FE.

For instance, isn't the skimpy clothing in the Micky picture that people complain about used in Saria's art as well?

After genderbent Ike in a bunny waitress/PlaymateTM outfit I'm afraid this just doesn't register dude

People just don't adequately appreciate the original.

The DLC art that was inspired by the original, that is.

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hey guise just look at my tits

if gangrel does it you know its good for you

At first this post made me incredibly happy.

And then I realized you were talking about Inverse's tits. I don't think there are any pictures of Gangrel's tits.

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For instance, isn't the skimpy clothing in the Micky picture that people complain about used in Saria's art as well?

Yes. And i hate Sariya's design as well. She as a character seems like one thats right up my alley, but that design...ack.

I was disappointed by the FE13 art more than I might have been for a game from some other franchise because while it's got its ridiculous bits, FE had actually been decent on the character design front up before this. Failed to meet prior expectations, basically.

Arr. FE has always been pretty great with character design in the past. The past decade has shown consistently high quality design, even the remakes had good design. So this installment is...disappointing to say the least.

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Sariya seems funny.

The things I have heard about FE13 make the characters seem a little more goofy, generally. It seems to be intentional as well (like, how every unit's description includes a miscellaneous superlative). That's not necessarily a good or bad thing. Maybe the observation won't even hold true for the game as a whole.

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Clearly the solution is for ALL of the FE characters to wear a Dark Mage or Dancer out fit.

Also, lul Integ

Plus a Pick Me Up:

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you guys the real problem these days is that people lack imagination. because they lack imagination, and are unable to picture their favorite opposite characters in sexy outfits/partially naked, IS had no choice BUT to do this. don't blame IS for this, blame those of the FE current/potential fanbase for lacking imagination.

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you guys the real problem these days is that people lack imagination. because they lack imagination, and are unable to picture their favorite opposite characters in sexy outfits/partially naked, IS had no choice BUT to do this. don't blame IS for this, blame those of the FE current/potential fanbase for lacking imagination.

I blame Japan.

Then again the FE fanbase can go eat a ham. DELICIOUS HAM.

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you guys the real problem these days is that people lack imagination. because they lack imagination, and are unable to picture their favorite opposite characters in sexy outfits/partially naked, IS had no choice BUT to do this. don't blame IS for this, blame those of the FE current/potential fanbase for lacking imagination.

god damn it guys, see what we did?

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After genderbent Ike in a bunny waitress/PlaymateTM outfit I'm afraid this just doesn't register dude

wait wait wait

This sounds familiar.


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Just be glad this isn't the Pokemon franchise, where people ditch the series for being too mature and complicated.

Pokemon mature. No way.

For instance, isn't the skimpy clothing in the Micky picture that people complain about used in Saria's art as well?

It's unknown why Micaiah wanted to use her bewbs for her weapon now. xD

And Saria personality doesn't reflect the way she dresses at all. But Dark Magic users nowadays are going sexual for their bitter pasttime from the previous titles.


Isn't this one of the reasons why FE's so fantastic? Hot guys and gals. Mm.

Edited by Winona
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It's on the internet. It's not a particularly hard image to find.

(i know the one he's talking about)

(and it's not particularly good)

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