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[FE11] Draft Tier List


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All games should have one of these. The other one was outdated.

Assuming H1

First Pick






Second Pick






Third Pick






Fourth Pick






Fifth Pick






Sixth Pick






Seventh Pick






Eight Pick






Ninth Pick






Tenth Pick






Dont Pick me!




This was hard to tier...so many useless units. Feel free to nitpick/discuss etc

Edited by PKL
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Why is there, like, a four-tier difference between Radd and Caesar? Palla/Catria may be powerful, but the odds of me actually recruiting them are near-nil, as they cost turns (and my team can probably hold its own at that point). I'm well aware that Radd is quite scrubby when he starts, and stays that way until promotion, but he's free and shows up much earlier (with a gaiden to help fix him, to boot).

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How come Wolf is a whole tier above Sedgar? I'm not getting on your case for liking him better or anything, but the differences between them seem very minor.

They're only 1 spot away from each other, and Wolf is slightly better so he's a spot higher

Also yeah Caeda is probably better than the cavs

Edited by Strider
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beck above Minerva and Jeorge for sure

Yeah, I really didnt pay much attention to the last few's order since they wont get recruited. My bad, Beck IS better than them and I will fix that now.

Where in the name of God is Jagen?

Jeigan is free. Same with Marth, Nagi and Gotoh. Draft tier lists don't tier free characters.

Yep. What Lucina said.

Why is there, like, a four-tier difference between Radd and Caesar? Palla/Catria may be powerful, but the odds of me actually recruiting them are near-nil, as they cost turns (and my team can probably hold its own at that point). I'm well aware that Radd is quite scrubby when he starts, and stays that way until promotion, but he's free and shows up much earlier (with a gaiden to help fix him, to boot).

Well, Radd is awful. As much as I liked to use him and get him to usability. Palla and Catria may cost 2 and 1 turn respectively, but they are solid units. It's true that they will never ever be recruited though...which is a shame. I'll probably lower them, but where to?

How come Wolf is a whole tier above Sedgar? I'm not getting on your case for liking him better or anything, but the differences between them seem very minor.

Wolf has more spd at base and guaranteed Str on his levelups as a Hero over Sedgar. He also has more luck. There's literally only 1 spot between them anyway, its just that Sedgar didnt fit in second pick tier.

Sheeda is better than Cain and Abel for bosskilling early on.

Yes, for bosskilling. But Cain and Abel usually have no trouble doing that with effective weapons in H1 anyway. Specially Cain, who has Armorslayer access earlier than Abel. That is why Cain is above Abel too, despite Abel being able to fling Javelins before 6x.

They're only 1 spot away from each other, and Wolf is slightly better so he's a spot higher

Also yeah Caeda is probably better than the cavs

Caeda is really good once you get out of Chapter 3. The cavs are better there and can handle themselves in H1 against most bosses. If they get a bosskiller partner, they are > Caeda for sure. The question is, how likely is it that they will get a bosskiller?

EDIT: Theorycrafted a little. The chances of the Altean Cavs getting a bosskiller for earlygame is very low. What with Navarre (Armorslayer) and Bord (Hammer) being high demand picks for exactly that...I think Caeda can hold herself better than the other 2 after Chapter 3. Specially against the Chapter 4 boss.


Caeda to Top of Top.

Radd up a bit.

Beck over Minerva and Jeorge.

Edited by PKL
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Castor and Gordin seem a bit high to me, and Wendell seems way too low. Wendell can be recruited by Merric instead of wasting turns to have Marth do it, and Merric only costs 1 turn? to recruit. Does he even cost a turn? I cant remember.

Anyway, Wendell should go way up.

edit: Elice above Wryyyyyys? She only has 2 Chapters of use. Wrys is there for the entire game.

Edited by Hawk King
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Metric costs a turn. Therefore, Windex costs at minimum, a turn.

Not a single unit from 5th pick, up, costs any turns.

Also, Elice costs 0 turns. WRYYYYYS however....

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Castor and Gordin seem a bit high to me, and Wendell seems way too low. Wendell can be recruited by Merric instead of wasting turns to have Marth do it, and Merric only costs 1 turn? to recruit. Does he even cost a turn? I cant remember.

Anyway, Wendell should go way up.

edit: Elice above Wryyyyyys? She only has 2 Chapters of use. Wrys is there for the entire game.

Wendell costs a turn. He's good but that's usually a dealbreaker in FE11 drafts.

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By that logic, btw, Radd, Etzel, Dolph, Macellan, Lorenz, Tomas and Ymir belong up, while Merric, Wendell, Palla and Catria belong down.

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Darros up. He might cost a turn, but it's not overly likely that you can min TC chapter 2. He comes at a point where your team is weak and may very well shave the turn he costs, maybe more, and late units like Ymir and Astram aren't shaving any turns unless your team is just awful. Same deal with Wendell, and possibly Merric.

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Ymir and Astram save turns by simply never costing them.

A suggestion, PKL. Highlight 0 turn units in green text or something?

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Ymir and Astram save turns by simply never costing them.

A suggestion, PKL. Highlight 0 turn units in green text or something?

Done. Red = costs turns, green = doesnt. Looks kinda...weird though

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Of the early units. . .

Wrys - He's eh, and will probably be skipped.

Darros - He's worth it, if you somehow missed every other Chapter 1/2 unit (or if your only units shoot arrows). During the early stages, you'll need people to deal damage, as your guys probably aren't ORKOing stuff (Jagen's Silver Lance doesn't last forever).

Merric - Might be worth it if you recruited Wendell, or if your early units are near-nonexistent/otherwise really bad (i.e. a team of Gordin/Wrys/Lena/Matthis or something like that).

Wendell - He's a staffbot, and may be worth recruiting if you're desperate for one.

Everyone else comes too late to be worth their turns.

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i'd rather have cain or abel of shiida in h1 since most of the early bosses cain/abel have isses killing (chapter 5 and 6 namely) are littered with archers and you'd need a pretty big team to get shiida through there safely, (escpecially chapter 6). Cain and abel are not only not effected by the archers at all really, they can orko them in return. Not to mention shiida misses orkoing enemies like paladins and heroes and such with a javelin later on unless she's strength blessed, which seems to always happen but w/e.

And that's the only point shiida has above Cain and Abel in my mind is those two bosses. Cain and Abel are pretty much better at everything else.

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  • 1 month later...


any reason Cord is above Wolf and Sedgar? He may come a bit earlier but he still has dat annoying E axes and Wolf and Sedgar just have better growths in general, even if they are promoted.

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