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In case anyone here doesn't understand why I'm so bitter, I'll spell it out to you.

Thanks America. You have doomed Israel. And me. Israel's only hope in surviving the next 4 years now hinges on the civil war in Syria since they're too busy hating each other to worry about us.

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You see them running on a functional level but Obama did nothing to solve the problems. AKA futures of the banks and auto industry. When their current capital runs out (which it will), what then?

Don't wait to tell me, I'll probably be in the middle of a war by that time because Obama will probably start trying to give the Negev back to the Iranians on the grounds that it was part of Persian empire 2000 years ago and we should go back to those borders. I have my own country to worry over.

Banks - I can't say, and I'm too lazy to research this.

Auto - GM and Chrysler appear to be recovering, and being the eight-biggest company in the US isn't a bad position for Ford.

I honestly don't know what the hell Romney would've done to save Israel. If you poke your nose around, you'll see that there's a good chunk of anti-Israel sentiment, for whatever reason. I hope the stuff in the Middle East sorts itself out sooner than later, and I hope the resolution isn't "wipe Israel off the face of the planet".

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I honestly don't know what the hell Romney would've done to save Israel. If you poke your nose around, you'll see that there's a good chunk of anti-Israel sentiment, for whatever reason. I hope the stuff in the Middle East sorts itself out sooner than later, and I hope the resolution isn't "wipe Israel off the face of the planet".

Romney wouldn't be offering my country piece by piece to appease religious psychos. Romney wouldn't just sit by, let Iran acquire a nuke and then after Tel Aviv is nothing more than a hole in the earth, say "Oops, I guess they were actually going to do that".

There was supposed to be a war here last year. It didn't happen thanks to under-the-table deals made but there will be one within the next two years for a fact. And it will also be the first war in Israeli history where America stood firm... on the side of murderers.

Yeah, sure it's the Middle East and you're all in America and what does it matter to you but if a war breaks out here, there might just be one less poster on SF.

Edited by Mr. Wanker
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Romney wouldn't be offering my country piece by piece to appease religious psychos. Romney wouldn't just sit by, let Iran acquire a nuke and then after Tel Aviv is nothing more than a hole in the earth, say "Oops, I guess they were actually going to do that".

There was supposed to be a war here last year. It didn't happen thanks to under-the-table deals made but there will be one within the next two years for a fact. And it will also be the first war in Israeli history where America stood firm... on the side of murderers.

Yeah, sure it's the Middle East and you're all in America and what does it matter to you but if a war breaks out here, there might just be one less poster on SF.

I'm. . .not particularly feeling sorry for you, since you chose that destiny. The fact that you're so certain that America isn't on Israel's side tells me that you're not reading everything. Not every war is fought using guns.

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You see them running on a functional level but Obama did nothing to solve the problems. AKA futures of the banks and auto industry. When their current capital runs out (which it will), what then?

I'm quite certain that none of these were meant to be cure alls in the first place. If they hadn't happened, we'd be suffering these problems already. To also specify, these bailouts as it were went to General Motors (And not "All the auto industry" like you say, note Ford) and AIG (which has recovered and gone back to making profits, so it did work in their case). GM's current state I'm not fully aware of at the moment though. These were risks for sure, but had we just let them sink, then in this future we would be even deeper in the red since two industries we could have made returns on fell under.

Could it have gone to healthcare? Yeah. But then you have to think of it from the perspective of if it would have passed in the first place, because it almost didn't. A priority had to be made, and since healthcare is tax funded anyways, it will take care of itself over time.

I think we all need to agree though that just because you're the president doesn't make you a wizard capable of magic. Obama hasn't managed to push through everything he wants, and Romney wouldn't be able to either (especially since both houses of the legislative branch are tilted in opposite favors). Even if he does have economic experience (which tended to involve shipping jobs overseas, so doubt could still be cast on if he actually would be able to help unemployment rate, which he has a history of making worse), there's always the fact that nothing he'd want done would even make it through legislature. It would have been similar to his time as governor, where he issued over 800 vetoes and around 700 were overturned. He could have been weak even if he were elected.

As for foreign policy, it's only been bad in the middle eastern region which we're always going to be bad at, it's just a matter of who. This time it's just a bit more towards Israel, which uh...Sorry. But if Romney were in, his opinion would be making others mad. We can't exactly look good in anyone's eyes when it comes to the middle east, cause we're the ones who fucked it all up in recent times. All I can really say is sorry it was you we pissed off this time. I know that's taking it super light, but what else can be said when it seems like every answer is wrong?

As for China, we're their biggest customer. They have no reason not to milk a cow as long as they can, and unfortunately neither cantidate is going to stop that as much as they say otherwise. It would be nice if we could be separate, but it's also a thing that can't be dealt with overnight. All these issues take time, and the fact is no president could do it in a single term no matter who was president.

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I'm. . .not particularly feeling sorry for you, since you chose that destiny. The fact that you're so certain that America isn't on Israel's side tells me that you're not reading everything. Not every war is fought using guns.

You're not exactly correct. In fact... you aren't really correct at all.

First of all, it was my choice to move to Israel. I'll grant you that. But when your country is directly responsible for my country's future and the worst possible man for the job gets voted in, that means that I'm screwed because of... you.

Secondly, I can be 100% sure that Obama isn't on Israel's side because he still refers to the West Bank as "occupied territories". It's Israeli land. We treat the Arabs in our country like equals (did you know that Arab parties in the Israeli government hold 7/120 seats all together?). If Egypt attacks Israel, will Obama seriously condemn the attack? What about if Lebanon does? He clearly sees Israel in the wrong no matter what (not to mention that he hates our PM).

We have elections coming up at the end of January. There will probably be a war here by next June. Probably with Hamas again. War will happen, the question is when and with who. I know I'm voting Yair Lapid but the chance that Netanyahu gets back in just got a lot higher.

Last point. Wars here are still fought with guns. I don't do guard duty with a loaded rifle just for show.

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Life, you've given a lot of reasons for why Romney would have been a better President for Israel. Regardless of whether or not this is true, why should America have voted for the candidate that is better for Israel? For Americans, why should that have been a deciding factor as to why they voted for Romney or Obama?

Note: I'm a third party who is affected much less by the election than Americans or Israelis. I'm asking this because I'm interested.

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Protip, failing businesses going bankrupt is a good thing.

If you take away the risk of failure, you only encourage people to go full on retarded in the hopes of making out ahead, knowing that they'll be bailed out.

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It depends on how many people depend on that failing business. Yeah, you don't want to encourage businesses to fail, but when huge companies like GM start going bankrupt, people who did their job as they were told as well as they possibly could have get laid off, and that's not exactly fair.

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Protip, failing businesses going bankrupt is a good thing.

If you take away the risk of failure, you only encourage people to go full on retarded in the hopes of making out ahead, knowing that they'll be bailed out.

I think it's a bit more complicated than "oh you fucked up, well here's money". Namely, the employment rate was (and still is) more than stagnant. Imagine how many people would be unemployed and had nowhere to go if GM went under. It could easily have been worse.

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Life relax America is still gonna fund the fuck out Israel like it always has. I'm not going to argue with you though because it would evolve from a regular old discussion to a "fuck you you Arab prick" kind of emotional discussion, which I'd rather not get into since I'd like to try and keep respectful relationship with you.

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In 232 years America had accumulated 10.5 trillion dollars of debt. In the last 4 years under Obama, we've added 5.5 trillion to put it over 16 trillion dollars of debt. There are idiots who want 4 more years of that?

Obama hasnt done a single thing he promised 4 years ago. One of his promises was that he would cut the deficite in half, ooops, he INCREASED it by half, haha, thats close right? No. He has failed miserably.

Life is right, not only is America fucked for the next 4 years; the whole world is.

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In 232 years America had accumulated 10.5 trillion dollars of debt. In the last 4 years under Obama, we've added 5.5 trillion to put it over 16 trillion dollars of debt. There are idiots who want 4 more years of that?

Obama hasnt done a single thing he promised 4 years ago. One of his promises was that he would cut the deficite in half, ooops, he INCREASED it by half, haha, thats close right? No. He has failed miserably.

Life is right, not only is America fucked for the next 4 years; the whole world is.

This so much...

Hawk King, for once we completely agree on something.

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Yes, up until Obama we increased our debt by a static 45.3 billion dollars per year and then under Obama it suddenly shot up to 1.4 trillion dollars per year. That's definitely how that happened.

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Protip, failing businesses going bankrupt is a good thing.

If you take away the risk of failure, you only encourage people to go full on retarded in the hopes of making out ahead, knowing that they'll be bailed out.

True, but I think that monopolises things and monopolies are bad imo. Less competition raises the prices for consumers.

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You're not exactly correct. In fact... you aren't really correct at all.

First of all, it was my choice to move to Israel. I'll grant you that. But when your country is directly responsible for my country's future and the worst possible man for the job gets voted in, that means that I'm screwed because of... you.

Secondly, I can be 100% sure that Obama isn't on Israel's side because he still refers to the West Bank as "occupied territories". It's Israeli land. We treat the Arabs in our country like equals (did you know that Arab parties in the Israeli government hold 7/120 seats all together?). If Egypt attacks Israel, will Obama seriously condemn the attack? What about if Lebanon does? He clearly sees Israel in the wrong no matter what (not to mention that he hates our PM).

We have elections coming up at the end of January. There will probably be a war here by next June. Probably with Hamas again. War will happen, the question is when and with who. I know I'm voting Yair Lapid but the chance that Netanyahu gets back in just got a lot higher.

Last point. Wars here are still fought with guns. I don't do guard duty with a loaded rifle just for show.

This isn't Israel vs. everyoneandwhydon'twehaveanamericanpresidentthatdoesoureverywhim; it's more like a multifaction mafia. Remember what you were supposedly good at, because those same skills apply to the news you get.

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