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Most Underrated Character


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unless bartre has like -3 base speed, no

Soldiers even in HHM have 0-1 AS.

This totally, Soldiers also vanish from existence after bout ch 15.

Also this doesn't stop him from being good against them pesky cavaliers and pegs with their lances

Edited by Spirit Detective Jedi
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What's worse is that he's entirely reliant on his Spd growth (and a Wing if that can be considered relevant) since he doesn't even get a promotion bonus.

Indeed; it's why I consider fighter > warrior to have among the worst promotion bonuses in FE7 and FE8.

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Oh yeah I actually have someone for this list

FERD Bastian

Actually I have no fucking clue what this guy's place on the tier list is (because FERD tiering ftl) but nobody ever seems to consider him a viable unit compared to the royals. But come on the dude murders so much face right off the bat, plus he can use Arcthunder to wreck some dragons n such

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Another RD unit I find a bit underrated is Renning. While he's pretty easy to ignore due to all the royals, he gets both hammers and wyrmslayers, making him pretty useful in both 4-E-1 and 4-E-3. He'll do the same damage with an effective weapon as the royals would do.

I also kinda want to say FE9!Mist, but I think Serenes is the only place who doesn't think she's bad.

Edited by Piss Sick Lawyer Lucina
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Oh yeah I actually have someone for this list

FERD Bastian

Actually I have no fucking clue what this guy's place on the tier list is (because FERD tiering ftl) but nobody ever seems to consider him a viable unit compared to the royals.

But he isn't. Like, compared to the royals, Bastian is goddamn useless. He's an outright hindrance compared to the Royals. Don't get me wrong: Bastian does have some use, but trying to compare him to the Laguz Royals is not the right way to show it! He just gets stomped by them in terms of mobility, offense, and durability, and the only thing he really has over them is being able to use staves.

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Another RD unit I find a bit underrated is Renning. While he's pretty easy to ignore due to all the royals, he gets both hammers and wyrmslayers, making him pretty useful in both 4-E-1 and 4-E-3. He'll do the same damage with an effective weapon as the royals would do.

I also kinda want to say FE9!Mist, but I think Serenes is the only place who doesn't think she's bad.

And why is Mist bad? It's really easy to level her up by staff abuse or/and BEXP. Having a staffbot on a horse is awesome, even more if you want to help Ike beat the BK since she fights him alongside Ike (figuratively). I don't find her such a bad unit, too.

Another unit I like but is kinda underrated is Lilina. If she gets Speed and if you can use Speedwings on her, she becomes a killing machine. She ORKOs -dragons- and pretty much anything else easily.

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Ardan. He may be slow, but there's not much he's actually afraid of in the first few chapters. It's only those pesky Lance Knights that get the better of him.

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He uses Rexcalibur at base but if you're even considering the use of Rexcalibur why not give it to the much better Soren? Who, by the way, is locked to Ike's route.

I'm not sure it'd be "optimal" to use Soren enough in part 3 for him to be that great compared to Bastian...I wouldn't know though. But I feel like when I use Soren (which is pretty much all the time) in part 3, from around the camp-raid chapter on, I think about dropping him in favor of a melee unit of some kind who I end up benching, but I ultimately decide not to.

Of course, Bastian is unlikely to get much use of Rexcalibur in 4-5, I think, so even if you were using him in 4-F and not Soren, I'm not sure there's much point in giving it to him over Soren in the leadup to the tower.

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He uses Rexcalibur at base but if you're even considering the use of Rexcalibur why not give it to the much better Soren? Who, by the way, is locked to Ike's route.

Because why would you use Soren?

Okay, Soren's not actually that bad, but he's not good enough that you can just assume he'll always be in play.

Another unit I like but is kinda underrated is Lilina. If she gets Speed and if you can use Speedwings on her, she becomes a killing machine. She ORKOs -dragons- and pretty much anything else easily.

Bold is why she's not underrated.

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I'd say Lugh is very underrated. Most people I've seen here prefer Lilina over him for some reason that eludes me. Lugh tends to be really speedy and good against Armors/Wyverns. And can be used as a healbot in a pinch.

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Okay, Soren's not actually that bad, but he's not good enough that you can just assume he'll always be in play.

:huh: If you want someone to use Rexcaliber, its pretty logical to assume you'd use Soren over Bastian. Cuz come on, the only mages worth using in that game are Calill and Soren.

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But he isn't. Like, compared to the royals, Bastian is goddamn useless. He's an outright hindrance compared to the Royals. Don't get me wrong: Bastian does have some use, but trying to compare him to the Laguz Royals is not the right way to show it! He just gets stomped by them in terms of mobility, offense, and durability, and the only thing he really has over them is being able to use staves.

Auto Rexcalibur (why would you use Soren???) makes him offensively comparable to the royals (seriously he has 35 base mag), can wreck face in 4-F-3 with Arcthunder, good stats all around, 1-2 range, plus 32 base res makes him more durable than most royals for the last two parts of the final

Calling him an "outright hindrance," even compared to the royals, is exactly why I'm nomming him for this list

If you want someone to use Rexcaliber, its pretty logical to assume you'd use Soren over Bastian. Cuz come on, the only mages worth using in that game are Calill and Soren.


forget Soren, wtf is Calill doing on that list

I mean, I guess if you're saying like "yeah she's worth using in the one chapter she's in in Part 2" but anything after that?

Soren moves too damn slow for Part 3 to give a shit about him. At least all the chapters after Bastian joins are very small so his low movement isn't as much as an issue

Edited by General Banzai
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Because why would you use Soren?

Okay, Soren's not actually that bad, but he's not good enough that you can just assume he'll always be in play.

Which is why I said that you'd pick Soren over Bastian if you were using Rexcalibur.

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Auto Rexcalibur (why would you use Soren???) makes him offensively comparable to the royals (seriously he has 35 base mag), can wreck face in 4-F-3 with Arcthunder, good stats all around, 1-2 range, plus 32 base res makes him more durable than most royals for the last two parts of the final

Calling him an "outright hindrance," even compared to the royals, is exactly why I'm nomming him for this list

To say Bastian compares to the royals offensively... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whatever you've been smoking, I want some. How wrong could you be?

Rexcalibur!Bastian: 48 atk

Tibarn: 56 atk

Naesala: 47 atk

Nailah: 54 atk

Caineghis: 64 atk

Giffca: 62 atk

Naesala aside, the royals all have at least 6 more atk than Bastian, and unlike them, Bastian's not doubling.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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To say Bastian compares to the royals offensively... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whatever you've been smoking, I want some. How wrong could you be?

Rexcalibur!Bastian: 48 atk

Tibarn: 56 atk

Naesala: 47 atk

Nailah: 54 atk

Caineghis: 64 atk

Giffca: 62 atk

Naesala aside, the royals all have at least 6 more atk than Bastian, and unlike them, Bastian's not doubling.

Bastian is attacking res, unlike those assholes

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Bastian is attacking res, unlike those assholes

And that means... diddly-squat since he's still not doubling, for one, and second, enemy res doesn't suck unlike in GBA land.

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Bastian is attacking res, unlike those assholes

the def-res gap for enemy generals in 4-E-1 is 7-8 points. that means that tibarn, cain, and giffca are all either tying or beating bastian's per hit damage. nailah beats or ties with a str level up (which isn't all too unlikely given her previous usage) and naesala comes pretty close if he hits SS strike, which is reasonable in some cases. but of course, bastian is not doubling anyone, and his effective skill activation rate is also much lower.

in short, english majors do not know how to do math, but they do know how to bullshit.

Edited by dondon151
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