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Mystery Mafia - Game Over


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if you want a lynch on me, your points about me being passive aggressive better be good, in fact, why not start now?

Like I said earlier, you are being aggressive and attacking people, yet leaving yourself a "safety net" kind of like having uncertainty in your reads. If anything, when one of your scum reads flip town, I believe you will use the uncertainty to distance yourself from the vote.

This is not necessarily scummy in my opinion. It's just that it's not really what town would do, since if they are town, they would not really need to care about what others think of them. All they need to do is help out in finding scum. In fact, appearing too townie may actually earn you a visit (kill) from one of the scum team.

I was the Overlook that went after you, remember

anyways, I am keeping my reads for my own reasons but why do you want to know what my reads are?

And that Overlook was not very coherent in his arguments, uses a lot of meta that should not really be used at all, as well as tunneling extremely aggressively, which if what BBM says about that being your usual playstyle, then something would be up if you are not acting that same way. Still a neutral read at the moment, but all these reactions will be noted down by me (if I can actually still remember them much later on).

Disclaimer: My phone went out of batteries halfway in school with no way for me to charge it, which was why I was gone for so long. Sorry about that, guys.

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To that last quote in the previous post I made, I want to add that I did not ask for what your reads were at all, so implying that you have reads and wanting to keep them to yourself can be counted as an overreaction too.

Miller doesn't really confirm there being any Cop. I put a Miller and a Godfather in one of my games without anything that would really be affected by it, and one of Proto's games had a Godfather but also no Town Cop.

True, well, I'm just going to stop my speculation here then, since it seems that the existence of a Miller does not really indicate anything

Anyway I think with the way Mancer keeps arguing he's probably town.

Are you scum trying to buddy up to me? Saying that I'm probably town likely won't stop me from getting scum reads off of you, Bluedoom.

Blitz is a null read, I don't see how Prims and BBM find him scummy just yet.

It's probably just wholly based on Blitz not acting as what he normally does in mafia games. There's nothing much to go off on for scum reads right now, so I think the reasons why they find Blitz scummy is reasonable. They probably are also being jokish or not serious about their scum reads yet.

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Good morning. I now sleep in a reclining chair and no longer have a bed. How cool is that?

This is the most active n0 I have ever seen. What happened to "it's antitown to talk during the night"?

All this miller spec is crap for now. What is it gonna do for us, especially on n0? It's not ED1 like some people seem to think. All it's done is lead to rolespec which iirc, helps scum more than town at a point like this.

All that said, Mancer hunting this miller claim for all it's worth and then some has led to buddy discussion, and him reacting like he did to Marth makes me think that he is trying to distance himself after a buddy attempt from earlier in the night. If anything, is giving me the only scumread I can find so far, and even then , it's slight at that.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's all I got.

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All that said, Mancer hunting this miller claim for all it's worth and then some has led to buddy discussion, and him reacting like he did to Marth makes me think that he is trying to distance himself after a buddy attempt from earlier in the night. If anything, is giving me the only scumread I can find so far, and even then , it's slight at that.

Ehh, umm, buddy attempt?

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Anyway I think with the way Mancer keeps arguing he's probably town.

Blitz is a null read, I don't see how Prims and BBM find him scummy just yet.

This, Mancer.

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we should policy lynch Rapier

i hate you too

True. Well, I guess the Miller claim only serves to prove the existence of an Alliance Cop or Full Cop on town's side.

Role Cop definitely isn't possible, since it doesn't check Alliance, unless it is one of a Jack of all Trades's power list.

Disclaimer: All these are only true if Bluedoom's Miller claim can be trusted.

I don't understand why we can't have a role cop. Inability to check alliance isn't a good excuse for that.

It just means that there is something that can tell alliance, could be full cop.

So we either have an Alliance and a Role cop, or a Full Cop? Hm.

You seem to know way too much for a normal townie. Such as whether or not Bluedoom is scum. You seem to talk as if you already know that Bluedoom would flip scum.

If anything, the fact that you brought up the Alliance Cop fake claim possibility proves that you know slightly more than what town should know. Are you scum with Alliance Cop as one of your safe fake claims?

Aside from that, what makes him look like scum?

I dunno

He tries a bit too hard about finding cops, if nothing interesting happens he's worth a vote in RVS but maybe he's just trying very hard

Too h ard about finding cops? Where?

From what I know, Mancer, Shinori, BBM and Kay argued over the existance of a Full/Alliance/Role Cop, not only Mancer. What else do you think about them?

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I already acknowledged that we might not even have a cop, or even a RoleCop, due to the fact that the others have cited precredences of a Miller/Godfather role when those parts of your role actually does not affect the game at all (due to no cops and whatnot).

For the second point, I have said that I have a neutral read off of him but am jotting down his reactions, since they are not normal and might actually mean something later on.

At the buddying attempt thing, I'm just saying that even though Bluedoom thinks I am town, I will not just give him a free pass. I will still get reads off of him if they exist. This is not distancing (or not intentional distancing anyway).

I had a feeling from Bluedoom's post that he wanted to peg himself onto me to get free passes, since I might have looked townish to him from my earlier interactions.

Hope that cleared up some stuffs.

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Mancer. I do not say I think you are town just so I can get on your good side. From where did you get this assumption?


And, it seems to be a buddying attempt to me, and apparently, Elieson thought so too.

I'm noting this overdefensive post too, in case it becomes relevant later on.

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Why did you think Blitz knew more than he was outing? Especially about Marth? I don't understand, since Blitz never interacted with Marth after the Cops Discussion started.

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Marth says Mancer is town. Mancer calls buddying.

I say Mancer is scum. Mancer says nothing.

Question set one, who buddies on NightZero, when there is no actual pressure being applied?

Question set two, How does one apply pressure on NightZero? Night votes? That is all subject to change in the morning, per responses from multiple players. Mancer dropping notes of "I'll note that response for later" are surprisingly similar to threats. Why are you sharing these things? Do you have a compulsive need to share your entire stragedy out on the open?

Also rapier is playing OMG I literally forgot.

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@ Rapier:

Mancer was saying a Miller claim confirmed the existence of a Cop of some kind. The other's were citing examples that it didn't have to.

Point is, a Miller claim isn't enough to confirm the existence of a Cop and speculating about Cops on N0 is dumb.

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Since I'm the guy who does this in every game I play in now :/

Click the player's name for an comprehensive list of their entire post history, by most recent first, for this game (Also known as ISO, for those unfamiliar with the term).

(God Blitz's took forever until I remembered 27 and not 29)

Our mighty mighty host, Manix

Alive players:

1. Prims/cyborg sammy davis jr.

2. scorri

3. Paperblade

4. Shinori

5. Elieson

6. Cap'n Flint/Blitz

7. MancerNecro

8. Bluedoom

9. BBM/Thomas Raith

10. SB/Serious Bananjas

11. Psych

12. j00

13. Rapier

14. Kay

Dead players:

No one yet!


1. Eclipse

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I just find the amount of discussion we are having both unbelievable and inane.

You're all just giving the mafia first in line at the Mystery Mafia Buffet and it's like no one is even trying to keep reads and opinions to themselves. Is this something about the length of day phases? Is two days not enough for us to get a lynch?

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Except the worst the mafia can do to someone on N0 is like hook/silence/kidnap whatever. They can't kill. N0 helps the town, because it's basically a headstart for the town's investigative roles. If we have actual discussion N0 and someone looks scummy, we're giving the Cop a target, so that he's not just randing his target. And sure, maybe we give the mafia a non-random target to hook/silence/kidnap, but then if someone is looking really townie, we give any theoretical Watcher a good target to pick too.

Also, consider that unlike the last hammer games, we don't get to be indecisive D1 and have a non-hammer lynch. It's a universal loss straight away. So on any other night phase, when the mafia can kill, it's not as good to talk much, but right now I don't see the harm in treating it as an extended D1.

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Marth says Mancer is town. Mancer calls buddying.

I say Mancer is scum. Mancer says nothing.

Because I don't really see what else there is to say about you finding me scummy. I don't mind it at all because unless lots of you find me scummy, I'm not really going to be lynched yet.

Question set one, who buddies on NightZero, when there is no actual pressure being applied?

And who says people won't? I don't understand why it's impossible to buddy up on Night Zero.

Question set two, How does one apply pressure on NightZero? Night votes? That is all subject to change in the morning, per responses from multiple players. Mancer dropping notes of "I'll note that response for later" are surprisingly similar to threats. Why are you sharing these things? Do you have a compulsive need to share your entire stragedy out on the open?

Is there anything wrong with me noting various responses out in the open? I don't really see anything wrong with it. If anything, it helps draw town to the various responses so that when it becomes relevant later on, they can be directed to it much more easily. Me noting it in the open can also cause some town members to note down the same reactions, which can serve as additional evidence for scumhunting later on.

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The night seemed to drag on forever. The tension in the air was clearly affecting everyone around. People couldn't sleep, they were anxious, the list goes on. Everyone was worried that they might be the first to die.

As dawn broke, the survivors met at the communal point. One by one, everyone arrived. Looking around, it seemed no one was missing. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. However they now had to refocus and find the traitors among them.

It is now Day One!

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to hammer, and 4 to lynch at the end of phase.

Phase ends at 11PM GMT 11/23, in 48 hours.

Get cracking! I'm sending night results out now.

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