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I'm scummy fir following my posting restriction? Also I recommend reading my recent posts. Considering they have thoughts on recent situations. Specifically the post with the big bang theory before I talked about the theory I had all game related stuff.

It is not all that scummy right? I mean, your RP/Big Bang Theory took up at least 2/3 of that post (if not 3/4). I'm sure that's not really a big amount of fluff.

That whole bit on the theory makes your post seem at least 2 or 3 times it's actual content size (actually, 4 times if you consider the fact that only half of that first paragraph was actual content).

Like the others have said, you don't really need to use so much RPing or so much of your post to just meet the PR.

A summary or paragraph delegated to the Theory would have been enough to meet the PR, I think.

There is no need to add a lot of fluff to your post like that. Especially if you are going to be blaming your PR for it.

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It is not all that scummy right? I mean, your RP/Big Bang Theory took up at least 2/3 of that post (if not 3/4). I'm sure that's not really a big amount of fluff.

That whole bit on the theory makes your post seem at least 2 or 3 times it's actual content size (actually, 4 times if you consider the fact that only half of that first paragraph was actual content).

Like the others have said, you don't really need to use so much RPing or so much of your post to just meet the PR.

A summary or paragraph delegated to the Theory would have been enough to meet the PR, I think.

There is no need to add a lot of fluff to your post like that. Especially if you are going to be blaming your PR for it.

Oh, don't worry, It's not really fluff when I'm obeying my PR. SO LIVE WITH IT.

I'll be spoilering it next time as Prims mentioned which will help.

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That ends that case then.

I really want to request SB and Kay to make more content posts since they have shown to be able to come online yet chose not to make any content posts.

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Ok so in a span of one day we have a person at L-4(9 for majority right?)

Probably best to discard this ace for now.


So I'm not reading much into Lucina atm. Tbh I feel her posts, even though they seem like grasping, make sense FHPOV but that's because she's a newbie. Don't like Excellen's reaction to Rocker if only because he misread the post but I don't find it very scummy.

Mancer/Boron contradicting themselves is not really a scummy thing considering this happened to me in .hack. Also different people have different ideas and Boron doesn't know what goes on in Mancer's brain.

FoS on Elieson because his convo with SB was kinda weird and I actually see some content in SB's posts even if they're small. You don't need big WoT to get your point across. Lucina vote is pretty weak too but fair enough considering she hasn't bothered to try scumhunting and instead is defending herself.

I'd like Lucina to post some reads other than the one on Mancer. More discussion has happened since your vote on Mancer so surely you have other things to say?

##Vote: Prims

Post ##128(right number I believe?) feels like you're voteparking on the Lucinawagon. There's no difference between a 4th vote and a 5th vote at this stage unless we're going for a lynch, but that would be too early.

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Went off to play some Nethack.

I read up on Lucina. All four of her posts...

I don't really like her reasons for voting Mancer, and she doesn't seem to be putting much content out there (yes, probably hypocritical, I know).


##Meow: Lucina


Don't like Mancer's recent posts. His attacks on Shinori don't hold up very well for me, especially since his main point is complaining about PRs.

seems really off to me. Like... he tells Rocker to stop being insulting and then insults Rocker. And he basically just seems to be coasting by with fluff posts while claiming that the whole game is just doing that.
I find this to be a quite unreasonable accusation and somewhat take offense to it. If I wanted to insult Rocker, I would have said something like "lrn2spell, wut are u 12?" and it wouldn't have sounded nearly as reasonable as my simple request he makes an effort to make his posts more readable.
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So, at least from my experience, it's never pleasant to be told your posts are painful to read and is in fact an insult. It wasn't a simple request. You insulted his grammar and then told him his posts were painful. How is that reasonable?

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Like... I may be overreacting a little, but this is similar to a situation I've been in and it's not at all pleasant to be told that your posts are painful to read. And that's not the only reason I find you scummy, so.

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I certainly don't mean to be insulting with the word "painful". Would you rather I use a different adjective, like "hard" or "tough" or "difficult"?

Again, if I wanted to insult him, I would have said "your spelling is awful, and your posts are illegible." Rather then "I'd like to request you put more effort into proofreading, it is difficult to read your posts."

The tone is disapproving rather then negative or agressive.

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@Bluedoom: SB's posts are small and he doesn't have much more than one sentence of content in each of his paragraphs. Practically more than half of each post are not actual content and he has made on paragraph of his post to direct Elieson to an earlier post which has only like 2 sentences of content. And I didn't say that only large WoTs contain content either. That is just an assumption that you have made. Why are you defending SB though?

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I personally do not agree with the stacking of votes and wagon on Lucina/Excellen at the moment. I suggest waiting until she has posted a few more times (with content, preferably) before trying to push the wagon further.

Marth/Blitz, what do the both of you think about the exchange between NekoRex and Scorri? You seem to be overly focused on several individuals (Lucina/Excellen and Elieson) as well.

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I wouldn't call it a defence when I'm saying why I don't think he's scummy. I wasn't directing that post at you but more at Elieson but here goes:

Sb has a total of 4 posts and although they're all small there is SOME content in those in terms of his reads. His last post doesn't go on and on about just Lucina and he actually does state clearer reads on other people. Not as helpful as what the other posters have done but notice that Rocker too has the SAME reads as SB does but his posts are bigger than SB's. Only difference is SB went into an argument with Elieson and Rocker went into an argument with Excellen.

Like I said post size doesn't matter as long as you get the point across and SB did just that even if it was a bit OMGUS later on. >_>

I was kind of unhappy with the fluff and spamming posted by Scorri and Helios ED1 but sicne then they've picked up so I'm ok with them atm. Wrt the argument between Nekorex and Scorri I'm getting a null-read on both because what counts as insulting is subjective so the argument goes nowhere. I'd like Nekorex to actually say something besides going on and on about Lucina.

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Well then, i'm kinda disappointed at the lack of explanation for Excellen's post at all. Is it just me or did Lucina just straight up ignore the entire argument? Eh, i guess you can't reply to everyone.

@KY: Well i'm sure my play style can't be exactly the same, been a while since i have played a mafia game with you that had active, scum hunting players. The main reason i was aggressive with it was the fact that it made no sense at all to me, it seemed more like he was responding to someone else. That or she simply took two words out of my post and made a case of them. I dunno, just kinda pissed me off. I mean i'm good with people new to the game, i'm good with people misunderstanding me, i'm good with people who aren't the exactly good at mafia.

But Excellen, completely misunderstood/skipped my entire post, jumped to conclusions, and called me out for something that he did.

@Excellen: I'm pretty sure i called you a she at some point during this post, however i can't seem to find it, so my apologizes.

Yea, i'll be back with more stuffy stuff another time, hopefully after i get an explanation, and can feel better.

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@Prims: Not sure what you mean by voteparking on Shinori since it's not like he really did anything different since I voted for him. His last post is a little bit better, but I want to see more from him before I unvote since he's mostly responding and retaliating on Mancer.

NekoRex is looking worse to me IMO. Now he's just jumping onto the biggest wagon atm (Lucina/Excellen) with the same reasoning as everyone else. He quickly adds in a line about not liking Mancer, and then starts a pointless argument with Scorri.

SB still hasn't said anything notable and I still have a FOS on him.

Don't like Bluedoom's quick swoop in, and voting Prims for really meh reasoning. Also don't understand what he means by "weird" with regards to Elieson.

And with that I'm going to sleep.

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Elieson (1) - scorri

Helios (2) - Balcerzak

Lucina (6) - Blitz, Bananas, Elieson, Rocker64, Prims, NekoRex

MancerNecro (2) - Shinori

Prims (1) - Marth

scorri (3) - Prims, Kaoz

Shinori (2) - MancerNecro, Helios, Paperblade

Not voting - Kay, Baldrick, BBM

41.5ish hours remaining!



Edited by eclipse
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NekoRex is looking worse to me IMO. Now he's just jumping onto the biggest wagon atm (Lucina/Excellen) with the same reasoning as everyone else. He quickly adds in a line about not liking Mancer, and then starts a pointless argument with Scorri.

I suppose the most interesting thing so far is the exchange between Rocker and Excellen. Rocker really seems to jump on it and was pretty aggressive with the response. Maybe it's because I haven't played with him in a year, but it seems unlike him?

Excellen seems no better in the confrontation, and his attack on Rocker rubs me the wrong way as well. I guess I'll reread Lucina and Excellen and see if they're worth a vote.

I don't think you read the part where my reason isn't quite as shallow as "they have no content"

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[Neko Rex] quickly adds in a line about not liking Mancer,
Would you rather I have turned it into a paragraph to make it look better?

I don't see how people can be fussing over fluff when people are complaining about short comments on people. If I have to scroll the page to read a post, I'm more likely to skim it and get nothing out of it.

I commented that the game has nothing interesting for me to react to, especially stuff that hasn't already been discussed twelve times prior. Everyone constantly commenting "Post X looks weird" is nice but does absolutely nothing for reads.

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Well I've missed a few posts due to the strange events in my life, and my phone being pretty crappy compared to my old one as far as posting quickly and such. I've found time to hit a computer, and I'd like to point out some things that have caught my eye. So I'm sorry everyone, but prepare yourself for a massive post that probably won't happen for another two or three years.


Im mafia

THANK YOU PRIMS! I'm really surprised that absolutely no one even seemed to notice this. Prims' history of doing things and saying things early game that are outright lies are one thing, but regardless, prepare yourself for the obligatory

Prims, are you scum?


##Meow: Paperblade

Your vote is bad and you should feel bad.

This is a hail mary that came out of nowhere. How long did it take you to notice that Paperbrad had blown his whistle at Shinori?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Shinori

Could you comment on current events rather than Mancer's "People need to post"

Reiterating that this is the reason you voted for Paperbrad. Considering you posted...quite a bit between that vote on Shinori and your vote on Paperbrad, it just surprises me that all of a sudden you are calling this out with such a small sentence of logic (if you call "Bad vote is Bad", logic) backing it up. Unless you find Shinori decently active and his commenting on such a vast majority of interactions of real value, I don't think Paperbrad's vote is bad. Not to say I think his vote is good, but I think you're making a foul out of a butt bump.


Ruh-roh. PAPER VOTED ME OH GOD. Wait Paper's in this game?

Paper seems massively underwhelming. Dunno why. Unmemorable to me so far, I know we aren't that far in but still. I feel like it's early game coasting.

This also seemed a bit out place. Considering the discussion that jumped from Shinori's reaction at Mancer, I'm surprised to see it again. The first time it happened, I didn't think too much of it, but this is the second little outburst from Shinori and suddenly I'm wondering if he is trying to mask his own defensive plays with what appears to be decent reasoning. I'm not getting a scumread off of this, but I'm trying to ascertain the reason of this.

This entire situation is giving me the pre-game jitters, and it's primarily aimed at NekoRex.

And now for something a little different.

Still finding SB scummy. scorri's Misrep of my case on SB is a hit below the belt, and I'd like to clarify a few things regarding it.

Ok, thoughts so far:

Elie seems to have been around a decent bit, but at first all he was doing a lot of RP and less content posting. Then, he dropped off SB since SB had posted1, but then continues to push on him in the posts I mentioned I found scummy previously. Like, he unvotes SB, but then proceeds to claim he still finds him scummy. Also his push about SB not rping is odd2. It doesn't really have any relevance if SB rp's or not, especially since the amount of rping was annoying some people. Seems like he's just looking for reasons to find SB scummy. I'm going to keep my vote here since I didn't really like his reaction to my vote either.

First off, let's reread my post that call SB out, (You know, the one after RVS, that's an actual post)

Good morning all. Glad Bananas finally got off the bench and did something.

Anywho, I must say that with more players posting, I think I figured a few things out. RP is mandatory, and spendin the first couple of hours fulfilling the requirement is more of a maneuver to follow the rules than anything else. Game seems to be moving past kickoff now though, so I think it all resolving itself as activity grows.

Something seems a bit off about SB too. While I don't mind him ignoring votes on him, his RVS on Lucina seems a tad more contradictory to the rest of his post against Mancer. And seriously, did you just log on to make a two liner and votals? It doesnt even look like you RP'd. And more of a concern to me is Lucina; what was that Mancer vote based on? It's never a bad thing to want the game to proceed. Wanting RP to hit the sidelines is one thing, but wanting effort to hit the sidelines is not good in my play book.


##Vote Lucina/Excellen

1-First off, I dunno where I dumped my case on Shinori into the laundry bin. If you notice, I said I still found SB scummy. Due to his response, and Lucina's posting, I developed a stronger scumread on Lucina (therefore, I voted for Lucina). In no way does that mean that I'm done finding SB scummy.

2- Considering I only pointed out that SB hadn't RP'd, as opposed to built a case on it (Like you seem to have interpreted), and proceeded to bring up actual points against SB such as his short posts and contradictory content (which I also outlined, ISO me if you want to figure it out). I'm not building a case against someone not playing with a PR. Like hell everyone here would do it anyway, and the rules are a bit vague on punishment what with varying specifications. And heck, did you even finish reading my post, to the part where I said putting PR on the sidelines isn't a bad thing (in regards to Lucina)?

As per the rules, I understand that it's not right there in black and white regarding PR/RP/Whatever you want to call it, but considering the circumstances involving some of my more recent games, I'm more concerned about any form of impending modkill due to something unexpected, and I'd rather not sit by and let someone else step out of bounds when a simple reminder can prevent a penalty. Especially if you read the rules in succession in the way that I did. *see below* Perhaps Eclipse can clarify to me as to whether I'm reading too much into this.

[spoiler=The Rules]10. Everyone has a PR. Unless otherwise specified, the interval is ONCE PER DAY PHASE. I won't modkill you outright for not following a PR, but do try to follow them anyway.

21. If I tell you to do something, and you don't listen, you probably aren't going to like what will happen next.

28. Ignorance of the rules will probably make your punishment more harsh. The rules don't exist for my own reading pleasure.

The long and the short of it is that I find scorri misrepping me pretty heavily by drawing more attention to a moot point that we all know doesn't actually matter in regards to alignment (as scumhunting by flavor is not only discouraged, it's banned). She's trying to get me benched for a weak case and shoddy reasoning, and I think NekoRex is trying to do the same to Paperbrad.

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This also seemed a bit out place. Considering the discussion that jumped from Shinori's reaction at Mancer, I'm surprised to see it again. The first time it happened, I didn't think too much of it, but this is the second little outburst from Shinori and suddenly I'm wondering if he is trying to mask his own defensive plays with what appears to be decent reasoning. I'm not getting a scumread off of this, but I'm trying to ascertain the reason of this.

That post was defensive? Explain how so please. Considering it was completely in a joking manner and then bit about paper was because Paper had asked for some of my other thoughts and he was one of the players I had forgotten about. I know he's been 'active' but from what I remember it's mostly just been prodding, he hasn't really been doing a whole lot of anything. I'll reread him again though just to make sure.

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