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Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Mafia


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hahahaha i just spent an hour trying to actually prove why we should lynch Boron over j00 and then lynch between one of them and then i'm about to post it and the game ends. ahhhhhhhh gg scum mancer got me

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crumbing investigative roles/power roles non-subtly is antitown for the record

This I don't disagree with, but Mancer wanted to crumb his fake claim in-thread on D2 and I couldn't talk him out of it. >_>

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I think Helios stuck to me because he thought that my fake unique role had to be real because it was so hard to fake. He needed an "anchor" for himself to gain everyone's trust, I think?

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@WREN since I told him I'd talk to him about this postgame: dunno if you still care, but unless you're Really Terrible at posting (you're not) continuing to post content will almost never make your situation worse. It's the only way you can shift the wagons away from you and on to somebody you think is scum: by pushing scummy players and staying in the game yourself. Even people find you worse for it, it's hardly the end of the world since you can at least say you fought to the end, and scum will have to try harder to BS cases on you. In any case, you will always look better by posting than you will by disappearing entirely, as either alignment. Lurking is not pro-town.

Also don't wait until last minute to claim as doc wtf. <_<

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This I don't disagree with, but Mancer wanted to crumb his fake claim in-thread on D2 and I couldn't talk him out of it. >_>

as scum if you have a safeclaim, you want to crumb it as early as possible without being obvious about it. hide it in a content post somewhere, or use some sort of code (re: Shinori's crumb in Schoolteacher)

otherwise you shut up and don't try to draw claims

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Helios's play was incredibly subpar compared to his normal level

To be perfectly blunt, Boron, that was because Helios did not play well after D2, not because of anything Mancer did.

I don't really know what Helios' "normal level" of play was, but I felt that his D3 "Straw's alignment will prove JB's" made absolutely no sense and that his case on me during D4 was legit weak, even if I was really scum. :/

Tbh, I actually don't really know how to claim or crumb anything subtly atm.....

The solution to that is to not claim until absolutely necessary.

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I think Helios stuck to me because he thought that my fake unique role had to be real because it was so hard to fake. He needed an "anchor" for himself to gain everyone's trust, I think?

unique roles =/= town

It depends on what exactly the claim is. Helios' claim could be faked by a fullcop, so that's not auto-clear (and hello, scum get given fakeclaims in flavor games). Mancer's claim although unique, was only a sleepwalker flavor+voyeur, and a voyeur already flipped (tip: that's effectively a cc on a dead role).

Compare to Kay's role in Schoolteacher: we effectively pseudocleared her because her role would be hard to fake and her N2 target as proven by tracker didn't read scum-intent. But we lynched her anyway because of an effective cc bp claim and logic because we decided not to go along with my original plan.

my response is here. also I forgot about Paper's claim in schoolteacher which was fake and yet unique as well

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actually, gonna repost this part because it's important


Edited by cyborg sammy davis jr.
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Heeey, Manix/Prims/Paper, apart from anything already said in this thread and Manix's QT, are there any part of my play that needs to be picked at?

I actually find playing scum more useful in practicing how to appear town, since you have to actively appear town to succeed, so I think that this is a good experience.

It was also fun to play scum with an active buddy.

Thank you, BBM for the fun game.

Sorry JB, for lynching and tunneling you on Day 3. I apologized to you in Skype already, but I'm posting this in public to make it official.

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^^If you can't crumb well, don't do it at all. And certainly never begin crumbing a role you're not sure isn't in the game, like you did with Voyeur.

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my response is here. also I forgot about Paper's claim in schoolteacher which was fake and yet unique as well

I read it already, lol. I read the whole QT before coming here to read the post game details.

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As scum you have a tendency to push stupid cases on everyone and act incredibly smug about it

don't do that

^ this x1000

you jumped around everywhere during D4 including onto the person that FYPOV should have been clear

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^ this x1000

you jumped around everywhere during D4 including onto the person that FYPOV should have been clear

Yeah... I did that.

I was actually afraid of being lynched on D4, because I knew that JB's lynch woul backfire on me. Which is why I chose I Kidnap Elieson, cause I knew he found out that I was scum and could successfully push a lynch on me.

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To be perfectly blunt, Boron, that was because Helios did not play well after D2, not because of anything Mancer did.

Helios, you were just so very confident in all of your reads that you flat-out refused to even consider anything different. Unless somebody is roleconfirm, you CANNOT use them as a starting point for a PoE. No matter how pro-town you think they look. And considering like every other person in the game except you said that they found Mancer scummy on D4, you really should have taken a closer look at why you thought Mancer's play was so protown when it wasn't really at all (certainly it couldn't have been if 4 people, at least 2 of whom had to be town, disagreed with you).

True I lost it towards the end because well RL got in the way of the game. I wanted to win the game with minimal effort given, and my laziness ended up costing me.

In that super long post that I spent an hour playing (though in reality I said this before a million times) tl;dr I was trying to prove that I was town. By proving that I was town, then everyone sees what I see. I needed to use Mancer's role to prove that I was town, hence why I kept saying he was town. Then I said that Mancer/j00 aren't on the same team due to contradicting role evidence. What I had found out in the post I was making though that I didn't notice before was that Mancer mentioned the Jigglypuff hooking, and I thought Team Rocket had a Jigglypuff but I went and looked and up and realized only Blue did. So then I realized "okay, Boron is 100% scum, and the other person is between Mancer and j00". Admittedly to me Mancer was more protown, but I wanted to lynch Boron first because then it would be autowin for town. Buuut then j00 decided to attack it, I looked back and realized j00 looked scummy, voted him, and wasn't able to switch my vote to Boron back in time and go with my original plan. I slipped up and I apologize for it j00 and rest of town. I should have stuck with my original plan to lynch Boron and not tried to take the risk of lynching j00.

TL;DR: There was a method to my madness but I couldn't word it well enough, forgot what I was doing because I didn't have the energy to play today, and choked in the clutch. I take the blame for the loss because I should have won it for the town.

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You did not fucking go there, Helios. -_-

Okay. I am legit annoyed right now and the two quoted statements did not help my mood at all. Bye.

First of all, I was already irritated for non-mafia reasons. But Helios said something in his latest post that REALLY touched a nerve. It's not really related to this game and I'd rather not start that shitstorm again. He knows what it means though.

Also, I'm annoyed that he's arrogant enough to say that I'm echoing him. He ninja'd me and it just so happens that I was going to say the same things that he had said right before I could post. If I'd posted a few minutes before him, would he even be saying this? And I'm sorry that I don't take kindly to him accusing me of echoing just because I had the misfortune of being ninja'd.

Also, forgive me that I'm annoyed that I have to spend my last day in California defending myself instead of having fun! -_-

Okay. So when other people have issues in real life that make them not want to post it's okay. But when I have issues that affect my mood and make me not want to post then I'm coasting? I knew that I was going to have activity issues this game and I told you guys that.

I'm getting really irritated and I had some wine earlier, so I think I'm going to leave before I say something I regret.

Dammit, I just couldn't stay away, could I >_>

You don't get to complain about not being able to have a life when I don't get to have a life either.

I overreacted because you had to bring up THAT game. Don't omit the truth. What you said got under my skin and I don't think when I'm angry. Emotion is not a fucking scumtell.

OH MY GOSH ARE YOU A FUCKING IDIOT how am I supposed to KNOW that she is doc? This-slot-can-fuck-off-and-die is not even PROVEN town. It's town on YOUR word only when we don't even know how truthful YOUR word is. Even if she is doc, how am I SUPPOSED to know that she is doc and town?

I love how hypocritical you're being. You're allowed to be wrong about JB and still town, but I'm not allowed to be wrong about the doc claim and town.

Helios. You toss around stuff that only you know is true from your point of view, so therefore it could be a lie to everyone else, like it is fact and use your limited point of view to make everyone believe it is fact. Guess what? We don't know what the mod tells you. We don't know what you know. So we don't have reason to believe it's true. I really hate that you do this kind of stuff. You excuse your own mistakes but say that everyone else's must be because they're scum. You get under people's skins and you're act like a know-it-all. Get out.

That's it.

I'm done.

I quit.

I just wanted to spend my last day of winter vacation relaxing and not getting worked up over this game. But apparently, you guys can't just leave me alone for one more day, can you.


I won't be back. BBM can modkill me if he sees it fit. I don't care.

Okay, first of all, I need to apologize for my outburst yesterday. I have no excuses for it other than I was frustrated and then I was frustrated AND drunk. I also apologize to BBM for not playing to win and ragequitting. But seriously, guys ... the next time I say in-thread during a game that "I have wine" or "I've been drinking earlier," PLEASE do not continue to argue with me. It will NOT end pretty.

Could you cut out this attitude? This patronizing behavior is really getting on my nerves and not doing you any favors. No, you don't have time to "play" with us. You're in university and it's so demeaning to "stoop" down to explain "the obvious" in a mafia game. Am I really hearing you right?

Elie, I know you're silenced and can't explain anything but I am honestly getting irritated here. So help me out. Helios has misrepped me, ignored me when I pointed out flaws in his argument, pretty much shut down discussion by refusing to respond to j00 and me anymore, and a good chunk of his case sounds like "because I said so." Go back and read my posts where I pointed out his misrep of me and flaws in his case. Notice how he does not respond to any of this and just goes "lolscum". How is this a town behavior?

Those, pretty much in chronological order. Sure I fell for some Emotional Appeal. Or did I. I don't even know. Can I look back to trainwreck and point out all the times you said you couldn't be around, and then do the same here? They obviously mean nothing, because you've done it as scum and town as far as I can tell, but all the little snide snips from you

and especially the one from Mancer, which I didn't expect to be resolved with him on the outside of the game outside of my knowledge

could and should wait until the end of the game/postgame. The middle of the game isn't the proper place to go "i'm honestly getting irritated" "i'm done" "i quit" "are you a fucking idiot", and "i had to X instead of having fun".

I'm sorry but all that combined made it all pretty darn frustrating. I know I had my little snip but I've been making it an effort not to just go out and insult people in the middle of the game, or make it look like I'm sitting in my computer chair crying, because of things that are being said. It's most definately something that I didn't expect from you (and granted, I knew you were newly introduced to wine and all). You should've just said, and it'd have been safer and more respectable, "Hey I've been drinking a little bit and my head is unclear. I'll be back to post my thoughts in the morning, because right now I am not thinking clearly and having trouble reading/focusing" or something to the like. Not threatening to self-modkill because we're playing the game and you chose to while not in a proper mindset to handle it in the first place.

Last minute thoughts during my coding fest of color-coordinated vote-ology. I was pretty certain Boron was scum, and couldn't decide between j00 and Mancer. I ABSOLUTELY REFUSED TO FLAVOR HUNT IN THIS GAME AND ALL GAMES, BECAUSE I'VE BEEN TRAINED TO AND IN PRETTY MUCH ALL THE GAMES NOW, IT EXPLICITLY STATES NOT TO, so being told that X flavor is the obvious fact and Y flavor contradicts X means nothing to me. I had no idea what this actually was, and assumed it was based off of the Game Boy games from the early 90s. Apparently it was a Manga, with a hugely complex story, that contradicts the popular norm of "flavor" that I was striving to ignore anyway.

I suppose I was wrong and should've researched my shit, but there is no way I'm joining a game and saying "oh shnap I already know who the entire scumteam's alias's will be compromised of, time to get started". Sorry BBM or anyone else who expects that. From someone who is completely unfamiliar with the source, I learned that this manga looks entirely confusing and practically unrelated to the adventures of Ash and the Kanto region that's advertised in games and television.

Helios/Red's role is an absolute fucknut and needs explaining about the derivation, intent, and overall capabilities plzkthx

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@Helios: Can you don't be a freaking jerk and completely toss aside everyone else's claims and points? The way you acted was too arrogant, conceited, confident and high-strung, and I was genuinely irritated by your tone of voice and the way you ignored everything that did not help you.

Furthermore, I don't think that your acting so arrogantly is justified in any way, since you were so hung up about me being town that you were like my puppet, pushing whatever lynches and voting whoever I wanted to mislynch on Days 3 and 4.

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