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Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Mafia


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I know and I hate to admit this but I basically expect Mancer to be bad and Helios better

And Boron to be mad

This proves how shit I am I wasn't even lying with my retarded night actions but I just have to learn from this

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Town technically could have won still if I docced right and didn't get killed but meh

You won't. I had a Kidnap (Silence + Hook in one). Your action will not pass as long as I am alive.

The only way you can protect properly, is if j00 had a Safeguard left and could Safeguard you to let you have free reign to protect someone.

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You won't. I had a Kidnap (Silence + Hook in one). Your action will not pass as long as I am alive.

The only way you can protect properly, is if j00 had a Safeguard left and could Safeguard you to let you have free reign to protect someone.

It's also why BBM ended the phase automatically, I sent in actions to Kidnap you and kill Elieson.

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also game shouldn't have ended since I was never given a chance to send in my action so I would have been doc on Eli, it would be 3v2 and LYLO, not town loss

nvm missed the last post

Edited by Jack SBarrow
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The best part of this mafia is given the way the last Day phase went, town was basically divided into Helios/me vs j00/Boron. The players from each group buddied so hard that town was essentially divided.

I think that if j00 had pushed on me, Helios would have defended me and accused j00.

Therefore, with a little manipulation, Boron and I put j00 and Helios into the spotlight which forces town to decide between mislynching two townies.

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Aw should've gone with Mancer first

Helios if you hadn't kept blowing me off or considered Mancer were lying I might've listened to you but you played so crap I really thought you were worse

Oh well I was wrong too so w/e

Maaaan j00 I told you to all to lynch Boron with me before I got crazy and went full retard.

Funny part is I was going to answer everything you said later. I made this huge hour long post where tl:dr I was gonna switch back to Boron and lose suspicion on you and go back to j00 OR Mancer but when I was about to post it the game was over ;/.

>subs in on mylo

>guesses scumteam


This was a bad idea, sorry for not believing you Helios. =\

Its cool man I was dumb to switch my vote to j00.

SB, if you'd trusted Helios to lynch Boron then j00 after her, town would end up losing for mislynching j00 on the subsequent MyLo phase.

If you'd trusted Elieson to lynch both Boron and I, then town would likely win, but Elieson was unable to try to persuade you guys, so.....

Well I actually didnt find you as town as I claimed, I just needed to take advanatage of your (fake)claim to prove I was town. I did think you were townier than j00, but in that hour long post I was making where I finally figured things out since I actually read what people said, I realized that your claim couldnt be real. If the mafia were team rocket, then how could they have a jigglypuff? Even if j00 hooked, hed still be Blue which meamt he had to be town (only in this game does that work). My only regret this game was not posting that post in time ;/.

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Helios - if you suspect emotional manipulation, KICK THEIR FACE IN. Town has no reason to make people walk on eggshells because of a mislynch.

This is seriously the best advice, especially given SF's current meta.

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Helios - if you suspect emotional manipulation, KICK THEIR FACE IN. Town has no reason to make people walk on eggshells because of a mislynch.

Seriously this, we vig'd Shinori down because of the possibility he was doing it on purpose and the only reason I regret it is that the other option was Mancer.

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Helios - if you suspect emotional manipulation, KICK THEIR FACE IN. Town has no reason to make people walk on eggshells because of a mislynch.

This is seriously the best advice, especially given SF's current meta.

Seriously this, we vig'd Shinori down because of the possibility he was doing it on purpose and the only reason I regret it is that the other option was Mancer.

Yeah I've learned my lesson. It was a little different than what I thought of as emotional manipulation because it's not that she hurt my feelings or anything or that she guilted me out of lynching her since I still knew she was scum, I just wanted to find a different way to get the same result without hurting her feelings. You guys know me well enough to know that I might come off as too cocky at times but I don't actually want to hurt anyone. It's against my morals and there's more important things to me than winning a mafia game. Buuut next time someone tries to pull this on anyone I'm policy lynching their ass haha.

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I don't think that Helios feeling guilty was entirely Boron's fault though. I think that Helios felt guilty because he knew the tone of voice that he was using in-game was a little bit too far and too high-strung.

If it is just a person seeming to flip out or break down like that, and Helios did not think it was entirely because of him that it happened, Helios would just go forwards with the lynch regardless.

Also, Helios, don't bullshit that you had the intention of bringing the lynch back on Boron if you didn't actually do that in-game. Sure, talking about it after game ends and everyone flips is easy, but in the game itself, I was able to manipulate you into voting whoever I wanted.

That so-called post that you said you were planning to make never came, so there's really no proof that you wanted to finally lynch Boron that Day.

That gloating, arrogant and high-strung way of speaking is what made Boron so pissed off in the first place because you were using it to pass off opinions as facts.

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I will probably get thrashed for that post, but I feel I need to address what really made Boron pissed and clarify that there was no emotion manipulation on our part.

The only thing we planned was a mini-scuffle between Boron and I in-thread.

And example of Helios pushing cases and wanting to lynch someone playing the emotion card is in .hack when he was attacking Imawashiki together with me on Day 4 or 5.

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Note that Helios was also scum in .hack so it's kinda hard to compare to when he's pushing for a mislynch he knows is a thing in any way possible and when he's genuinely trying to find the correct lynch. And just fyi Helios felt horrible about the way he pushed for that lynch. Just saying.

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I know. I feel that what Helios is saying after the game ends is not really giving Boron any credit for her being so agitated and pissed off by Helios's tone of voice.

I also feel that Helios is hypocritical in a way, for going "I know I'm wrong", then trying to excuse his actions. It doesn't feel sincere is all I'm saying.

Yeah, I'm not directly involved and really shouldn't interfere with the problems, so.....

Also, scorri, sorry for the N1 kill. We were deciding between you and Kay and we picked you mostly because of your Cop scan on Boron in .hack.

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I think that Helios felt guilty because he knew the tone of voice that he was using in-game was a little bit too far and too high-strung.

this is really shitty armchair psychology

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Mancer, it wasn't that you were manipulating Helios. He was just so very confident in his scumreads that he didn't see a difference between lynching j00 first and Boron second and lynching Boron first and j00 second.

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Helios and Boron were both playing off emotion, but Helios was genuinely not trying to play seriously, proven by the fact he was town who went lololol at us.

He also said he didn't want to argue seriously because he was afraid of upsetting Boron which I frankly think is a stupid reason because if Helios can argue seriously and reasonable it'd be Boron's problem if she got upset. Sure, he shouldn't have gone lololol at us instead, it certainly affected my play too because it made me sure he was scum, but Boron's earlier ragequit post was terrible and intended or not, she ended up emotionally manipulating us anyway.

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