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Tales of Symphonia mafia Version 1.0


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Anyway this game is amazing but was the first game I made.

[spoiler=Rules, semi-standard clipsey style]0. This game is NOC. This means all talking must be done in the game thread (unless I tell you otherwise). Deal with it.

1. Living people can talk to other players about the game in the game thread only. Dead people, follow rule 14. Information cannot be passed from the dead to the living.

2. Everyone will get a role PM with a name, some flavor, a role, and a win condition. You may state your name, and paraphrase your own role. Don't talk directly about things that are underlined in your role pm.

3. Anyone is free to ask me to write them a fake, within reason. Asking me to write a fake so you can see the mafia wincon is not within reason.

4. Don't screenshot. Please.

5. This game begins on D1, so have fun~! No talking at night, unless I tell you otherwise.

6. A vote counts as ##(your choice of verb): (someone), with (your choice of verb) being "Vote" or something more creative, and (someone) being who you want to vote for. If you want to change your vote, you must ##Unvote first. Don't edit your posts, please.

7. In case of a lynch tie, one person will be randomly lynched. Maybe.

8. Each day phase will be roughly 72 hours, and each night phase will be roughly 24 hours. I'll post phase end times CST. Unless I say something BEFORE PHASE END, the phase will end at the scheduled time, whether I am present or not. Phases may end early if a majority is reached during the day, or if I get all night actions in at night.

9. Person with the most votes is lynched at the end of the day phase on D1 only. After that a hammer is required, hammer is simply (50% of usable votes in the game +1)

9a. If at the end of any day phase, the number of people not voting at phase end exceeds the majority vote, OR at least one-third of the game, rounded DOWN has not voted, the game will end with a universal loss. If you're gonna sign up, you'd best be arsed to play the game.

10. If you have a night action, and do not want to do it, reply to your role PM with Night X - Idling.

11. No items.

12. If you miss a day and night, you are eligible for auto-sub-out/modkill, whichever one is deemed more appropriate. If you need a sub, say so in the main thread and/or your role PM.

13. I made a nice little priority list, and it will be posted it once the game is over. This time, you will not see your own priority, so if you want to use priority as a reason why something happened/did not happen, you can TRY, but don't blame me if everyone wants to lynch you afterwards. By popular request, none of the roles will screw with priority.

14. If you end up dead, you CAN post in thread, but you may NOT do anything to contribute towards the game (scumhunt, give out information, etc.) If at any time a dead player has more posts on default PPV than the living players, I will modkill them in the grave. If during any day phase, there are more dead people posts than living player posts, every single dead person who posted will be posthumously modkilled. (in other words, I don't mind a post or two, but don't spam the thread if you're dead)

15. Punishment for breaking the rules will range from nothing to modkills. If you feel that the risk of punishment is worth it, go for it, but be warned that things will probably not turn out the way you want it to.

16. If in doubt, follow your role PM, or whatever I tell you in reply to your role PM. Pay attention, or you might miss something important~! If your role PM contradicts the rules, FOLLOW YOUR ROLE PM.

17. If you see your user name in the flavor, it means that you were randomly chosen to do something, so don't sweat it. If you see your role name in the flavor, it's for a reason.

18. If you have been modkilled, your win condition is "You win by being the last one alive".

19. If you ask a question, and I respond with "Tee-hee~!", it means you're not getting a straight answer until postgame. There is a reason for this. HOWEVER, if you want to know whether something will get you modkilled, I will most likely give you a straight answer. . .but don't ask me stupidly convoluted questions for the sake of getting on my nerves.

20. If you want to share your thoughts, I welcome them. Reply to your role PM/bug me on IRC if you wish to do this.

21. If I tell you to do something, and you don't listen, you probably aren't going to like what will happen next.

22. If you feel the need to complain about some aspect of the game before the game is over, please do so in your role PM. Dead players are free to bitch about whatever they want in their role PMs, and only their role PMs. You can also whine on IRC, and I'll do my best to humor you.

23. You're dead when you die. I refuse to exhume corpses.

24. If I can't figure out what you're trying to say in the game thread in under a minute, you'll have quite a bit of explaining to do.

25. Do not attempt to lynch/kill Yours Truly, no matter how tempting it may be.

26. The only players that can affect the game are on the player list. Talking to people not playing in this game is highly discouraged, 'cause there's no telling who will slip what (and I'd rather not have to modkill you for a loose tongue).

27. No, you may not be an informed observer upon death.

28. Ignorance of the rules will probably make your punishment more harsh. The rules don't exist for my own reading pleasure.

29. You are NOT to talk about anything that is underlined specifically in thread. You may paraphrase such stuff though. If you are unsure, check with me so you don't get godkilled.

30. If I think of anything else, it'll go here.

Sign ups: 15 players yo. Red players need to confirm. Sign ups are first come first serve. If I forgot any of those pre-ins just tell me.

1. Elie

2. Obviam

3. Prims

4. BBM

5. Iris


7. SB

8. Helios

9. Shin

10. Seregil

11. Joo

12. Levy

13. Mancer

14. Scorri

15. Marth


1. Loocy

2. Strawman

3. Cam

Informed observers:

1. PaperBlade.

2. Boron


If I forgot anything I'll add it in a bit.

Edited by Shinori
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Actually, I'm /out on policy unless you remove this rule. I don't know why people still think this shit is Good Hosting.

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I'm on the playerlist twice. Does that mean I get to be two characters at once?

Also hey CR, and SB/Boron I thought we talked about not putting peer pressure on our friends to play. :P:

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this just in, shinori has announced the FULL tales of symphonia mafia playerlist over irc:

1. BBM

2. BBM

3. BBM

4. BBM

5. BBM

6. BBM

7. BBM

8. BBM

9. BBM

10. BBM

11. BBM

12. BBM

13. BBM

14. BBM

15. BBM

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I'm performing another experiment so I'm going to play

TALES OF SYMPHONIA shinori's trying to kill me

Edited by Levanto
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I always thought the rule was to prevent an overdose of flavorspec which can be just as stupid as rolespec but we don't really have that much of a problem with flavorspec here at SF anymore do we?

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