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Ephraim's or Eirika's Route?



111 members have voted

  1. 1. Route you prefer?

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I myself have always prefered Ephraim's route in casual playthroughs, since the chapters in that route are more difficult than the chapters in Eirika's. But when it comes to drafts, Eirika's route is the better choice since they're easier to low turn, and the starting position in C16 is better for warping.

Overall, I'd say Ephraim's route since some of those chapters are among my favorite in the series.

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Fuck Ephraim's route. Fuck it in every single possible way. If I had a Sword of Quantum Fucking, I would use it on Ephraim's route.

EDIT: but you get l'arachel sooner and l'arachel is pretty :wub:

Edited by Integrity
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I prefer Eirika's:

- I like Eirika more than Ephraim

- I like Eirika route's maps better

- Eirika route's plot is better and has less plotholes (L95's point about Saleh being one of them)

- It just feels right to just stick to the same main character for the entire game instead of switching a third of the way through.

The downsides are that it's easier and Ephraim route gets the better Lyon, but I'm willing to make that tradeoff.

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To be perfectly honest, I personally do not have a particular preference for either route, but one thing I will say is that Eirika's maps are more manageable(because, let's face it, that phantom ship map can go fuck itself and die.), plus you get a little more backstory for Joshua and Cormag's motives. However, I found Ephraim's maps slightly more fun(sans phantom ship map, because fuck it to hell.) Also, you get Duessel and Cormag earlier on Ephraim's route, which I will say is a fair trade off, considering that in Eirika's route, Cormag doesn't show up for 5 turns when the map can be completed in two turns. Yes, in Eirika's route, you get Gerik and Saleh earlier, but in the long run, I'd personally have another flier earlier(plus Cormag has better combat by far than either peg IMO)than have another 5->6 move combat unit(that I can replicate somewhat with Joshua.)earlier.

So, my stance is that both routes have their benefits, with a slight bias towards Ephraim's due to interesting map design(outside of the phantom ship), getting units crucial to certain strategies earlier(trust me, I like the idea of having a durable flier more than another infantry sword user.), and Ephraim being an all around better unit than his fail-whore of a sister(she may be faster and more skillful than him, but he has a strength and durability lead as well as using a better weapon type.)

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I like Eirika less than Ephraim as both a unit and a character, so I'd rather put up with the Phantom Ship and go with Ephraim, but I more or less alternate between the two. I have a tendency to miss recruiting Cormag in Eirika's route because it's WAY easier to 2-turn the map than it is to wait for 5 turns, and that bugs me, even though I like getting Gerik and Tethys a couple chapters earlier. I also prefer Ephraim's starting position in the desert, even if Duessel alone laughs at everything the south side of the map has to offer, but it's all personal preference.

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EDIT: but you get l'arachel sooner and l'arachel is pretty :wub:

Actually, she joins in chapter 11 in both routes.

I have a tendency to miss recruiting Cormag in Eirika's route because it's WAY easier to 2-turn the map than it is to wait for 5 turns

Well, I have a tendency to wait until at least turn 9 just for the sake of getting to kill Pablo, as well as stealing a Body Ring from one of his goons.

I'm open minded as to playing either route, but preference? Probably Eirika, because fuck Phantom Ship.

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I like going both routes, actually. But I've been going to Eirika's route more often recently because it's got Tana and L'Arachel in much better joining situations and fuck the Phantom Ship. Seriously, that chapter was the bane of my existence when I was younger, even on lolEasy mode.

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What plotholes were there on Ephraim's route, other than Saleh's presence in Taizel?

- Gerik and Tethys splitting up from Eirika's group makes no sense since the most direct route to Grado was the one Eirika was taking at the time. And yet they still managed to get to the Marsh before Eirika got to Jehanna.

- There's no mention of Joshua's past until it's mentioned in his ending as if you already knew it.

- Ephraim and L'Arachel introduce themselves to eachother in chapter 15, even though they already met four chapters earlier.

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Ephraim route has boat chapter, but there isn't a point (IIRC) when a boat COMES UP from the bottom and is like BOOM BOARDED like in FE7, so that's not as cool. Boat chapters suck but they're pretty much the best. It's also cool that Larachel and Dozla were apparently crewing their ship all on their own or something (I hope the crew didn't all get slaughtered or something). I would love to hack this one so that the "fleet" units from the last chapter are sailing like little toy boats around your ships.

Eirika has Rennac in Jehanna I decided that is pretty much Lawrence of Arabia. Or at the very least, the mid-level office bureaucrat military officer in 5th head of cerberus.

I also like ch 13 Eirika and Ch 10 eph. Overall Rennac recruited in the desert castle is cooler than Rennac recruited in a not desert castle.

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Not so much a plot hole but I love how in Erika's route in pretty much implies Ephraim and Duessel took down the entire Grado Empire together. Just the two of them because they are that bad ass.

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- There's no mention of Joshua's past until it's mentioned in his ending as if you already knew it.

I don't think that counts as a plothole. It's true that you don't learn Joshua's true identity as the prince of Jehanna until the very end of Ephraim's route, but that's no more a plothole than revealing at the very end of FE10 (and only under specific conditions) Soren's identity as the prince of Daein.

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