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Pokemon X and Y


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1357756078[/url]' post='2242785']

Someone mentioned the possibility of a new type, I wonder what that could be?

Light maybe? Strong against Dark and ghost, maybe water, weak to fire and electricity and steel, since fire and electricity are light sources and steel reflects light.

Both legendaries seem to be emitters of light, the X could be light/steel and Y could be light/flying or light/dragon.

So I'm not the only one who wants a light- type?!

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Whats so wrong with Light? Dark and Ghost type don't have enough weakness.

Quite a few types only have few weaknesses as well.

As for regarding adding new types in itself... I'm not sure. It would be the first since Gen II, but perhaps it may not happen again. I'd be wondering though, if it does, if any old Pokémon may receive some type retconing like the Magnemite line did.

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If they were going to add any new types, it would've been shown in the first trailer.

Can anyone else see some customization options for your trainer? Like changing the color of there cloths.

Edit: So will the game be able to trade with the DS games or will all the Pokemon be obtainable.


That might be a thing.

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If they were going to add any new types, it would've been shown in the first trailer.


That might be a thing.

Actually, if you look back on the whole picture you can see the glasses got left behind. Some say it's just a glitch.

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Light will never get added; for various reasons, Fighting, Fire, Dragon, Normal and Psychic already cover that concept. As it is, I think Dark was a bit of an overreaction meant to rein in Psychic's power that ended up overly neutering the type. Psychic dropped to a mid-tier type in Gen II and ever since, it's generally been a bad type. While Fire and Ice are often in the same boat, they're good types in offensive metas with key SEs on two of the most powerful types: Steel and Dragon, along with a complement of other common types to cut down. Psychic's only got one useful SE and a whole lot of resists. And Dark continues to feel the least thought out of the types, it's biggest schtick is Pursuit. (Although, I did really enjoy the addition of Foul Play.)

I wouldn't be surprised to see X and Y squared instead of Z. Black and White 2 were originally third versions that GF split anyway in a bit of a money-grubbing move. They only became full-out sequels after Nintendo insisted that if they were going to delay a 3DS release, then a second set of DS titles had to have more content than the usual third versions do. I'd only expect to see Z if Magma Ruby and Sea Sapphire (/random guess at Hoenn remake) happen for reals in Gen VI, and I'm not sure that they will; technically, pokemon from Hoenn can already migrate to the newer titles, even if the process is getting increasingly convoluted. Kanto and Johto were completely locked out, on the other hand.

Edited by CinderSkye
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Whats so wrong with Light? Dark and Ghost type don't have enough weakness.

Just because we have a Dark type doesn't mean we need a Light type. Making a brand new type just to make one type more special is stupid. They at least had legitimate reasons to make Dark and Steel types.

If anything they need to do something to make Poison types suck less. The best they've managed to do so far was make a couple of Poison/Dark Pokemon, but that just amounts to Stunky and Skorupi's lines.

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I hope gen 3 remakes will happen in gen 6. Looking at the current pattern, it should have happened in gen 5, but we got full-on sequels instead. I'm not against this, but gen 3 was my favourite, and a remake would be awesome.

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1357773440[/url]' post='2243023']

Just because we have a Dark type doesn't mean we need a Light type. Making a brand new type just to make one type more special is stupid. They at least had legitimate reasons to make Dark and Steel types.

If anything they need to do something to make Poison types suck less. The best they've managed to do so far was make a couple of Poison/Dark Pokemon, but that just amounts to Stunky and Skorupi's lines.

What we need then is a tanky Poison type Pokemon.

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Oh yeah, there is also the fact that in Japan the Dark Type is called the Evil Type. I think that key difference already makes an impact.

So what? They called it the Evil type because it sounded cool. I hate it when people use that as their justification for needing a Light type.

And I'm not trying to imply that you're trying to use it as justification, I just hate hearing about frigging Light types.

What we need then is a tanky Poison type Pokemon.

Poison types are one of the best types Defense-wise. They're just terrible offensively (as in, they're only good against Grass types, and even then there are a lot of Grass/Whatver hybrids that take away even that advantage).

Edited by Kon
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So what? They called it the Evil type because it sounded cool. I hate it when people use that as their justification for needing a Light type.

And I'm not trying to imply that you're trying to use it as justification, I just hate hearing about frigging Light types.

What I meant is that since they call it the Evil Type it doesn't carry the same context of the rest of the world calling it Dark Type. Since the concepts of Light/Dark and Good/Evil are not one and the same, and they call the shots, therefore, coming up with a possible need for a Light Type is not that feasible to begin with.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Light will never get added; for various reasons, Fighting, Fire, Dragon, Normal and Psychic already cover that concept. As it is, I think Dark was a bit of an overreaction meant to rein in Psychic's power that ended up overly neutering the type. Psychic dropped to a mid-tier type in Gen II and ever since, it's generally been a bad type. While Fire and Ice are often in the same boat, they're good types in offensive metas with key SEs on two of the most powerful types: Steel and Dragon, along with a complement of other common types to cut down. Psychic's only got one useful SE and a whole lot of resists. And Dark continues to feel the least thought out of the types, it's biggest schtick is Pursuit. (Although, I did really enjoy the addition of Foul Play.)


Fighting and Psychic in particular are more associated in Japan with what a Light type would be. The Fighting type for example is associated with Justice (which would explain it being super effective on Dark types).

And to be fair, the Psychic type got quite the boost in Gen V between things like Psyshock, Magic Bounce, the Psychic types that got Magic Guard, etc...

And I reiterate that I'd sooner expect a X2 and Y2 before a Z. I also definitely don't expect more types to ever be added at this point. The type chart is convoluted as it is.

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Black and White 2 were originally third versions that GF split anyway in a bit of a money-grubbing move.

...And you know this how?

Anyway, I wouldn't mind having a Light-type. Especially for Pokemon that produce light, but don't have any electrical abilities to speak of. I could understand why people wouldn't want it, though.

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Okay then, perhaps a new sort of supreme type like dragon, like divine, resistant to physical attacks instead of special like dragon. Fighting, steel, rock, ground would be its resistances, and itself plus dark as its weaknesses. Depending on the role of the legendaries, this could be possible.

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Dragon has a hard enough time being good as its own type. I think they're fine having 17 types to work with. At the most they just need to improve some of the types, maybe alter a weakness/strength like making Water weak to Poison or something.

Edited by Kon
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...And you know this how?

Anyway, I wouldn't mind having a Light-type. Especially for Pokemon that produce light, but don't have any electrical abilities to speak of. I could understand why people wouldn't want it, though.

Masuda: I'm Masuda from GAME FREAK. As for why we're releasing two, we thought of a game mechanic to include when we were developing Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version, but we didn't have enough time to do it. We needed two games for that, so this time we decided to make two.

Iwata: So that's why you made two

Masuda: Yes. A little later, we thought of making them sequels. When you told me that if we were going to release something for the Nintendo DS system, we had to come up with something new, I was really worried. (laughs) Then I thought, "How about sequels?"


Dragon has a hard enough time being good as its own type. I think they're fine having 17 types to work with. At the most they just need to improve some of the types, maybe alter a weakness/strength like making Water weak to Poison or something.

I've been begging for Water weak to Poison and for Stealth Rock to ignore SE/NVE for a while now, like Spikes does. Then make Grass resist Fighting.

Edited by CinderSkye
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light is not the counterpart to dark; justice and righteousness are

wrong game

I'm so hype, totally going to use that water type first. I still have lots of time to buy a 3DS, gladly.

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For some reason, the grass starter looks really familiar. blink.gif

I know what you mean. I felt the same with the other starters as well...Odd.

I can't believe its Gen 6 already. Sheesh time flies. I can't wait to get my hands on one of the games though.

Although I really wanted another shadow pokemon game...Damn.

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Xerneas is Psychic/??? I really want to say Dragon

Yveltal is Psychic/Flying

Chespin's line will be Grass/Electric

Fennekin's line will be Fire/Ground

Froakie will be Water/Fighting

Edited by Lord Raven
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Chespin's line will be Grass/Electric

Fennekin's line will be Fire/Ground

Froakie will be Water/Fighting

I know these are guesses but I'd be glad for this set, Grass/Electric would be pretty awesome

Edited by Jedi Of Connacht
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Am I the only one that thinks it's a little too soon for another generation of Pokemon? Granted, the fire starter has my attention and there is still a while until it's released. I'm a bit skeptical of the timing that they decided on.

You're not. I feel it's a bit too early for another generation as well...

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