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Change for Reparation 0.87h!

Gaggle of Geese

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I see. I'll just stick with Celice.

"i dont like the official translation im going to stick with the tried and true fan one instead because fans are best translators"

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How about "noted but I'll end up sticking with Celice because I'm more used to it"? Until it becomes impossible to say Celice without having to clarify "oh I meant Seliph", I'd rather just say Celice than catch myself before every instance in which I'd say it.

I mean, my name is not English pronounceable for the most part. When I get asked "what's your name?", I have to STOP AND THINK and then give them the English name I use. Which isn't on any official documentation, by the way, and usually I just deal with that - I've heard as many variants on my name as there have been people who tried saying it, whether they asked me first or not.

So thank you but I'm sticking to Celice until I'm forced to switch. (Which question is academic as I play the games in Chinese anyway.)

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The odds are I'll still be calling him Celice for at least a while. Not because I'm an awkward jerk, but because it's what I'm used to and I'm unlikely to ever play FE13. Even then, it's hard to kill 4 years of naming, I can't seem to get a grip on Vyland.

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"i dont like the official translation im going to stick with the tried and true fan one instead because fans are best translators"

I'm use to Celice therefore I'm going to use Celice. Personally I think it has a better ring to it.

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I don't even get how it's supposed to be pronounced. Is it supposed to be pronounced like Selypa from the DBZ Bardock special? Or maybe like Philip?

If nothing else I guess I'm going to stick with Celice until I figure out how to spell the official name. I probably spell that name wrong all the time either way but at least it sounds nice that way.

Edited by BrightBow
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Seliph is pretty good in my opinion. Its a little weird to call him something else then Celice, but its close enough.

Fin to Finn is a little pointless, but almost the same so i'm fine with that too.

Leif is.....a bit worse though. It just sounds ackward when I say it.

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Leif is.....a bit worse though. It just sounds ackward when I say it.

To be fair with Leif, its how I originally pronounced his name anyways. Like Leif Ericson, and it fits in the theme of the Old Norse that it looks like Jugdral was going with, with the names

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Seliph - Looks manlier than Celice


Celice isn't very manly; it'd be like calling Marth "Mars".

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone is confused, like I was at first, Helswath is the axe formerly known as Swanchika.

I'm still not sure what to think of the official translations. Most of them make sense (even Yewfelle and Forseti, surprisingly), but Rackesis? Vylon? Seliph? I'd love to know why they picked those when the "fan translations" seemed to fit very well (Lachesis was one of the Three Fates, Byron was an influential English poet, Celice has etymology links to "celestial").

Salamander is badass though.

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Actually, Vylon is a pretty common translation of Byron. I've actually seen the former more than the latter.

Seliph reminds me of Seraph, the highest order of angels. Which makes sense given his heritage.

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