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Everyone is Mafia Mafia - Game Over


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Eh, I thought the Dazzler made its target redirect its action to a random player (of the same living status as the original target). But, I guess roles can be modified, so we'll never know what Prims used for this game until it's over.

That was what I meant, sorry. The redirect is random, not the Dazzler's target. I guess I wasn't that clear.

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<Blitz> hey Prims, when does N3 end?

<Primsawake> uuugh i was supposed to update tonight

<Primsawake> but got distracted

<Primsawake> i'll update when i'm back from school tomorrow

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JBCWK, Mafia Strongman, was restrained after a bout of roid rage!

Elieson, Cult Lover, gave love a bad name!

Xinnidy, Cult Lover Interceptor, still didn't have enough cushion to survive a bullet even after 2 ITP modifiers!

Bluedoom, Mafia Janitor / Reflexive Doctor, couldn't complete the Starsphere and was forced to restart the game!

Snike, ????????, was shanked and subsequently disposed of in a vat of molten maple syrup!

Reinfleche, Mafia Witch, got flattened by a row of garbage puyo!


8. Loocy

11. Seregil

12. Proto

13. Ice Sage

15. NekoRex

16. Rocker64

20. Kay

23. SB

29. Jedi

It is now N4. 24 or so hours for your actions.

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Lucina, Cult Gravedigger, is not as good of a waifu as Anna (and also died)!

NekoRex, Mafia Tracker / Follower, was assassinated by a recycled Elieson quote!

Rocker64, Mafia Mirror, brought the game 7 years of bad luck and slow updates!

Kay, Cult Hunter, was given up as a virgin sacrifice! Some joke about Proto being too slow here.


11. Seregil

12. Proto

13. Ice Sage

23. SB

29. Jedi

It is now N5. You have 2 weeks to send in your actions. Or 24 hours. Whatever works best.

Edited by Prims
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Ice Sage, Mafia Commuter, has been endgamed!

Proto, Cult Leader, Jedi, Cult Vanillizer and Serious Bananas, Cult Thief have won, alongside Blitz, Angel and the rest of the cult! Congratulations!


Graveyard - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/YirfgLn6JXY

Cultists - http://www.quicktopic.com/50/H/UMsMt68cZ4tnS

Edited by Priam
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Proto, Cult Leader, Jedi, Cult Vanillizer and Serious Bananas, Cult Thief have won, alongside Blitz, Angel and the rest of the cult! Congratulations!


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Role PMs:


1. You are the Mafia Tracker / Follower! Alongside your kill and BPV, each night you may either ##Track another player and learn their targets, or ##Follow them and learn of any action syntaxes they used.


2. You are the Mafia Watcher / Voyeur! Alongside your kill and BPV, each night you may ##Watch another player and learn who targeted them, or ##Observe them and learn of any action syntaxes that targeted them.


3. You are the Mafia Mason Recruiter! Alongside your kill and BPV, each night you may ##Recruit another player. Masons have a quicktopic together and may not shoot other masons until all remaining players are part of the masonry.


4. You are the Lover! Alongside your kill and BPV, once in the game you may ##Love another player to become scumbuddies with them. The two of you will get a quicktopic and an extra BPV each and win together instead of alone, but if one of you dies then so will the other!


5. You are the Mafia Vigilante! Alongside your kill and BPV, each night you may ##Kill a second player on top of your first choice. You may not kill the same player twice in one night unless that player is the only player you can target. You may also not use this ability two nights in a row.


6. You are the Mafia Strongman! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may choose to ##STRONGkill a target instead of using your ordinary kill. This kill will bypass all protections, but may not be used two nights in a row.


7. You are the Mafia Gunsmith! Alongside your kill and BPV, each night you may ##Give Gun to another player. That player will gain a 1-shot vig. Additionally, you are immune to any 1-shot kills you give out.


8. You are the Mafia Jailkeeper! Alongside your kill and BPV, each night you may ##Jailkeep another player. Any action that player uses will fail, but they will be saved from any kill attempts.


9. You are the Mafia Hunter! Alongside your kill and BPV, each night you may ##Hunt another player. If a BPV you own breaks, you will make a strongman kill attempt on the last player you hunted.


10. You are the Mafia Blacksmith! Alongside your kill and BPV, each night you may ##Give Vest to another player. That player will gain an extra 1-shot BP at the start of the following night. Additionally, your kills will bypass any vests you give out.


11. You are the Mafia Jack of All Trades! Alongside your kill and BPV, you have a 1-shot ##Hijack, a 1-shot ##Nightvig, a 1-shot ##Rolecop, a 1-shot ##Message (courier) and a 1-shot ##Commute. Feel free to ask if you don't know what any of those do. You may not use multiple 1-shot abilities in one night.

Ice Sage

12. You are the Mafia Commuter! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Commute to make yourself immune to all actions. This may not be done on a night where you are killing, or be used two nights in a row.


13. You are the Mafia Mirror! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Reflect another player each night. Any actions targeting that player will be redirected to the user.


14. You are the Mafia Trump Card! Alongside your kill and BPV, you have a mysterious ##Action that can do whatever you want it to (so long as the mod doesn't find it OP). However, it may only be used if you survive 2 nights after losing your initial BPV.


15. You are the Mafia Bus Driver! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Drive two players at night. Actions targeting one player will target the other, and vise versa.


16. You are the Mafia Paranoid Gun Owner! You may not kill other players. However, you still have a BPV, and will reflexively shoot any player that targets you unless you are set to die in the same night. Additionally, once in the game, you may permanently ##Trade in this ability to become a generic Mafia Goon (you'll still flip PGO, though).

Fera (jerk who didn't use an important role and died N1)

17. You are the Mafia Fabricator! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Give Vest to another player once in the game, giving them a bulletproof vest that actually nullifies any protection on them starting the following night, and ##Give Gun to another player as much as you want, giving them a 1-shot vig which will backfire and attempt to hurt them when used.


18. You are the Mafia Vanillizer! Alongside your kill and BPV, once in the game you may ##Vanillize another player, completely removing any non-factional abilities they might have.

Serious Bananas

19. You are the Mafia Thief! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Rob another player each night, stealing any items they might have. Additionally, if you steal a fabricated item, then you will fix it and make it properly usable.


20. You are the Mafia Gravedigger! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Gravedig a dead player each night, giving you access to their abilities until you attempt to gravedig another player.


21. You are the Mafia Eagle Eye! Alongside your kill and BPV, you will passively learn of any player that targets you, as well as what they attempt to do.


22. You are the Mafia Dazzler! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Dazzle a player each night, redirecting their night action to either the player one slot below or one slot above (your choice!) on the playerlist.


23. You are the Mafia Janitor / Reflexive Doctor! Alongside your kill and BPV, you will reflexively protect anybody who targets you with a non-lethal action from kills. Your passive ability won't save people from your own kills, though. Also, if your kill target dies, you will hide their flip from everybody but you.


24. You are the Mafia Safeguard! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Safeguard another player each night, making them immune to all non-killing actions that night.


25. You are the Angel! Though you retain a basic kill, you do not have a BPV, but are immune to all kills on N1. On N2, you are forced to ##Protect a player on Night 2, granting them 2 extra BPVs. You win if the player you protected either wins the game or survives for 3 nights after your own death.


26. You are the Mafia Announcer / Courier / Mayor! Alongside your kill and BPV, you:

- may ##Announce a message each night for the mod to quote at the start of the following night

- may ##Message up to two players each night with an anonymous message that the mod will give them at the end of the night

- have a vote that counts for 2, which means you deserve everybody's roleclaim ASAP.


27. You are the Mafia Interceptor! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Intercept another player each night. If exactly one other player targets them, an attempt will be made on that targeter's life.


28. You are the Mafia Witch! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Curse another player each night. If exactly one other player targets them, an attempt will be made on their life. You are also the best girl in the game. witchlaugh.gif


29. You are the Mafia Inventor! Alongside your kill and BPV, you may ##Give Vest to another player once in the game, giving them an extra 1-shot BP at the start of the following night, ##Give Visor to another player once in the game, giving them a 1-shot rolecop, and ##Give Gun to another player once in the game, giving them a 1-shot vig. You are immune to any vigs you give out and your kill will bypass any vests you give out.


30. You are the Cult Leader! You do not have a kill, but have two BPVs instead of one. Instead, you may ##Recruit another player each night. That player will lose their generic kill, gain access to the cult quicktopic and have their win condition replaced with yours. You win when the cult comprises 75% (rounded up) of all living players.

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