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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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Also, am I the only one who finds it odd that our claimed doctor hasn't died yet?

I was going to point that out, it makes little sense. All I can think is that it's the work of a role that has half a brain to not attract attention about, but it's still very weird.

Also a no-kill night again, and the Role deleter seems to have exotic targets. I don't even.

Then again Elieson warned about this game being crazy. :/

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I think it's a bit far-fetched, because I'd (logically) assume that a theoretical watcher would be on the claimed doc every night; thus, killing him would be really risky. However, I'd like to hear stuff from Neko, so that's why I'm not complaining about the vote (yet).

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I don't think that Neko is lying as of yet because Prims's role heavily implied the existence of multiple protective roles. Until we get a third role that can protect in addition to Balcerzak and Neko, I don't see a reason to doubt them.

Also I guess that clears Baldrick? Or at least clears him from being on the same team as the Vanillizer.

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I just had a thought, if Scorri is scum, she would have a good reason not to shoot the doc claim just so that Neko could be lynched some day. (like how she brought it up today)

these no kills are really not helping with my reads (even though it is a great thing that no kills are taking place)

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Of the dead people, we have Mancer (ROLE PM SILLINESS), Prims (pretty active before he died), Kay (not much to go off of), Bizz (seemed busier defending town reads than pushing scum ones), and Helios (see Kay). I'm kind of unhappy with the limited activity right now, because it doesn't give off much in the way of associative reads.

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I would expect a theoretical watcher to be on one of the cop/doc (i would personally rather keep the cop alive) now that we have claims

NO KILLS, huh?

Someone remind me who the claimed doctor was? (unless you guys mean balc in which case my ideas are gone)

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Night 3 Results:

It's an exciting day to be Skreech, because you're usually overlooked and entirely boring! You were successful!

Laevetinn (Proto): Mafia

Wait, that's not all! You are feeling confident and empowered, and can most definately target two users for Night 4!

Also you have received three messages:

Alignment: The Force

Alignment: The Force / Alignment: The Force


That should actually say 2 messages. The second one is 2 messages [in one]. Host Derp!

##Vote: Proto

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Also remember to check snike. Dude claimed MILLER night 0. Thats like, best possible Rolecop target

Well I remember Snike saying that if I rolecop'd him I'd not get Miller so honestly I don't know about that.

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Proto (4): Sho, Bluedoom, SB, BBM

NekoRex (1): Scorri

Voteless: The other 12 people

With 16 alive, it's 9 to hammer.

Just over 58 hours remain in the phase.

Edited by Elieson
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