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The only child that I manage to make use was like Lucina and Cynthia, and the former using the most bullshit inheritance I have ever devised

Anyone with Staff can be easilly salvaged,not to mention the trick of doing early paralogue later to build up support rank. Its basically(IMO) all about getting those Rank and snowballing from there on

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The only child that I manage to make use was like Lucina and Cynthia, and the former using the most bullshit inheritance I have ever devised

Anyone with Staff can be easilly salvaged,not to mention the trick of doing early paralogue later to build up support rank. Its basically(IMO) all about getting those Rank and snowballing from there on

On top of those Kjelle and a few other can be utilized fairly easily but Owain....

Why do them later?

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They want support rank. And EXP helps

Owain can be reclassed into Priest and get some quick levels. Not as amazing as say..... Kjelle IMO

But they fall behind the enemies even more than usual if you try to wait. It's why Gerome is useless.

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Children gain exp so fast, and their bases/skills are so good (if parents were actually used), that they'll usually outclass/match their parents after a map or 2 of babying (sometimes even just the chapter they join). The key is to be patient and not early-promote, thinking you need the stats now. Give them time to grow unpromoted and reclassed. It's harder to do after C16, but still possible, especially with Rally assistance. Later children have the benefit of slightly stronger stat/skill inheritance and often better base classes as well (Merc, Wyvern).

Though, the easiest way to use children ingame is probably to save easy Paralogues for them. Paralogue 1 is nice to do early to get a few early units rolling, but the exp from P2, P3 can be saved if desired (Anna from P4 is nice to get early). Other children paralogues are also good.

Veteran screws with the exp/stat curve too much, so there's that. But it's no problem in slower-paced play.

Basically, imo it's probably harder to baby non-Avatar characters earlygame than the children midgame. Simply because you have more competent units to weaken stuff, Rallies, etc.

Edited by XeKr
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Dear Lunatic Club,

I have trouble beating Ch. 16 because it has Warriors (who happen to have high Skill and Bows, which my Dark Fliers and Avatar hate) and Heroes (Heroes are tough as they are)...it also doesn't help how reinforcements arrive from the South, and I can't camp them because Peggs arrive a turn after that. Also, I am feeling unmotivated to beat it anytime soon. x(

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Dear Lunatic Club,

I have trouble beating Ch. 16 because it has Warriors (who happen to have high Skill and Bows, which my Dark Fliers and Avatar hate) and Heroes (Heroes are tough as they are)...it also doesn't help how reinforcements arrive from the South, and I can't camp them because Peggs arrive a turn after that. Also, I am feeling unmotivated to beat it anytime soon. x(

Rescue, Dance? IIRC the southern reinforcements arrive on turn 4 EP, giving you plenty of time to reach the top part of the map. I don't think tanking out the reinforcements is such a good idea when you have more than one Dark Flier.

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I have three Dark Fliers, them being my Avatar, Liz & Sumia. The only one who can take a Warrior Silver Bow is The Avatar...but that means that I may have to rely a ton on her, on this chapter. I've been using her for Rally Everything in the last chapters, but she's still broken.

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I just beat lunatic mode for the first time today with my "default" +mag -skl avatar. It was pretty horrible, so I decided to just grind everyone I was using to their caps, and even then it was still pretty horrible!

Now to never do this again, ever.

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Well I´m in chapter 7 (Lunatic/Classic) and I want to know if my units have a good level and also I want know if the team I want to use will be fine later in the game. I just beat hard/Classic so I´m using the items from the bonus item and renown awards.

Chrom lv 11

MU lv 14

lissa lv 12

Sumia lv 4 - to pair up with Chrom

Kellam lv 11

Panne lv 6

Lon´qu lv 6

In addition I want to use Libra, tharja and nowi. ¿Its that to much without DLC?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm giving this game another chance. Decided to replay Lunatic but with a sandbagged Avatar (+mag, -def). So far, she's still useful, but can't ORKO everything in EP, which is what I was going for. I'm actually having fun with the game again. And, I found out that if you don't have an Avatar that ORKOs Ch5 Wyverns, Virion with a maxed out Iron Bow forge, Str Tonic and Vaike at base OHKOs them, which actually came in handy for once. Fred is just stomping shit as usual and my Stahl is actually doing rather well, something I didn't expect, since I didn't have good experience in Lunatic with him. I needed to forge him a Bronze Lance forge at some point, but he got to KE really quickly, so he was a huge help in Ch5 too, with his "almost Fred" bulk.

EDIT: Chapter 6 is pathetically easy with both Fred and Stahl machines. They don't give a damn!

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You'll probably have some difficulty training Panne and Gaius up without using DLC since you don't have much of a team to babysit them with. An overleveled Chrom should still be able to handle most of the game on his own. Sumia will probably need to be fed extra experience whenever you can (or, I guess level up Lucina and swap her in as the support partner) or the final fight might be a bit brutal. I guess the gist of what I'm saying is that unless you can easily murder all the healers, you'll likely want Falchion duals trikes hitting the last boss.

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I trained Panne in chapter 8 and Paralogue 2. She is now level 13, but her beaststone broke. I also got Sumia to level 19.81. Chrom is a 19/14 or 17 or something Cavailer. But I only have one second seal and one master seal.

I really want to use the second seal on Sumia and make her a knight or something so she isn't useless after the enemies start getting strong. But that means Panne will have to go without a weapon for the next two chapters.

And should I try to get Panne to level 30 before I make her a wyvern? (if I second seal Sumia first)

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panne wants to go unpromoted wyvern for the extra +avo skill really, knight sumia doesn't sound too great.

Also, promote Sumia to Falco. Having even one staff user will be a huge benefit.

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Just Beat (Lunatic+/Classic) I mainly used Assassins and Bow knights (Bows Are the Best weapon type on Lunatic+). Had to let 4 units die on chapter 3 which really sucked because lissa and owain would have been useful. I did use grinding, but still chapter 23 and 24 were quite the challenge. Overall I feel like vanilla Lunatic is a much better difficulty because it doesn't require too much luck.

Edited by Ross
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Just Beat (Lunatic+/Classic) I mainly used Assassins and Bow knights (Bows Are the Best weapon type on Lunatic+). Had to let 4 units die on chapter 3 which really sucked because lissa and owain would have been useful. I did use grinding, but still chapter 23 and 24 were quite the challenge. Overall I feel like vanilla Lunatic is a much better difficulty because it doesn't require too much luck.

Indeed. Bows are sneaky good for Lunatic+. Vanilla Lunatic is fine, but I sort of like the way that Lunatic+ flips typical strategies upside-down. It's very nearly a different game, and definitely makes you a better player in the process of overcoming it.

Also how is one turning chapters with rescue and galeforce units viewed on this forum?

Depends on who you ask. It's perfectly legitimate if your goal is to clear a chapter. LTC guys love it. I rarely employ it myself, but I did Rescue-skip Ch25 in Lunatic+, because to hell with that shit.

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