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Valentine's Day


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I'd make a bad joke about how I'll take a moment to be thankful for the existence of love in all its forms, romantic and otherwise, and then be all "now if you'll excuse me I have some chocolate with which I'm due to drown myself," but it seems a more pressing concern that I've managed to forget the actual origin of the holiday, as opposed to its modern form

Ah, Valentine supposedly wed Christians in secret while they were being persecuted by the Romans and restored the sight of his jailor's daughter before being executed, then his name was adopted to compete with a date that Chaucer made popular by observing that on it, spring began and birds could be seen seeking mates, got it, thanks wikipedia

I think the marketing on the holiday is kind of obnoxious because it does sort of seem to encourage the idea that single people ought to be bitter about it? But dude, chocolate is going to be so cheap tomorrow

how irritable can I really be about that

My parents, much to their credit, skipped waiting and already got a bag of KitKats. I am yet further humbled

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I don't mind Valentine's day since it's fun to see a girl get all excited because of you. I just wish it wasn't so expensive mannnn. I usually don't do too much for myself since coincidentally every time I've been in a relationship with a girl it was past V-day lol. I was my friend's wingman this year and helped him ask a girl out (she said yes of course) which was fun as well I'm foreveralone though. So yeah, I just really like seeing people happy, and Valentine's Day is an excuse to make a girl (or loved ones) happy, which is fine by me.

Also, what kdanger said.

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Valentine's Day was pretty cool in elementary school when everyone gave everyone candy. Now it's probably the holiday I am most apathetic about. I can't think of any that I care less about, but, then, it would make sense for me to forget them if they exist.

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I dont give a fuck. Peeps like Valentine's Day? Awesome! Im not gonna pee in their cheerios. Im single right now and im not caring. Im just like "yeah...cool. Yay chocolate!"

Dont like V-Day? Cool. Wanna wallow? Cool. Just dont be all up in people's faces peeing in their cheerios about it. I hate that.

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I dont give a fuck. Peeps like Valentine's Day? Awesome! Im not gonna pee in their cheerios. Im single right now and im not caring. Im just like "yeah...cool. Yay chocolate!"

Dont like V-Day? Cool. Wanna wallow? Cool. Just dont be all up in people's faces peeing in their cheerios about it. I hate that.

The real Virion would never says such things! Who are you imposter?

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^That's pretty funny considering the text in your sig.

Anyway, I don't particularly care one way or the other for Valentine's day. It didn't even register with me until a girl I work with wished me a happy Valentine's day and gave me a hug. Then I forgot about it again until some creepy guy wished me a happy Valentine's day in a failed attempt at being funny.

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^That's pretty funny considering the text in your sig.

Anyway, I don't particularly care one way or the other for Valentine's day. It didn't even register with me until a girl I work with wished me a happy Valentine's day and gave me a hug. Then I forgot about it again until some creepy guy wished me a happy Valentine's day in a failed attempt at being funny.

Yeah, I guess pairing up videogame characters is way more fun :'(.

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I'll make cookies tomorrow.

Anyway, I don't particularly care one way or the other for Valentine's day. It didn't even register with me until a girl I work with wished me a happy Valentine's day and gave me a hug. Then I forgot about it again until some creepy guy wished me a happy Valentine's day in a failed attempt at being funny.

I forgot about Valentine's Day and asked someone to hang out and they confirmed; then they didn't show. But they have plenty of reason to be busy. I think I'm not considerate enough of couples.

Still, I could've used a free ride home instead of paying for the train. But on the train, I got to semi-sleep. Also, I got to work an hour later than I planned to. Valentine's Day even gives small profits to single people.

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The real Virion would never says such things! Who are you imposter?



Ahhh...but what is a lady without her Valentine? A tragic story of love lost. But i shall be the one to fill their hearts with joy!


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Whatever gets me free food, man. Don't really have an opinion on the holiday itself but it's nice when my best friend brings in home made cookies to school and they're fucking delicious.

Free cookies, man.


Ooooh for me it was my brother who brought home made cookies from school x3

Yeah free cookies are fun~

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I had some things to say about the holiday, but this is probably the best way I've seen someone put it: http://slackerella.wordpress.com/2013/02/14/valentines-day-is-bullshit/

tl;dr: Valentine's Day is fake love. I don't need one day to show who I love that I love them. I have the other 364 for that.

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I don't really agree... hardly at all

I don't think it's really the day itself, but peoples' interpretations of the day that are to blame in this case.

As for what the day was meant to mean, I would just use rehab's post as my response. I think the day was just meant for us to show our appreciation for love. And also in no way is it saying "you can't love each other on any other day of the year" and if people have boyfriends or girlfriends that think that way, then again, that's their fault. It just means their partner sucks x3 The holiday itself is not supposed to constrain anybody to giving flowers or giving chocolates on just one day. But if people wanted to celebrate love, shouldn't they, oh, I don't know, show their love? x3 Perhaps there are some other things out there people could do to celebrate instead, but the first thing that occurred to people, I guess, is to celebrate it that way.

Saying that it is fake also sounds like something that only applies to some people. Some may seriously want to show their loved ones that they really do love them. Others may just want to do it because of the day. It really really bothers me that you talk as if the "fake love" applies to everybody. Well also that I feel quite insulted as well

I think gifts are nice because it shows generosity and that the boy or girl is showing "I don't mind going out of my way to get you things to please you because I love you so much" and it's really nice making somebody you care for happy! Giving things isn't the only way to show that you care, yes, but it's one method, but just because there are other methods doesn't mean that giving should be ignored... I don't see a problem in giving gifts and talking and eating together and hugging and kissing, etc. So I don't see a problem with giving gifts to show that one cares.

But there are probably some people who want to eat fancy just to eat fancy, not the ones who just do it as a gift to show that they will do whatever they can for their love~ That isn't the day's fault either. It's just the people who are to blame, again.

As for "don't do it because society made you" well for one it's not making you do anything. It's just that some people think it'd be nice to celebrate love, because some people love love~ So why not show respect for it, or the event that took place? ^~^

Celebrating it on other days is still perfectly fine though. This is me being repetitive, but the day isn't saying you can't show your love on any other days.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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My boyfriend and I don't give two shits for Valentine's Day, so we didn't do anything together. Instead, I was over at my sister's place helping her with my niece who just turned a month old a couple of days ago. It was fun~

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