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MageKnight404's got his own comic now!


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So my friend Shu was browsing around the internet and stuff, and he came across something that involved MK404. Remembering that he was a pretty well known guy around these parts and the FE community in general, I found it somewhat interesting, so I thought I'd share what my friend had found.

Of course, you probably wouldn't understand the comic until you checked out this video first:

Anyways, it seems like MK404 is getting better known around now, past even the FE community. Pretty cool stuff.

[spoiler=Comic involving MK404]65561_10151326627518095_1322011571_n.jpg

Edited by Lancer
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You realize MK404 has been well known for years, right? Right? I mean, way back when there was MK404's hack people have known who he was. Now he's got another really popular one, he makes damn good and unique sprites, and he's contributed a lot to the FE hacking community graphically, particularly with FEditor animations.

Just making sure that's clear.

No. I'm not talking about Ray. I'm talking about Lancer. It continues to disgust me that people enjoy putting others down.

How did you even come to that conclusion? Seriously?

Edited by Klok
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I'm talking to Lancer right now. And he just told me that's the reason he posted this.

I said I felt like what I was doing was kind of wrong, but I accepted that. Stop twisting my words, dawg.

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You know, if MK himself is really offended by this, he can talk to the RP guys about it...they've said themselves that if a "victim" (loosest sense of that word) comes out and has some serious concerns about his/her video being Retsupurae'd, they will take it down.

Arim should relax.

Edited by Shu
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[4:40:21 PM] Edward Chou: 1. It's enjoyable to watch the mighty fall

[4:41:20 PM] Edward Chou: 2. I don't particularly respect Ray

[4:41:46 PM] Edward Chou: 3. My friends don't particularly respect Ray. This drives my respect for him even lower.

[4:43:36 PM] Edward Chou: 4. I want other people to be entertained by MK404's bashing

"Also Arim should relax."

Then don't show me stuff that irritates me. Like you said, I'm a hardass. I don't laugh at stuff like this. So don't expect me to. I don't think Ray's offended. I just don't find it funny either.

Edited by Arim
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Thanks for telling us your input, MageKnight404.

I'm pretty sure his response to the comments and skyping with him gives me enough to be able to respond to Shu?

[2/14/2013 8:49:02 PM] shadowofchaos: Btw congrats on getting retsupuraed

[2/14/2013 8:49:35 PM] Mageknight404: I had a great day

[2/14/2013 8:50:51 PM] shadowofchaos: *bows*

[2/14/2013 8:50:57 PM] shadowofchaos: I am not worthy.

[2/14/2013 8:50:58 PM] shadowofchaos: XD

[2/14/2013 8:53:30 PM] shadowofchaos: Well... one good thing about it.

[2/14/2013 8:53:35 PM] shadowofchaos: I think you got an influx of views.

[2/14/2013 8:53:45 PM] Mageknight404: big time

[2/14/2013 8:53:59 PM] Mageknight404: don't care if it was mostly negative

[2/14/2013 8:54:04 PM] Mageknight404: I had fun

[2/14/2013 8:54:29 PM] shadowofchaos: I just got home and found out about it

[2/14/2013 8:54:31 PM] shadowofchaos: as you can see

[2/14/2013 8:54:31 PM] shadowofchaos: XD

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I'm pretty sure his response to the comments and skyping with him gives me enough to be able to respond to Shu?

[2/14/2013 8:49:02 PM] shadowofchaos: Btw congrats on getting retsupuraed

[2/14/2013 8:49:35 PM] Mageknight404: I had a great day

[2/14/2013 8:50:51 PM] shadowofchaos: *bows*

[2/14/2013 8:50:57 PM] shadowofchaos: I am not worthy.

[2/14/2013 8:50:58 PM] shadowofchaos: XD

[2/14/2013 8:53:30 PM] shadowofchaos: Well... one good thing about it.

[2/14/2013 8:53:35 PM] shadowofchaos: I think you got an influx of views.

[2/14/2013 8:53:45 PM] Mageknight404: big time

[2/14/2013 8:53:59 PM] Mageknight404: don't care if it was mostly negative

[2/14/2013 8:54:04 PM] Mageknight404: I had fun

[2/14/2013 8:54:29 PM] shadowofchaos: I just got home and found out about it

[2/14/2013 8:54:31 PM] shadowofchaos: as you can see

[2/14/2013 8:54:31 PM] shadowofchaos: XD

Okay. Next time, it would be cool if you could show the proof before speaking for other people. It looks rude when you do it unless you have proof, and I just wanted to call you out on that.


@Arim: Are you talking about the basic psychology lecture I gave you earlier? If you're talking about schadenfreude, then I won't deny that I do practice it.

Also, I won't deny that it's entertaining. Look, I even said in the first post that I found the video and comic interesting.

If you're going to twist our private conversations like this and broadcast it around a public forum, then I might as well stop talking to you period. Like honestly, they're private conversations for a reason Arim.

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Since when have there been so many sensitive users in this place...?

I feel like I don't know the people in a forum I've been to for 5 years anymore =<

And also one that seems to be veeeeeeery suspicious, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Heehee well at least he's having fun with this stuff~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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MK404 has a good time with his videos (as do followers of his LPs) so I don't see why he should be offended (good to see he isn't). Some of the comments on that video are pretty pathetic. Some of them really highlight the cesspit that the YouTube community is.

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