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Imagine Yourself as a Parent


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Imagine you just gave birth (or you have a wife who gave birth) to a baby boy or girl. How happy would you be and how would you put it into decent words. What are stuff you always promise the baby he/she will remember for a lifetime? Idk what to say I mean I like imagining myself in a movie I got a new baby and I don't know what to say maybe stuff without saying ''I'm happy.....''

What would you say?

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Well I'm a guy of few words but

I'd be astounded to see someone with my DNA in it. It has a part of ME. And I'm the child's guardian to boot. There's just some magnificence in that, its just fascinating. :D

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I would really be at a loss for words, on one side I'd be really happy that I have a child, on the other I'd be full of fear, I have no idea how you raise a kid, and I'm 16 and unemployed so I'd be pretty much fucked.

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always wanted a daughter

Eep Aikuuuuuuuu.....

U-um.... /squiiirrrrrm

honestly i'd probably say "uh, hey dood"

Heehee uh huh you won't say dude you'll say dood and I'll know the difference when I hear it~

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I am going to assume this is a in the future thing like after you graduate college or so, i would be really happy, and really concerned about my wife and i would hope its a boy and that its not twins(a 2nd child would be fine so would a 3rd i guess but not both at the same time it would be way to tiring) anyway if it was a girl i would name her suki Jessica Jennifer Annabelle or whatever my wife is named, and if it was a boy i would probably go with William George Evo or Leonard

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I'd love him/her so much I'd worry if I'd love him/her to death.

I've always adored babies. They're just soooooooooooo cute.



I want to be a pediatrician.

Either that, or a surgeon.

Haven't decided yet.

I could just be a pediatric surgeon, but that'd mean cutting open little kids... :(

I don't want to do that...

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One day you're going to be able to talk, and you're going to be my buddy

in my head, at least.

On the spot, would probably just enunciate something like asdfw

In the past I've wanted to have kids (at some vaguely defined, never-soon point in the future) maybe a bit too much, possibly because I've had it in my head since grade school? middle school? that I'd kick the asses of my own mom and dad at being a parent. I'm a bit scared I'd end up dragging the lives of other people (and myself) off-track, just for the sake of what'd basically be an experiment.

If I ever have that near-perfect moment, following having; reflected on the issue myself; discussed it enough with a hypothetical partner such that both of us knew it was something we wanted at that time and were emotionally prepared; read up enough to be mentally prepared; got close enough to whatever constitutes a good enough position in life to feel physically prepared, and after all that got lucky enough that whatever method used to deliver the child had no complications, and was just standing there with it then I'd just be like


Probably precipitated or followed by honey are you okay if it was an old-fashioned childbirth deal

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A kid is a blessing, and I'd be ecstatic to have one. I'd probably be speechless at first, but after a while I'd take him and say "My man...your legacy begins here. The journey will be filled with obstacles, but your mom and I are here for you, and you'll make a lot of friends, and together we'll all help you maneuver through them."

Ehh something like that. I'll be a working dad like Elieson too so my kid will definitely love me.

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i dont want kids.


i sound like an asshole

maybe my mindset would change after a couple of years on

dont get me wrong if there was no choice of course i would take care of him or her wotever

Edited by Aizenberg
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Don't worry it's not gonna go that fast.

Or is this your way of saying the idea excites you?

Well... It's like..... I'd say "I'll try to have a girl for you!!" but it sounds weeeiiiirrrrd and I feel all awkwaaarrrrrd

But... I'm still kinda afraid to have a kiddy =<

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I saw a topic about being a parent and jumped in without even clicking it

As SF's obligatory parent, I can speak from experience that the feeling of having a child, especially when it's "had", is a pretty damn good feeling.

Picture a feeling of proud confidence. All else doesn't matter because you did it, and you did it right.

"I'll love you forever,

I'll like you for always.

No matter your ages,

My babies you'll be."

Night time goodnight thing we so every night before bed

Life's hard but wouldn't change/10 because my kids are the best.

Edited by Elieson
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I'd be grossed out that my child is covered in womb juice, but they get cleaned off anyway.

"I helped make you, you are a part of me". I won't say that out loud or anything, but I'll be thinking it. I hope I have daughters, 'cause I can't think of any boy names besides Killdozer.

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I would cry... but out of sorrow, since I never plan on having children, I don't particularly enjoy children, and I don't think I am fit to be a mother.

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"I'll love you forever,

I'll like you for always.

No matter your ages,

My babies you'll be."

Odd, I didn't think anyone else knew that book existed.

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