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The Great Awakening - Game Over


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Bizz was lynched. She was...


You are Gangrel, the Ninja Rolecop/Killer / Supporter

You are the king of Plegia. A cruel man without empathy, you rebuffed Exalt Emmeryn’s attempts to reach a peaceful agreement between the two countries, and are currently laying siege to it. On Aversa’s advice, you reluctantly step back to engage the Shepherds, who are launching a counter-attack.

Although you appear to be quite absent-minded, you can move very quickly when you need to. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with “Night X: [PLAYER], look over there!” While [PLAYER] is trying to see what you’re pointing at, you will steal their deployment orders and commit it to memory. You will learn what night action they can perform.

Alternatively, if performing the factional kill, you may respond to your role PM with “Night X: [PLAYER], look over there! (Kill [PLAYER] while he’s distracted)”. If performing the factional kill, you are not obliged to alter it in this way.

Any other players who would see you target [PLAYER] will be similarly distracted, and not spot you.

Furthermore, you can use the chaos of battle, where one is focused on the enemy in front of them, to your advantage. At any time, you may respond to your PM with “[PLAYER], I’ve got your back”. If the conditions are right, you will gain a B-Level Support with [PLAYER], and be able to talk with them outside the thread (OC).

You are allied with the Plegians. Objective: Reach parity with the Shepherds.

So BBM, SB, Paperblade, Marth and Areox survive and win, along with the dead Shepherds.

Dear BBM,


You are Tharja, the Miller Curser

Like all dark mages, you are a little too obsessed with cursing. Moody and jealous, you simply do what you want without a thought about the consequences. Five minutes ago, you were in the Plegian army. However, you spotted a mysterious person at the side of the leader of the Shepherds, and promptly turned your coat. As such, anyone investigating you will correctly identify you as a Plegian dark mage.

During the night, you may respond to your PM with “Night X: Curse [PLAYER] with [sPELL]”. You will use one of your customised curses, to see what will happen. Each can only be used once.

Midas Touch: [PLAYER]’s target will be roleblocked. This curse remains dormant if [PLAYER] idles.

Grace Period: [PLAYER] will be marked for death. At any time during the next day phase, you can activate the curse by posting a phrase of your choosing in the thread. If you do not post this, the curse will fizzle, and you will be free to recast this curse on any subsequent night phase. The curse can only fizzle once successfully; if the curse would fizzle a second time, YOU will die at the end of the phase.

Mark of Cain: Any who target [PLAYER] that night will have their actions reflected back at them. [PLAYER] will still be affected by them.

You are allied with the Shepherds. Objective: Rout the Plegians

Dear Serious Bananas,


You are Cherche, the Deputy/Supporter

You escaped from under the heel of the despotic Walhart and followed your vassal to the continent of Ylisse. You keep him in line and on track in his endeavour to raise an army to challenge the emperor, and take the opportunity to learn from the experienced knights of Ylisse.

You are on the front lines, and busy killing Risen by the dozens. As such, you have no night actions.

However, you have been instructed to fall back and change tactics in an emergency. If the Alignment Cop is killed, you will assume his duties, and be able to check the name and objective of other players. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with “Night X: What is your true allegiance, [PLAYER]?” You will receive [PLAYER]’s name and objective.

At any time, you may respond to your PM with “[PLAYER], I’ve got your back”. If the conditions are right, you will gain a B-Level Support with [PLAYER], and be able to talk with them outside the thread (OC).

You are allied with the Shepherds. Objective: Rout the Plegians

Dear Paperblade,


You are Stahl, the Supporter

More easygoing than most, you’re always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it. You are a skilled cook, and a well-rounded fighter.

You are on the front lines, and busy killing Risen by the dozens. As such, you have no night actions.

At any time, you may respond to your PM with “[PLAYER], I’ve got your back”. If the conditions are right, you will gain a B-Level Support with [PLAYER], and be able to talk with them outside the thread (OC).

You are allied with the Shepherds. Objective: Rout the Plegians

Dear Bluedoom,


You are Donnel, the Est.

You never thought you would leave your small hometown and participate in a battle for the fate of your country, but here you are. Clad in improvised armour, you feel overwhelmed by the skills of the cadre of elite soldiers you have joined, who barely take notice of you.

Being a mere villager without much battle experience, it’s all you can do to hold your own. You have no special abilities, but a lot of potential. Maybe someday you will be able to do something…

You are allied with the Shepherds. Objective: Rout the Plegians

Dear Areox,


You are Lon’qu, the Supporter

A former mercenary under Khan Basilio, you were recruited into the Shepherds. The strong, silent type, you are awkward in social situations, but a single-minded swordsman in battle.

You are on the front lines, and busy killing Risen by the dozens. As such, you have no night actions.

At any time, you may respond to your PM with “[PLAYER], I’ve got your back”. If the conditions are right, you will gain a B-Level Support with [PLAYER], and be able to talk with them outside the thread (OC).

You are allied with the Shepherds. Objective: Rout the Plegians

Scum thread

ITP thread





Official post-game explanation thing coming as soon as I write it. Long story short: Things didn't go as I thought they would.

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Support Mechanic:

Four different players receive the following message in their role PM;

At any time, you may respond to your PM with “[uSER], I’ve got your back”. If the conditions are right, you will gain a B-Level Support with [uSER], and be able to talk with them outside the thread (OC).

Will fail if targets another supporter, a user already supported, or one of the ITPs.

Donnel (Marth) being supported allows him to Safeguard users at night.

If one half of a support combination is killed, the survivor gains the ability to choose a new partner.

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this game really really really did not need a backup cop on top of 4 other investigators, especially when we had no godfather. i seriously thought sb was fakeclaiming as a weird gambit.

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Official post-game explanation thing coming as soon as I write it. Long story short: Things didn't go as I thought they would.

Things never go as you think they would.

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Things never go as you think they would.

that's why you make better predictions, like "scum will lose because my set-up overpowers town" and "there will be at least 3 sub requests"

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also darros SORRY for dicking you over but it was our only chance at winning in case elie broke orders

No Wai If youre going to screw me Over you must at least win in my stead! D=<

though losing always sucks, I have No hard feelings, it's just a Game, haha

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- Mafia hooker getting lynched D1.


- Redirect the doc to mafia (dies), while killing someone else. Then, drive a mislynch. No one would be the wiser.


- Don't let people claim the "weak" part of their roles.

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- Don't let people claim the "weak" part of their roles.

this is dumb

roles that you can't claim are bad game design and basically bastard, find a better way to balance your set-up

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- Redirect the doc to mafia (dies), while killing someone else. Then, drive a mislynch. No one would be the wiser.

I can't remember when Elie outed that he was a weak doc. But I think Prims was dead by then.

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this is dumb

roles that you can't claim are bad game design and basically bastard, find a better way to balance your set-up

I'll have to respectfully disagree, especially on the bastard part. The host isn't lying to anyone. Also, claimed oracles are dumb.

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SETUP EXPLANATION (Alt. title: What the hell I was thinking)

The setup was 9/3/2. The role assignment was randomised.

Town had two investigation roles a night, spread over four slots. Cop is obvious, watcher and tracker formed a combination that I thought was more interesting than a single role. The deputy was a mistake; it was added when mafia had more weapons against the cop (details below) and when I altered that role, I should have removed the deputy. I certainly shouldn’t have combined it with the supporter role.

The JOAT’s main ability was a dayvig that had to be decided on the night before, and was also susceptible to interference from other actions. Town’s night control was fairly limited in its use; weak doctor, safeguard that might not activate, Tharja’s other abilities that were unwieldy and could possibly not even do anything.

The supporters were created because I liked the idea of limited OC, and because being a plain old VT isn’t as fun as being able to do something. They were going to be a lot more intricate, with support levels growing over time, multiple and many-way supports, and have the supporter’s influence be able to affect the strength of their suportee’s night action, but early on, I decided to strip a lot of the complexity out of the game. Maybe I am biased by the fact town procced the 2% chance of supporting both cop and weak doc, and there wasn’t much suspicion of them, but it seemed to work out to be a townish mechanic.

The three mafia roles were chosen to complement each other. The roleblocker could attack the claimed PRs, the driver could be used as a defensive mechanism against those likely to be targeted (and stop Lissa from being able to pull off exactly what Elieson did) and the supporter/rolecop searched for town PRs through two different methods. Unfortunately, because of this, and the fact that unlike town, mafia were heavily affected by negative feedback, they needed to stay alive as long as possible. A D1 lynch would be particularly disastrous. :>_<: I know both Prims and Boron had some RL stuff to deal with during the game, but the deck was stacked against them somewhat. Sorry guys.

I wanted the third-party to be involved in the central conflict, without having the power to significantly influence who wins. Libra’s flip proves Emmeryn exists conclusively; and they should stop any wagon on them by claiming. Mafia were given motive to kill them, otherwise it’d be too easy for Emmeryn to coast after Libra died, and they were given foreshadowing that their loss would be Very Bad for town, which gives the town motive to protect them, especially the weak doctor who would be taking a big risk targeting anyone else. I can’t really be too hard on Darros, because I fell into the moderator’s trap; they couldn’t have known there was a townie tailor-made to help them out.

Overall, despite everything going wrong and the game basically being over by D2, I enjoyed my first foray into hosting. I can only hope the mafia don't hold it against me. :sweatdrop: I learnt some valuable lessons about mafia game design that I really should have recalled from my CS studies (in particular "plan for the worst-case scenario for the scumteam as well as the townteam" and "don't assume the weak doctor won't be foolish enough to try and target the miller. twice.") and I got some good feedback on the support mechanic, and how to refine it if/when I ever host another game.

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