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The Great Awakening - Game Over


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I'd hate to have died for Darros and have him die the next Night. Elie, I blame you.

I didn't think Mafia wanted a non-town role dead, since it didnt affect their Wincon. With the obvious presence and claims of investigative roles, I assumed that mafia wanted them gone, rather than a harmless third party.

Also, Baldrick, answer me please, FINALLY! Would targetting the Miller have resulted in me dying? I was hooked the first time, and the second time, well Derp was final night when it didnt even really count.

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Man that Miller was a complicated situation.

Basically Baldrick found out he didn't want you to become miller-proof cop.

The quickfix used was that you'd fail everytime you targetted BBM.

This game was pretty heavily town-sided. Baldrick and I discussed a bit on skype and not only things got messy for mafia *fast* (hi D1 lynch), town also had much more backup than needed, meanwhile mafia took a big hit D1 and had no way to make up for. Not to mention the people in the scumteam sans SgtSmilies and the sub weren't that motivated so this whole situation wasn't helping. :<

You also really have to wonder how this ITP thing worked as "Independent". Ideally, Darros should have claimed in full when Mancer died because Beloved Princess would give a reason for town protection. It felt more like a subfaction within town, its end was even prejudicial to town.

The OC option really made for strong pairings, especially since it got just the right people. SB the backup cop getting OC with the weak doc was a bit ridic amongst other things (and mafia never using their OC option to boot), it wasn't much a brainer how this was a curbstomp.

Co-modding this was an interesting experience even if I did a massive derp in D1 (no SB you don't get to OC multiple people my lack of reading skills is just peerless). I could make a count of times I ninja'd Baldrick too. :P

I liked how Baldrick was creative with the setup, though. And expect more fun twisty things from him. It's not surprising that first time has mistakes (and honestly town also had massive luck) so I expect we all learned a lot from this game.

doop. '-'

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I didn't think Mafia wanted a non-town role dead, since it didnt affect their Wincon. With the obvious presence and claims of investigative roles, I assumed that mafia wanted them gone, rather than a harmless third party.

Prims already knew and ascertained that Darros was Beloved Princess because of my protector type role. He said as such in the GY. With a lack of other claims though, you should actually have protected Darros, Elie, since that is the most likely Mafia NK target after I died.

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Prims already knew and ascertained that Darros was Beloved Princess because of my protector type role. He said as such in the GY. With a lack of other claims though, you should actually have protected Darros, Elie, since that is the most likely Mafia NK target after I died.

Tbh I don't remember Darros even claiming the Beloved Princess part in-thread (or I wasn't paying enough attention), which made him look like nothing important to town, while Mafia knew they were Beloved Princess from the time they targetted him and got you killed.

PEdit: lol marf

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Prims already knew and ascertained that Darros was Beloved Princess because of my protector type role. He said as such in the GY. With a lack of other claims though, you should actually have protected Darros, Elie, since that is the most likely Mafia NK target after I died.

You mean

With a lack of other claims, you, the town doc, should have protected the harmless third party ?????

Which isn't my concern as I had no reason too. Prims figuring it out in the GY has no bearing on my POV

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while it does make one feel like a complete dick for not doing so, there is actually very little reason to waste protection on a third-party because a dead third-party player means that it wasn't a townie that died (and, incidentally, survivor could potentially just be another anti-town vote because the scumteam could say "vote with us or we shoot you")

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I didn't "figure out" Darros was a Beloved Princess, the night results specifically told us after the kill on him failed

Yeah this. Plain and flat in the face.

Baldrick said it was intentional, though Boron thought he was giving too much info.

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Yeah this. Plain and flat in the face.

Baldrick said it was intentional, though Boron thought he was giving too much info.


Forgot kill flavour.

You sneak up on Darros, preparing to kill him, when you discover he is none other than Emmeryn, the Exalt and Ylisse's Beloved Princess! Marvelling at your good fortune, you raise your blade, but you are interrupted by MancerNecro. The two of you have an epic fight, but eventually you get the better of him, inflicting several grevious wounds on him. You look up to discover Emmeryn has gone! You hear her brother Chrom shout, and decide that it'd be better if you're not discovered. You flee.

This is why I freaked out on D2 and said I might have to be modsubbed (before I actually did sub out). Because I thought I wasn't supposed to know that. (And I still say that I shouldn't be allowed to know that, especially that he was a beloved princess.) Prims actually picked my N1 targets, so he investigated the alignment cop and tried to kill a beloved princess at random, lol.

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well kay wasn't random so much as that i thought she was playing reserved like a power role

plus kay is generally a good rolecop target, she's a solid player but also slips under the radar really easily and tends to survive a lot

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well kay wasn't random so much as that i thought she was playing reserved like a power role

plus kay is generally a good rolecop target, she's a solid player but also slips under the radar really easily and tends to survive a lot

Hahaha, I see. Well, my point was that on N1 you singlehandedly found the alignment cop and the beloved princess by submitting my night action for me. Prims too pro.

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@Elieson: Basically what Xinnidy said. I was vague about it in the hopes you'd be too worried about a false positive to try it, but...

@Xinnidy: I wouldn't call SgtSmilies motivated. He couldn't even bother to try and get the lynch off him. 0/10 would blacklist.

@Marth: Guilty. :newyears: They were originally conceived as group survivors (win as long as one of them is alive at the end) but then I decided to make them more interesting. I realised they were basically an ITP version of the roles from Void but I left them like that because it was a good combo.

@Camtech: That's why I added the foreshadowing that Emmeryn's death hurts town, so that Emmeryn could do the same thing Marth did with his role. Perhaps I should have specified the fallout (next day phase skipped, town actions fail next night phase, mafia gets two kills next night phase) so that town would have known her survival gave them an extra mislynch in the bank?

@BBM's PM enquiry: Prims would have driven you, in that case.

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@Xinnidy: I wouldn't call SgtSmilies motivated. He couldn't even bother to try and get the lynch off him. 0/10 would blacklist.

To be fair the guy is new and didn't even live past D1 so I wouldn't put him in either motivated or unmotivated really.


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