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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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Wasn't d2 the day Mancer went against the mason claims? Not sure that could be considered an improvement in play. :/

Also, possibly the last time I play walless, since I apparently am not memorable in that format.

hey it'd be good if you were an important power role or something

snike your play wasn't as bad as you made it out to be, i mean yeah you weren't as obvtown as usual but you were way too hard on yourself i think. also half of the reason i didn't find you townie was because i was hesitant to townread you after sfm2. either way, nothing wrong with experimenting to find out what works for you

Edited by Prims
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@BBM: No, it was not.

Wren used it to conclude Shinori was clear... if Snike or scorri had reached the same conclusion Shinori may have escaped, and even though they didn't, I still had to basically out myself to ensure his lynch.

It's like I said earlier; a scum persuader that was allowed to act in lylo is too broken to be plausible. I had actually decided Snike was SK until Wren claimed Rogue who "visited" me.

If a scum persuader is present in a game, MYLO and LYLO should have it factored in. Same with Mayor. Disabling those in those situations, especially in no hammer games, drastically bats those roles to the point where they're basically glorified vanillas. :/

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Yeah, scum Persuader not being able to work in MYLO/LYLO is kind of dumb especially because MYLO/LYLO is literally the only time Persuader is even useful. At any other point it doesn't really have an effect. scum Mayor can at least prove itself at another point and is a role that is more often town than mafia.

Snike, your play was fine until around D3 where you just sort of disappeared.

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Yeah, scum Persuader not being able to work in MYLO/LYLO is kind of dumb especially because MYLO/LYLO is literally the only time Persuader is even useful. At any other point it doesn't really have an effect. scum Mayor can at least prove itself at another point and is a role that is more often town than mafia.

Snike, your play was fine until around D3 where you just sort of disappeared.

Mayor still isn't useful outside of MYLO/LYLO in no hammer games, so disabling it then is ridiculous as well. You can prove it in hammer games, but the same goes for persuader. Proving isn't the same as actually having some power.

Not talking about multifaction because universal MYLO/LYLO does not exist in MF.

Also my play was bad/sketchy enough that I was being suspected as SK going into N3, so even before then I wasn't doing well. I mean, I barely voted j00 over Xinnidy based off of the tunnel/bus and what pblade said about the latter's role. This was not a good game, or even an average game, by any sense.

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You killed the only scum that wasn't poisoned or caught in a lie. That makes you town MVP, really.

When I was a scum persuader (among other things) my abilities shut down in MYLO/LYLO. That was my logic, and the only reason I didn't cite it is because I thought it'd be a bad idea to remind people of a game I was scum in.

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Shin just didn't really do anything. He didn't even claim, didn't bother to be much active, and he protected j00 N1. Meh.

Didn't do anything, meanie! In all fairness I existed for about one night and a day. The reason I didn't claim is that it didn't look like I was going to be lynched before I went to bed. British... timezones!

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Didn't do anything, meanie! In all fairness I existed for about one night and a day. The reason I didn't claim is that it didn't look like I was going to be lynched before I went to bed. British... timezones!

Well then, stop living in the UK, chump.

Oh wait my timezones sucks more. ;_;

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Well then, stop living in the UK, chump.

Oh wait my timezones sucks more. ;_;

No way, you'll never get your hands on my teapot!

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Dear Snike,

You are Behemoth, a recurring monster in the Final Fantasy Series.

You are so effin huge and so scary, people pee in their pants when they see you. I mean what the hell is with that look- purple body, sharp canines, lion-like mane and bull-horns? That's CRAZY!

You like doing whatever you want but secretly you like all these people. You want to be a pet to one of them, really. Aww that's so sweet of you! That's why you take part in these day voting shenanigans.

During the night, reply as follows:

"Night XX- USER1, >:D ROOOAAARRRR! * Leaves note about USER2*" You will scare the shit out of USER1, and they will be forced to vote for USER 2 the next day out of fear.

In short, you are the Persuader.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Yeah that was Snike's Role PM

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I remember being a little annoyed with Snike D1 and ED2 because of his "Mancer has an attitude problem, should be lynched." then his choice to just dump a vote on me and coast over it.

@Suspicioe on Miller claim: You have to agree that Millers have the potential to be quite a safeclaim regardless of all the risks of being shot by SK or Vig and losing both teammates. WIFOM can be played and Elieson and Prims' play were a bit weird, Elie especially because of a slightly different tone from the tone I saw him use in other games.

EDIT: Masons and not Millers. School is too stressful and made my brain die.

Edited by MancerNecro
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Scum fakeclaiming masons is a really risky play unless you really think you can get away with it. Because the moment one of you flip (or if you stay around too long after being claimed as a pair) town immediately could pick up two scum for the price of one. I wouldn't even fakeclaim masons at lylo unless there were 3 or more scum (only two masons, obvs)

edit: if there were any signs up a nonscum directed killing ability, particularly a third party, I would 100% leave the fakeclaim the hell alone (tip: an SK would probably kill a mason claim, as evidenced this game)

Edited by Manix
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Knowing Prims, I wouldn't be surprised at a WIFOM psychological war over the Mason claim if they were scum, but I get the riskiness of it.

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7.Bizz - WREN- Idk why Bizz thought her role was scummy-yeah UB is a scum fake but that's not really why one should go all "hey guys my role is scummy as fuck."

WREN kinda just coasted and never did anything- he got lolrogue as his new role which was kinda dumb I suppose. On n1,2 and 3 he kept thinking Cam was the one who was going to kill him and therefore 'prepared' for that. When he claimed that in thread scum thought he was faking it and was SK- except a rogue doesn't exactly visit his 'supposed-to-be' killer. In a hilarious twist of events- WREN thought j00 was going to kill him on N4- too bad j00 was roleblocked that phase, eh? If he had just 'prepared' for Kay Iguess it'd have been more hilarious.

this was kind of a dick move, how are we supposed to differentiate between "visited" and "targeted"?

but yeah, I played kinda lame this game and pretty uneven from the beginning, and I'm not so sure I'd be able to convince snike to vote Xinnidy since his responses got so few there wasn't really any discussion with him in the end. Should maybe have gone for Xinnidy but then I'd had to waffle my reads from earlier. we probably would have managed better had we not messed up our claims. I probably would have used the joat for BBM if not baldrick had.

also, the hell? if I had killed snike I definitely would have get lynched, since both scorri and xinnidy were prepared to do so the day before (xinnidy would after snike was dead, at least). killing scorri improved our chances of winning just a teeny bit, and even if sk deserved the win i wasn't gonna help out with that on our own behalf.

no hammer is seriously unfun, while we all deserve critique for the play this game had issues on its own. I stay by what I said in the quicktopic early on that this was horribly town-sided since town managed to win with two modkills and three mislynches, most of these due to seriously retarded/apathetic play, and the visit/target thing was just dumb.

I also think mancer improved on D2 until he pushed shin for the mason thing which imo was many times worse than his D1 play

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you're not allowed to complain about my activity when i was reluctant to sign up for this game in the first place >|

Edited by CT075
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you're not allowed to complain about my activity when i was reluctant to sign up for this game in the first place >|

You could have just not signed up at all.

That is better than signing up then going inactive and having a sub have to sub for you cause it messes up the flow of the game.

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i actually liked the concept of day sk but it doesn't quite make up for no hammer. it really dragged on the last three phases. giving the sk power ups in form of bvp's and forcing them to send in day kills as a night action the phase before could make hammer work.

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You could have just not signed up at all.

That is better than signing up then going inactive and having a sub have to sub for you cause it messes up the flow of the game.

i wasn't going to, until marth asked me to

i said fine because this game wouldn't have started at all otherwise

Edited by CT075
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Oh man this game.

First I want to apologize to Marth for my activity. I know I was a tentative sign up because of the few sign ups early on but I promised I wouldn't sub out after all the mess that happened in the first days, for better or worse. I tried though I was very inactive too, this will be my last mafia for a good while probably, until I find enough free time to join another one.

Because I'm curious...

Xinnidy, Snike. If I had killed j00 instead of no killing last phase, would you have guessed I was SK?

I had you in my mind as SK by the end of day 5 already.

Honestly if you lived through I'd have no problem lynching j00 and giving the victory to you.

Oh yeah, j00 should have been pushed more for his Coroner results. Why on earth would town have both a Driver and a Redirector? Does not compute. For reference, my role was:

You are Cid, a recurring character in the Final Fantasy Series.

You are a genius when it comes to designing space ships and apparently a very popular character among fans. You're also pretty capable of handling yourself in battle.

You're here because your expertise is needed- no, not the Airship expertise and stuff- actually, your various talents from other games are pretty awesome.

During the night phase, you may reply in your role PM as follows:

1. Roleblock shot: You are an esteemed judge in Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced. Your laws are absolute. Reply- "Night XX- Sorry USER, you broke the laws." A magical circle will surround the USER
and prevent him from taking any action.

2. Cop shot: In Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles-The Crystal Bearers, you often give the hero valuable info. Hey, you're a Lilty now, not a Human! What a change!
How do you get this info? Through those non-existent eyes of yours! Reply- " Feel the aura around USER." You will be able to get know what role the USER has!

Oops, it seems as though you don't have a third and a fourth one-shot. <SNIP>

In short you are the Jack-of-all-Trades

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

I was actually going to focus on that if I made a new post against j00. What with baldrick also claiming to have one redirecting shot and j00 had no apparent suspicion on with despite being bussing cam so hard.

I kinda got hospitalized for the latter half of day six though so that couldn't really happen. :x

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you're not allowed to complain about my activity when i was reluctant to sign up for this game in the first place >|

Uh yeah I also mentioned that in my post so it wasn't like I was all "Cam sux he never does anything" although I'll say sorry for that anyway.

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