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Who did your MU(s) Marry and Why?


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First run I didn't know who I was going to marry yet because I hadn't decided. I ended up with Mirirel! On my second run I found it tempting to choose her again but I decided to experiment. Now Anna's my favourite character to marry and I don't think that'll change anytime soon, Galeforce efficiency be damned. :P She's got a pretty cute voice and it's funpairing her up with MU because of all her cute lines.

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I was going along and then Panne shows up and starts going on about "blagaga I'LL NEVER TRUST SILLY MAN SPAWNS"

Aheh...yeaaaah. About that...(look, I S ranked her, do I REALLY have to spell it out?)

I really liked the laguz from the Tellius series and I already have an absurd weakness for warrior women. Hell, I'd have probably ended up with Sully had Virion not swooped in on his cravat and S ranked her first. I REALLY like how it turned out though. I wouldn't change it for anything. Not even if my son isn't exactly the warrior I imagined... (You wouldn't imagine my face when I realized his bit was cowardice...)


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First run, MU was forcibly married to Chrom at chapter 11. I was really pissed off at first, but it grew on me over time. Really it was for the best, since I probably wouldn't have married anybody, and not gotten Morgan, which would have sucked. Married Chrom again in my next main file after accidentally deleting the first.

Second run, MU married Stahl. I still didn't quite get the supports system and I wanted him to marry Olivia, so I married off all his candidates, and went with the guy I liked most for MU.

Hard/Classic run, MU married Chrom fathered Inigo to get a kickass Morgan. Also I really really like Inigo.

And though I've never done a run-through with them, Owain and Priam are my other favorite husbands.

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Self-Insert married Chrom. Because 1: He's sane. 2: He's awesome. and 3: He's the only female marriage choice where you get TWO children.

FIrst Male Avatar, Jason: Married Lucina. Why? Because he evaluated all of the other choices and determined she was the only sane woman there.

Second Female Avatar: Lon'qu. Just because he is HILARIOUS. I love chew toys.

Second Male Avatar: Miriel...I'm not really sure why, either. Probably because of Laurent.

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First Male Robin Run: Tharja. Don't like her, but I wanted Noire to be amazing. (Bowfaire, Ignis, Lifetaker, and Archer Skills)

First Female Robin Run: Lon'qu. Regreted every moment of realizing my Lucina wouldn't be as wonderful.

Second Male Robin Run: Sumia. Because I love both Cynthia and Sumia.

Second Female Robin Run: Chrom. I love both Chrom and Lucina. (As characters, moreso Lucy)

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I had a male MU named Tobias who married Cherche because it gave Morgan reddish-pink hair and Gerome's hair was very similar to his official art. For reference, the MU had the second hair color option, which was a brownish-red.

On another save, I had a female MU named Kiruna who married Priam because, well, it's Priam!

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Let's see...





Looking forward to seeing how Nowi works out :3

Judging by yer sig and avatar, I'd have expected you to have married Tharja at least once.

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Judging by yer sig and avatar, I'd have expected you to have married Tharja at least once.

Lol, nope. :3 I just love her character. I like her with others to min/max.

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I recently married Inigo in my new Hard file. Normally I'd marry Ricken or Henry as usual, but as I was unlocking supports, Inigo's Japanese confession made me swoon so bad. |D; He is rather handsome in a dashing sort of way, and I loved the married My Unit/Inigo Spa of Bonds convo.

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Latest run: Dude Avatar married Nowi. (dont worry, hes build 2 so its not that pedo) And man...thats a great pairing. Mostly for gameplay reasons.

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My first FeMU whose file just got deleted a few days ago married Chrom just because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about (it's alright but not the greatest imo).

Now I'm going through another MaMU file. He married Sully. And Lissa. Oh, and Miriel. And Sumia and Panne and Maribelle. Player file ftw. After I get all the female confessions he's gonna end up with Lucina though, cuz why not?! And then it'll be FeMU's turn to get with all the dudes. Good times.

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Lets see...

On my very first file, I had no idea what I was doing when it came to supports, so I ended up with Tharja by accident. On my second playthrough I married Olivia, then Tiki on my third. My fourth will probably be Say'ri or Anna.

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My last Runs:

"Lloyd" didn't marry anyone. He's too busy fooling around with "Colette", and not sacrificing anything.

"Stefani" married Sumia for evil Streetpass designs. In retrospect, although this gave me 2 units with 60 SPD, which is really nice, I should've had Stefani marry Nowi. (And Henry marry Sumia.) as that would've yielded another Vengeance/Counter/Miracle unit (as Sumia already passes Miracle).

"Grima" married Nah. SPOILER ALERT is my king of Streetpass Trolling team, and so I decided to throw that abhorrently high DEF Morgan out there to mess with things.

My planned Runs:

"Robin" will marry Lucina, because that's my "Canon" run, and I'm sticking to my guns on that being closest to canon. (Ch21 scene, unique confession with no bubbles, all second gen marriageable, no glaring plot holes involving Morgan with siblings, or "Nice Grima").

"Zweilitz" (II) will also marry Lucina, as "Zweilitz" (II) is my more-or-less "Perfect Run" and recreation of my first, with less dumb mistakes.

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Latest run: Dude Avatar married Nowi. (dont worry, hes build 2 so its not that pedo) And man...thats a great pairing. Mostly for gameplay reasons.

he can't be a pedo since nowi is over 1000 years old a young appearance but she is old

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  • 2 weeks later...

FeMU 1: This is my main file, and I basically just created a self insert (I always do that with video games). Married my self insert to Chrom because he is hot hot hot like a tater tot and also it's really awesome for the storyline

MaMU: Named him Remus; married him to Tiki because Tiki is my favorite and always will be.

FeMU 2: Named her Soren; married her to a ginger Inigo.

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To get Morgan (M) these skills





-To get Morgan (M) these skills



-Rightful King


To get Morgan (F) these skills and that it is a rather interesting relationship to try out.




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I guess this is as good a time as any to introduce my My units first.

Yuri - Male MU

Build 01

Face 01

Hair 01

Hair Color 04

Voice Male 1



I'm not quite set on a Birthday, but I'm hovering at about September.

Kira - Female MU

Build 01

Face 01

Hair 03

Hair Color 04

Voice Female 1



Birthday in July.

Now, the actual parings are. . .

Yuri x Tiki

Kira x Priam

These are not based on stats at all, but on supports and on my characterization of the MU's I created. I'll go into more detail when I get more free time.

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