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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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guys the IOs and mod just posted in my Thought's quicktopic stating that they think Prims is gay, im not sure if this is important game information but it may be worth considering????

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Hey guys I'm Sokka, Water element (and not a bender obviously) and my role is something that you don't want to lynch for a reason that I've crumbed hard like 2x

I'm 1x NightVig and I throw my boomerang reeally reeeeally hard to knock people out.

Now get off of me scum.

Good fucking morning

Shoot Slayer. Just. Do. It.

Holy shit if you're going to put crossed out names in votals then at least offer an alternative without them, I find that impossible to parse.

Redirecting Elie isn't too big of a worry if we have a safeguard. I buy the claim, will switch vote after re-read which probably won't happen just yet.

You wanna take a gamble on whether or not we've got a hijacker or a driver? I'm not entirely sure why anyone would want to willingly redirect Psych, of all people.

(and yes, I have a very valid reason why I'd want to know)


My fault. In flailing!Elieson's case, that means that Elieson is flailing (in other words, he's firing off responses to his wagon more than actually scumhunting). It's very rare that I get any sort of useful read out of someone who is flailing.

Okay, now to more important things.


I said that, if Elieson becomes an undesirable lynch, and there is no better alternative, we should lynch the claimed Vivor. Where is there a problem with that? I'm not pushing a Slayer lynch, I am for an Elieson lynch and didn't say otherwise. I did say that Slayer is a go-to lynch if it's between him and no good lynch target.

Here's the quote I got on your case for:

Yeah... When I get home I'll probably be voting for slayer. I'd rather vote out a confirmed third party than rl and most likely

hit a townie. We do still have 2 more days, though, so maybe something better will turn up.

That kind of sentiment is pushing a lynch ("this is who I want lynched, and this is why"). I really don't want to waste this day phase on Slayer (I'd rather have Elieson shoot him, and maybe determine the alignment of the supposed redirection role).

@Eclipse: Why do the majority of your recent posts seem to be emphasizing on people not role speccing and talking of flavor? Also you stated Psych gets a legitimate comment when he stops doing whatever he's doing or whatever. How are you currently reading him though? I mean all fine and dandy if you want to wait and ask questions to him later but I'm curious as to how your currently reading him. Would you vote him over, say, slayer? Or over Rein/marth?

When it gets to the point where people are jumping on each other for supposed claims slips in D1, it's out of hand. Psych gets a legitimate comment when he gives a legitimate reason for why he thinks I'm scummy and addresses the last comment I made to him. Otherwise, he's being a distraction. I'm not inclined to push a lynch on him (yet) because of his claimed redirect.

I'd rather use Slayer to prove roles, rather than get a D1 lynch whose wagon is hard to dissect. Rein's actually talking, and it's a nice change. I think he's concentrating too much on flavor, but I'm not inclined to lynch him right now. My vote is on Marth, so that should tell you what I think of him (there's a difference between commenting on flavor and attempting to use it to push a lynch).

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Upon reading ISOs I've actually improved my opinion of Rein, so scratch that read and replace it with Kay for the reasons I mentioned in my last post.

Prims, what do you think of Marth? You said that you don't see scum intent in his posts; can you elaborate on that?

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I was asked my opinion about Boron, so I explained my nullread against her. I explained my nullread against FTP because unless I'm mistaken, his is the largest wagon at the moment and I don't particularly feel like lynching him at the moment. I explained my nullread about Prims simply because his posts were kind of giving me a weird feeling. I explained a nullread on Strege because Prims voted him. Yes, I have a bunch of waffly nullreads. It's D1, that's to be expected.

If you want my scumreads, I think Marth and Shinori are scummy, and to a lesser extent, Rein and Psych. Elieson was a scumread but I don't see a reason to disbelieve the Vig claim atm, so he's not there anymore. I've explained all of those at some point or the other as well.

Kay's post against me where she defends me against one of Elieson's points and then attacks my other posts at the same time feel bad to me. There was also the kind of sheepy Elie vote near the beginning of the phase, and I dislike the fact that she literally took two posts where I waffled and disregarded all the ones where I didn't, and based a vote on that.

I think you're acting scummy now, but I think Eli's reason for voting you was bad. No contradiction. And I didn't disregard your other posts entirely. A few of them are good but you've posted more waffly stuff besides that, and I can't eally tell what you think of anyone except Eli and Slayer.

Also fwiw I'm starting to think Mancer's miller claim is accurate.

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Shoot Slayer. Just. Do. It. You wanna take a gamble on whether or not we've got a hijacker or a driver? I'm not entirely sure why anyone would want to willingly redirect Psych, of all people.(and yes, I have a very valid reason why I'd want to know)

I don't see why it would matter whether it's a hijacker or driver- either could be used to cause him to misfire. Though if the redirecting role is Martyr/Decoy it's a nonissue.

Unless I'm just being dumb because it's late, which is entirely possible.

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I just barely glanced through the thread and I need some clarifications of some things.

When, why and how was Safeguard mentioned? I don't remember reading about it or even seeing the word until Strege's question.

What is FWIW?

I know I shouldn't be glancing things through but I'm in school right now and this is the best I can do at this point. I'll read in greater detail later.

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I've posted arguments against Marth, Shinori, and Psych consistently so I'm not really sure how you can say that my reads are unclear if you've been reading my posts. I also don't think I've had a lot of waffly posts other than those where I explain my nullreads, so if you're going to generalize and say that I have more waffly posts than good posts, than I'd like you to point out more posts of mine where I'm waffling.

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Anyways, I want to see Marth come up with better reads or at least better explanations for his current reads, and I want Shinori to explain the purpose of asking Slayer those questions. Shinori, he point isn't that you're questioning the third party, it's that you're questioning the third party about something that isn't useful to the town in any way.

Rereading Psych's ISO, his retort to me about "not throwing info around willy-nilly like the rest of the players" seems really bad because of the way he outed the fact that he got redirected. His vote on Rein is also pretty purely flavourspec and he's not giving any backing to what he says about me or Eclipse other than vibes.

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I've posted arguments against Marth, Shinori, and Psych consistently so I'm not really sure how you can say that my reads are unclear if you've been reading my posts. I also don't think I've had a lot of waffly posts other than those where I explain my nullreads, so if you're going to generalize and say that I have more waffly posts than good posts, than I'd like you to point out more posts of mine where I'm waffling.

You've posted arguments against people but that doesn't necessarily mean that you think they're scummy, just that something they did was scummy.

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I'm kind of rushing here, but I'll try and get something done.

I don't think Sterge asking for my lynch based upon role is too scummy for a newbie. The logic behind it is pretty simple - make sure people don't die at night.

Also Prims was kind of right on the quote point on Kay, just checking over ISOs. (copying quotes now is really lame ugh)

I think enough has happened that you shouldn't be random voting now. Do you have any other reads?

I'd like to say up to this point Kay's only read was an Eli vote. That she made in the same post, based on one line.

FtP should probably know better by now...

Well, it kinda does. If someone is just throwing their vote onto anybody who's online or something, it's easy to just assume they'll move it in five minutes or so. But generally this works.

Your "paraphrasing" makes it sound like I said anywhere in my post that I agreed with other people about Eli, which is a pretty big misrep. Don't do that.

Why the heck are you pointing out that you think random characters are scum? Also read Prims's posts but whatever. Eclipse is helping town but not you? That's.... a weird thing to say. Stop hinting at stuff about your role, if that's what you're doing.

I like my Elieson vote because he's still being weird and graspy.

How much of this post actually gives reads? Not a lot.

Gonna look further when I get back tonight. Marth needs to get his ass in here if he wants my vote off of him.

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I think Elieson shooting Slayer at Night is plausible even if there is a risk of a Redirect.

Best case scenario, there's a Safeguard on Elieson and SlayerX is killed.

Worst case scenario, Elieson ends up being Redirected and scum scores a free kill.

In both scenarios though, we have a proven town role (provided the right number of kills happen) who does not have any other usable role and so, can be Nightkilled without a great loss to town.

In this case, I suggest that anyone currently voting either Elieson or Slayer to move their votes to someone else. Particularly, you can move them to one of these players:

I'm still all for a FTP lynch because I think that his general unhelpfulness to town is scummy.

I don't like Shinori asking Slayer those questions. Makes me think that there is a deeper intent behind those questions, like a transfer of information done underneath town's nose.

That coupled with Shinori's general coastiness and inactivity despite having been around (this was seen by some other players) makes me willing to vote Shinori if it is necessary.

I don't get where Kay suddenly got that my claim was suddenly believable. I don't think that it's worth saying that since you're telling scum a town read, which is never good for town.

Grassbridger misrepped my point about his list post being useless. It's not the content that is useless but the posting of your thoughts in a list form. Sure, you might be telling us useful content, but with a listpost, you're not giving us the magnitude of your reads which is what's important. A listpost basically allows you to coast behind it, switching votes between your reads easily without much consequence.

Your sensitivity and consciousness to me calling your listpost useless strikes my gut as well.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Grassbridger for his reactions and listposting.

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I also want Kay to explain why she has changed her stance to believe my Miller claim so suddenly now even though my vote is on Grassbridger.

I believed it ll along. I just decided to say so.

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Also fwiw I'm starting to think Mancer's miller claim is accurate.

Your choice of words seems to imply that you did not believe it all along, particularly the word "starting".

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I still haven't decided whether or not the redirect was a hijack or a drive. Ah, screw it. Watcher on Elieson - if it's a hijacker, they'll out themselves. This should help him to survive a bit longer, too. I'm going to ensure that it wasn't a driver/martyr.

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Your choice of words seems to imply that you did not believe it all along, particularly the word "starting".

True. That was inaccurate, sorry.

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Let's consolidate this first, we can't have both a theoretical Watcher and a theoretical Safeguard on Elieson at the same time since the Watcher will fail 100% in that case.

I think that calling for a Safeguard is better, for the 100% chance that the kill will go through to Slayer. Whether or not Elieson dies is irrelevant since he would have already played his use as a Vig already and become a Tree Stump.

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I'm really tired and I can't comprehend posts right now, sorry. I'll do my best to get more content tomorrow after my class is done.

Four hours overdue on turning in a term paper, still haven't started on two homework assignments that I need to get in by 2 pm later today. Aaarrghh ...


##Vote: Shinori

I don't really have a problem with the questions that he asked Slayer (although I can see why people wouldn't be happy about it). But I don't understand what the point of it was. Like, what would it accomplish? What were you hoping to get out of it? He called it a "reaction test" and wanted to "see if Slayer would slip". But honestly, one could call anything a "reaction test" and dismiss shifty behavior that way.

Marth's earlier posts were waffly and not very helpful. His reasons for voting Rein earlier were ... rather poor and he seems to be voting Strege just over suggesting SB lynch? He also hasn't posted since Elie claimed. Would like you to come back and tell us what you think now.

Completely forgot Kiryn was even playing until I saw her name on the player list.

Anything more will have to wait until after I get some sleep because I can't think anymore.

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You've posted arguments against people but that doesn't necessarily mean that you think they're scummy, just that something they did was scummy.

My vote is on Marth and I said at least once that I'd be fine with a Shinori lynch as well. I don't really know how much clearer you're expecting my reads to be.

Additionally, the same can go for you. You haven't posted a definite "X is scummy" other than Elie and then me. All you have other than that are some "arguments" against Mancer and Psych, and you've just said that you think Mancer is town.

I dislike how Shinori is just came in to defend himself. Come on man.

Mancer, I don't think listposts are inherently scummy just by virtue of being listposts. Their content does indeed matter. What makes them scummy is that they look like you're contributing a lot when a lot of the time, particularly on D1, a lot of the reads on a listpost are likely to be pretty neutral. So it looks like the person posted a huge block of stuff when in reality only the lines about scumreads (and to a much much smaller extent, townreads) matter. So if you want to attack Grassbridger based on the content of the listpost, go ahead, but I don't think just using a listpost makes him scummy as you're making it out to be.

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Mancer (1): kdanger

Rein (2): Psych, Grassbridger

Marth (4): SB, eclipse, BBM, Rein

Boron (1): Blitz

FtP (1): Shinori

Shinori (2): Elieson, Boron

Strege (2): Marth, Prims

SlayerX (1): FtP

BBM (2): Kay, Strege

Grassbridger (1): Mancer

Not Voting: SlayerX

We have about 13 hours left in the phase.

We don't need a hammer on D1, but four people are currently tied for second place in votes, so some consolidation would probably be good.

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