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Why Do Words That Start With "Man" Sound So Wrong and Messed Up?


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Spengeboob, Eesoh

Manhandle (:smith:)

Man can't be gentle, not woman's place to not be gentle, man is synonymous with prideful hurtfulness and to desire to be otherwise is womanly and therefore inferior, and wrong/perverted in addition coming from man. (Consequently, man whose values are the other way around sees "men are from Mars" tautologies repeated and otherwise followed, and believes them as well. Descends into self-loathing every time he does something in line with what he has taken to be "his nature," as he finds said values abhorrent and backwards while still believing he can't avoid playing into them. Said man grows jealous of female image and its diametrically opposed positions of sociability and empathy, ignores actual adversity faced by women upon whom it is forced in perverse ways rather than willingly embraced, all among other injustices he never recognizes due to his inability to cease wallowing in own hatred.)

continue until sea claims everything, trombone plays yackety sax in minor key, curtains drop. no encore, get out of the theater please you are upsetting the janitors.

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Heehee, it's not a song x3

Spengeboob, Eesoh

Manhandle (:smith:)

Man can't be gentle, not woman's place to not be gentle, man is synonymous with prideful hurtfulness and to desire to be otherwise is womanly and therefore inferior, and wrong/perverted in addition coming from man. (Consequently, man whose values are the other way around sees "men are from Mars" tautologies repeated and otherwise followed, and believes them as well. Descends into self-loathing every time he does something in line with what he has taken to be "his nature," as he finds said values abhorrent and backwards while still believing he can't avoid playing into them. Said man grows jealous of female image and its diametrically opposed positions of sociability and empathy, ignores actual adversity faced by women upon whom it is forced in perverse ways rather than willingly embraced, all among other injustices he never recognizes due to his inability to cease wallowing in own hatred.)

continue until sea claims everything, trombone plays yackety sax in minor key, curtains drop. no encore, get out of the theater please you are upsetting the janitors.

Ouch my eyes what did you do it hurts

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Spengeboob, Eesoh

Manhandle (:smith:)

Man can't be gentle, not woman's place to not be gentle, man is synonymous with prideful hurtfulness and to desire to be otherwise is womanly and therefore inferior, and wrong/perverted in addition coming from man. (Consequently, man whose values are the other way around sees "men are from Mars" tautologies repeated and otherwise followed, and believes them as well. Descends into self-loathing every time he does something in line with what he has taken to be "his nature," as he finds said values abhorrent and backwards while still believing he can't avoid playing into them. Said man grows jealous of female image and its diametrically opposed positions of sociability and empathy, ignores actual adversity faced by women upon whom it is forced in perverse ways rather than willingly embraced, all among other injustices he never recognizes due to his inability to cease wallowing in own hatred.)

continue until sea claims everything, trombone plays yackety sax in minor key, curtains drop. no encore, get out of the theater please you are upsetting the janitors.

Rehab can I just steal the last paragraph of this for reasons as yet unknown?

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Spengeboob, Eesoh

Manhandle (:smith:)

Man can't be gentle, not woman's place to not be gentle, man is synonymous with prideful hurtfulness and to desire to be otherwise is womanly and therefore inferior, and wrong/perverted in addition coming from man. (Consequently, man whose values are the other way around sees "men are from Mars" tautologies repeated and otherwise followed, and believes them as well. Descends into self-loathing every time he does something in line with what he has taken to be "his nature," as he finds said values abhorrent and backwards while still believing he can't avoid playing into them. Said man grows jealous of female image and its diametrically opposed positions of sociability and empathy, ignores actual adversity faced by women upon whom it is forced in perverse ways rather than willingly embraced, all among other injustices he never recognizes due to his inability to cease wallowing in own hatred.)

continue until sea claims everything, trombone plays yackety sax in minor key, curtains drop. no encore, get out of the theater please you are upsetting the janitors.

the mensrights reddit would probably hatecirclejerk for a week at you for that

in other words: good job, man. i love you.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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The first thing my World History teacher said when we were discussing mandates was that a mandate is not when two men are on a date.

............. Hahahahaha.... oh god.

I think you guys are just maniacs, and wasting mankind's precious time.

Good one.

I don't see anything wrong with words that begin with man-, at least not words that are ... actual words than something conjured by ...man. (Or woman, for that matter.) I like man. Men. <~ OT.

Edited by Cordelia
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the mensrights reddit would probably hatecirclejerk for a week at you for that

in other words: good job, man. i love you.


Ouch my eyes what did you do it hurts

no refunds

Rehab can I just steal the last paragraph of this for reasons as yet unknown?

as long as it's appropriately grandiose sure dude

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so rehab now that we know all about your last visit to your psychiatrist are there any other things you'd like to unrepress and share with us

oh and I'm pretty partial to mandibles, those are creepy to begin with

Edited by Solais
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Because you are putting the word 'man' with a word you would normally associate with women. And that grosses you the fuck out because it's unnatural and man boobs are made of fat which is disgusting.

Pretty sure women's breasts are also made out of fatty tissue (or at least a lot of it [don't forget the milk glands]) ~ quick google search

Edited by SlayerX
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