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Sometimes, I'm downright ashamed of my country.

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Also, please enlighten me on this, but when did Canada form? As in, when was it officially going by the name of Canada and when did it gain its independence? I'm genuinely curious because here I am studying all about US history, but I know next to nothing about my neighboring country... same applies to Mexico, I guess...

We gained our independence... I can't remember, it was only shortly after the War of 1812, but that isn't the reason we gained independence. We got independence because of Sir John A MacDonald, who pushed us to build the Canadian Pacific Railway, largest railway in the world at the time, and we still use it. The railway was what set the markers for our country and pushed us to our independence. You guys started a war for your declaration, we built some tracks and asked politely for one. (After butchering a bunch of Cree and Blackfoot Natives) Edited by Knight
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Fucking predictable this would be about America. I was hoping to be surprised with some other random country.

But this made me think, is it good or bad that America is a country that's citizens say, 'hey, we're pretty fucked up?' First I would lean towards bad, since we pushed out the native inhabitants in a brutal manner, then relocated and enslaved people. But... at least we now admit it!

EDIT: There's no reason to even bring up the war of 1812. The only country that has any reason to remember it is Canada because they haven't been in many wars besides it. And they weren't even standing on their own at the time.

Also: seems hard to say that Canada really won that war. It basically just served as closure on the revolutionary war.

Edited by Fenrir
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Mexico can have Texas back, as far as No, bad

I'm sorry Texans, I was just raised by half a family of people who were themselves born in Texas and who refer to their collective moving out as "The Great Escape"

as a texan

get me out of here and i will agree with you completely

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We gained our independence... I can't remember, it was only shortly after the War of 1812, but that isn't the reason we gained independence. We got independence because of Sir John A MacDonald, who pushed us to build the Canadian Pacific Railway, largest railway in the world at the time, and we still use it. The railway was what set the markers for our country and pushed us to our independence. You guys started a war for your declaration, we built some tracks and asked politely for one. (After butchering a bunch of Cree and Blackfoot Natives)


Asking politely... That sounds so... Canadian?

It's certainly better than war, if you ask me.

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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History is really fun like that.

It's why I enjoy Japanese history: I think every single historical figure contained there was a massive dickhole for some reason or another.

Hooray ancestors.

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Quick tell me you were just thinking about a chapstick tube filled with peanut butter

This sounds marketable. Like a push pop only with other random crap.

If they aren't suing then I'm copyrighting this so that you can't.

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Hooray ancestors.

I don't have any clear ancestry, sadly. I've been told I am mostly German, and I suppose I look it. I'd still like to know my roots. Unfortunately Ancestry.com is kind of expensiiiiiive.

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Show me a country that doesn't have atrocities and asshole leaders in its history and I'll show you a country you made up five seconds ago to try and prove me wrong.

It'd be nice if we didn't have one of our biggest assholes on one of our most common notes of currency, though

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Besides, if you give Native Americans too much freedom they form the hood (our natives are your black guys.)


The sad thing is, as much as I hate stereotypes, whenever I hear my mom complaining about her side of her family (the native american side of my family), it really sounds like the stereotype of NAs really shows in her family... >~< It can be pretty sad and disappointing at times... But I don't think they're trying to be bad, I think majority of it is the poor kids have a bad upbringing, maybe it's even because they're limited to reservations. And before smoking was found out to be bad for the body, native americans always thought smoking was like a gift and so it was kind of like... their tribal practice? And I guess through that parents send those habits to their children from that.

So in a way, it's disappointing that they fit the stereotypes out there, but also I really feel sorry for them =<

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This sounds marketable. Like a push pop only with other random crap.

If they aren't suing then I'm copyrighting this so that you can't.

Too late you'd be stealing it buddy I literally thought of it first and I will litigate your eyeballs out if you even think of stealing it from me! >8(


The sad thing is, as much as I hate stereotypes, whenever I hear my mom complaining about her side of her family (the native american side of my family), it really sounds like the stereotype of NAs really shows in her family... >~< It can be pretty sad and disappointing at times... But I don't think they're trying to be bad, I think majority of it is the poor kids have a bad upbringing, maybe it's even because they're limited to reservations. And before smoking was found out to be bad for the body, native americans always thought smoking was like a gift and so it was kind of like... their tribal practice? And I guess through that parents send those habits to their children from that.

So in a way, it's disappointing that they fit the stereotypes out there, but also I really feel sorry for them =<

whaaaat Freohr is native american, you learn something new about people here every day

now tell me your blood-type, income level, and ssn plz

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Meh, been there done that. No country is perfect. All countries and their leaders have done dumb things that will forever blemish its history. But what are you going to do? Gotta live somewhere, right?

In other news, you should check out the book "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James Loewen. It is the best.

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Boron, we could go live in the Conch Republic.

Isn't that a part of the Key West that thinks it's its own state?

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