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Shipping Mafia - Rule 9a invoked for universal loss


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Scorri's explanation for your actions is actually highly plausible. For one thing, as scum you wouldn't necessarily have to consciously think about seeking group approval for that to be what's going on. For another, it's advantageous to not be the person hard pushing a town wagon, so if you know what's going on you try to direct others' attention to someone's scumminess... subtly. Thus, not voting for them, not even accusing them of being scummy, just... "hey guys is this scummy?" (I know those aren't the words you said, but that's what they make people think about.)

I want you to be calling people scummy if you think it, because town benefits from extreme behavior. Extreme behavior results in slips and scumtells; a mild thread means scum can hide themselves.

Fine, null on my D2 activity, I can buy that, but it's not what you said earlier. You referred to a post where I said I wanted to lynch someone as "concerning". The more I think about that, the scummier I find it. It's not as if you've been defending Cam, so why would you not want him lynched? He's not your partner... (Oh by the way, you were also on the hot seat earlier for "demonstrating activity but not content"--your words--so you're in no place to find that concerning.)

Cam's burst of activity? On reread it's actually just posts 358-360, which for one thing is even worse than I thought, because there's less there, and for another all he does is throw up a few one-line responses and vanish again.

About Xinnidy: I put a vote down D1 for Xinnidy based on her RVS vote for Shinori, people were basically like "omgwtf", I stuck by my decision to pressure (or vote for her if she didn't respond). Basically, I voted for someone nobody else was voting for and took crap for it, i.e. the opposite of being wagony.

While we're on the subject--Xinnidy defended you when you were on the block, and she was the deciding vote to lynch Kay over you. This is somewhat suspicious, but on the other hand it came after your vanilla claim, so Kay was a better lynch regardless of whether you were vanilla or scum.

To be fair, you have been on Elie for a while. But yeah I believe accusations are good for town.

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Scorri's explanation for your actions is actually highly plausible. For one thing, as scum you wouldn't necessarily have to consciously think about seeking group approval for that to be what's going on. For another, it's advantageous to not be the person hard pushing a town wagon, so if you know what's going on you try to direct others' attention to someone's scumminess... subtly. Thus, not voting for them, not even accusing them of being scummy, just... "hey guys is this scummy?" (I know those aren't the words you said, but that's what they make people think about.)

I want you to be calling people scummy if you think it, because town benefits from extreme behavior. Extreme behavior results in slips and scumtells; a mild thread means scum can hide themselves.

Fine, null on my D2 activity, I can buy that, but it's not what you said earlier. You referred to a post where I said I wanted to lynch someone as "concerning". The more I think about that, the scummier I find it. It's not as if you've been defending Cam, so why would you not want him lynched? He's not your partner... (Oh by the way, you were also on the hot seat earlier for "demonstrating activity but not content"--your words--so you're in no place to find that concerning.)

Cam's burst of activity? On reread it's actually just posts 358-360, which for one thing is even worse than I thought, because there's less there, and for another all he does is throw up a few one-line responses and vanish again.

About Xinnidy: I put a vote down D1 for Xinnidy based on her RVS vote for Shinori, people were basically like "omgwtf", I stuck by my decision to pressure (or vote for her if she didn't respond). Basically, I voted for someone nobody else was voting for and took crap for it, i.e. the opposite of being wagony.

While we're on the subject--Xinnidy defended you when you were on the block, and she was the deciding vote to lynch Kay over you. This is somewhat suspicious, but on the other hand it came after your vanilla claim, so Kay was a better lynch regardless of whether you were vanilla or scum.

To be fair, you have been on Elie for a while. But yeah I believe accusations are good for town.

First paragraph: For the first point, I guess it could have been a sloppy move as scum, but it's also much more complex than just voting for her. If scum!me had thought about it that much, he would almost certainly have seen the safer route, and if that's the case then there's no reason not to follow it. For the second point, I don't think I've been at all subtle about thinking scorri is scum.

Second paragraph: That's good point. I'll try to push reactions harder, but I'm going to be careful about exhibiting "extreme behaviour"; it seems like it would promote misinformation and self-contradiction, or it could if you aren't very careful.

Third paragraph: The second half of the next sentence explains why I thought it was concerning. You're the one who brought up quantity of activity -- my concern in that post was that you were in favour of lynching someone when you'd only expressed one weak read against them.

Fourth paragraph: that's not what I'm asking about. In post 359 which you've referenced, Cam actually quotes your statement that I'm asking about.

Fifth paragraph: I don't see you pressuring Xinnidy at all besides your short-lived vote, which by your own words hardly mattered. You mention her a lot, but that's because people misread the exchange or didn't place your vote in the context of Manix's RVS thoughts. You're also using early D1 activity to show that you aren't wagony, but there weren't strong wagons then anyway.

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Also third paragraph: Cam's been relatively scummy but I can see a lot of his activity as being consistent with apathy, so he's not at the top of my list. Regardless of my opinion, I don't want to end this day early as some have proposed because it prevents more information from coming out. As for the "activity if not content thing", that in no way invalidates the point that your defense there was bad.

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Oh, hmm, you're right about Cam. I must have been referring to 343-344, which hardly qualifies as activity... but it did bother me that he would show up, take the effort to post, but say no more than that.

Anyway, maybe I am being a little wagony. Maybe. I will admit that I have no confidence in my reads, since of my D1 reads one flipped town (SB) and one is town leader (Manix). This game has been tricking me a lot, and I'm doing the best I can, but I also listen to reasonable arguments.

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Oh, hmm, you're right about Cam. I must have been referring to 343-344, which hardly qualifies as activity... but it did bother me that he would show up, take the effort to post, but say no more than that.

Anyway, maybe I am being a little wagony. Maybe. I will admit that I have no confidence in my reads, since of my D1 reads one flipped town (SB) and one is town leader (Manix). This game has been tricking me a lot, and I'm doing the best I can, but I also listen to reasonable arguments.

This is still not the correct timeframe I'm afraid. You vote references the previous day.

I hate having such empty posts. Hey idles, get yo butts in here!

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Wait, I finally figured it out. Third time's the charm. I was referring to his activity of May 7. I don't remember why at this point, since obviously I forgot that activity existed. If you want that explanation, I might reread later and figure it out.

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So I've not been around because when I read the update I was kind of pissed off about various things and then I've been busy. I just got home from hanging out with my pops and I am probably gonna be busy all day tomorrow as well.

Can someone explain to me the cam vs strege thing?

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i think i'm alive

Grassbridger (1): Balcerzak
Kay (5): Bananas, BBM, Shinori, Strege, Xinnidy
Manix (1): Blitz
Shinori (1): Kay
Strege (4): Elieson, Grassbridger, Manix, scorri

these are the votals from d1

imo the two wagons worth looking at are strege and kay, i'll get to strege after i finish my essay

from what i saw of LD1, the kay wagon came kind of out of nowhere really fast (at the very least, i didn't see it coming). we have silly bananas confirmed as town as the first member of the wagon, but then xinnidy on the end flipped scum. now, based on kay getting lynched all of a sudden, i can't see there being only one scum on the wagon.

BBM looks pretty active and town to me

i can't get any sort of impression on shinori right now

it's worth noting that strege is also on the kay wagon

ugh my brain is fried i'll try to be back in a few hours

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i think i'm alive

these are the votals from d1

imo the two wagons worth looking at are strege and kay, i'll get to strege after i finish my essay

from what i saw of LD1, the kay wagon came kind of out of nowhere really fast (at the very least, i didn't see it coming). we have silly bananas confirmed as town as the first member of the wagon, but then xinnidy on the end flipped scum. now, based on kay getting lynched all of a sudden, i can't see there being only one scum on the wagon.

BBM looks pretty active and town to me

i can't get any sort of impression on shinori right now

it's worth noting that strege is also on the kay wagon

ugh my brain is fried i'll try to be back in a few hours

For what it's worth, I voted Kay before going to sleep for a lack of alternatives. scorri's point in this post might be the better strategic perspective but I didn't think to consider roles at the time. My point of view was that, between myself and an unknown, I'd rather lynch the unknown.

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i'm being so useful ugh

everything sucks for me right now and I'm sorry my activity has been balls

##Vote: Strege

I'm going to tl;dr this

- wagon shift by xinny/shinori (xinny more importantly given her flip) to avoid him being lynched d1 reads as a protective measure more than trying to get a town PR lynched (no one knew if Kay was a PR or not so it wasn't worth trying to get a PR lynched over protecting possible scum)

- interactions between him and others on his flip will be super useful

- I was going to shoot him last night until i was told i was only a one-shot vig

- (from quicktopic)

i still wanna lynch strege because his reaction to the votes on him was scummy imo

LD1. still stand by it

etc. there's probably more i can think of but right now i don't have motivation/time

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Cam (1) - Balcerzak

Elieson (1) - Strege

Strege (3) - Grassbridger, Manix, scorri

Not voting: Cam, Elieson, Shinori

You have a bit over an hour before I decide whether or not Strege is lynched or I end the game in a universal loss.

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Woops, I misread the date on this one. I'll ##Unvote, ##Vote: Strege to keep the game going. You all know my opinions on things, and I don't think I know any secrets worth revealing. One opinion I didn't express is that Grassbridger's response to my suspicion seemed fairly townie, though keeping the vote on my through the end is a bit weird in my opinion since he seemed to be lightening on me -- there are a few possible explanations for this but I won't suggest them. Good night all.

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The problem isn't the amount of votes on you, but the amount of people not voting. According to the rules, if a third of the game, rounded down, isn't voting somebody at phase end, it's a universal loss. With 8 people alive, that means if 2+ people aren't voting (currently 3 people), game ends.


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I think part of the reason why this game is so dead is because your host is doing a crappy job. I don't think it would be fair to you all if I simply up and left. Here's hoping the headaches/dizziness stay gone!

"Wait, why me?!" Tristana complained. No one answered her question. The last thing she saw was hatred in the other's eyes.

Dear Strege,

You are Tristana. Your lists of interests include being nice while off-duty and shooting things when you're on duty. The cannon-gun-thing you normally wield is about as big as you are!

You thought this would be a nice vacation, so you left all your weapons at home. You have no night action; use your wits and your words to stay alive!


You are allied with the town, and win when all threats to your side have been neutralized.


It is now Night 3! Night 3 ends on 5/21 at 11:00 PM, assuming I'm awake. GO!

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It's an hour early, but I feel really sick, so update now before it gets worse. By "now", I mean gimme about ten minutes to compile stuffs.

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It wasn't hard to figure out what happened last night. Blood painted the walls, which was quite a surprise, given the size of the victim. The mess miraculously missed two spots. The first spot was the deceased's PM, which Shinori read aloud.

Dear scorri,

You are Kennen. You take hyperactive to a new level. You were accepted as a ninjaandthat'swhenthingsgotexicitingwherewasIagain?

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Running to <PLAYER>. If you die during the night or the next day, you will grab <PLAYER>'s role PM and stick it to the wall with one of your ninja stars.


You are allied with the town, and win when all threats to your side have been neutralized.

Everyone's eyes was drawn to the second non-bloodied spot. A role PM was stuck to the wall. Shinori began to read it, then paled. It was his own PM!

Dear Shinori,

You are Vayne. You are humorless, rich, and nimble. Try as you might, you aren't allowed to Condemn your own obnoxious teammates into the nearest wall.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Learn about <PLAYER>. If you would die during the night or the next day, you'll reveal <PLAYER>'s role PM to everyone.


You are allied with the town, and win when all threats to your side have been neutralized.

Appalled at the extremely boring flavor in Shinori's PM, you continue the day's discussions.


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