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Regarding Henry; what is it with people going crazy about his "abysmal" speed? 9 isn't completely uncurable, considering the other array of slow characters in the game, and his speed growth is higher than Cherche's, who people claim to be fast enough anyway, and only has 3 more speed than Henry does.

Just how bad is the RNG cursing you for you people to go angsty about his speed?

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Has +3 Speed leads as you mentioned

has +4 Speed from Promotion compared to Henry's 1 or 2

At cost of 5% less speed growth

Lets not forget that Griffon Promotion seems to drastically increase her speed growth

(Thats based on my personal exp btw >_>)

And on the question itself, I got a 12 speed Henry at Sorcerer promotion, during the days where I thought that Sorcerers are freaking amazing in HM

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Regarding Henry; what is it with people going crazy about his "abysmal" speed? 9 isn't completely uncurable, considering the other array of slow characters in the game, and his speed growth is higher than Cherche's, who people claim to be fast enough anyway, and only has 3 more speed than Henry does.

Just how bad is the RNG cursing you for you people to go angsty about his speed?

Pretty sure I complained about Cherche, too. Anyway, the Awakening RNG really hates my character's Speed, if it's around 50%. My worst example is Frederick, who gained 1 Speed in 11 levels, at 50% growth.

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And on the question itself, I got a 12 speed Henry at Sorcerer promotion, during the days where I thought that Sorcerers are freaking amazing in HM

...what? If you got Henry to level 20, then that means that throughout his 7 first levels he got 1-2 speed.

That's just you being stupidly unlucky.

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Henry's stats as a collective are mediocre for the time he joins. 9 speed and 5 resistance at this point in the game are abysmal. You say his speed is a fixable rut, but it is a huge rut nonetheless; getting two-rounded by everything in your join chapter and even doubled by some enemies in that same chapter is a major negative on utility. With no time to build supports, he won't get any speed bonus big enough to help him double or have reliable Dual Strikes to fix his poor offense. Tharja had better speed and similar resistances when she joined, and she was merely average at the time. No excuses for Henry.

Onto good units though: the consensus on Lucina seems to be about a 7-8. I knew opinions of her would be divided due to the different potential mothers, but I think if more people paired up Chrom with Fem Avatar habitually, she'd average closer to a high 8.

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I found that Avatar!Lucina did not live up to the hype at all. She was still a fragile unit with subpar offense and no support partner.

Did you train her maybe? Or recruit support options?

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Lucina isn't very fragile. 3HKOed at worst, usually 4HKOed after promotion. She also gets an instant C with Chrom and Avatar, who are both good enough on their own not to be joined at the hip. I usually pair her with Chrom in the back since Avatar has better things to do, then just cut her loose with Rapier. Rips through everything on that double ship chapter.

If your Lucina is lagging behind in stats, your Avatar and Chrom probably weren't very good either. With a good Avatar and Chrom to inherit from, she can usually go to town with Veteran right away and bully all of Valm.

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Considering how easy it is for Avatar to gain stats, it really makes Lucina that much more effective.

Like a 20/8 Grandmaster gives her enough stats that she can reclass to Cavalier and gain like 10 levels in that map, then promote to Paladin. Chrom can be at like Lv.4 or whatever.

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I had Avatar high enough for Ignis and Chrom high enough to pass Luna down to Morgan, who I recruited ASAP. That didn't change the fact that Lucina was leagues behind the rest of my team. I could put a 1-2 range weapon on any of my other units and watch things die, while Lucina needed Falchion to reliably 2RKO, and was doing so with 2-4 less movement than everyone else. She was also far less durable than other units. I recall her being reliably 2-3RKOd, with maybe some enemies only pulling a 4RKO. It's not like she didn't improve, but she was never particularly spectacular; and with Morgan as her pairup partner, all she really did was provide him with durability and +1 MOV (not that I can hold it against her for being worse than Morgan). She actively needed to be babied for several chapters to be just another unit. Morgan could at least go Dark Mage and just Nosferatank for a couple paralogues to get up to speed and then some, in comparison. That's the only kid I'd rate as superior to her, though.

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^ Reclass her to Cavalier, she gets Discipline, like 6 swings or something ridiculous like that and you have 1-2 range. Voila.

So? Assuming second seal distribution isn't a very good way to rank (or tier) in my opinion.

He could have given his second seals elsewhere or something like that. You can't just say "lolCavalier" very few Cavs aren't OP, Lucina being OP in that class isn't that special.

(I still think she's a pretty good unit)

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'High enough for Ignis' is almost sandbagging compared to my runs. By the time we're in Lucina's chapter, I usually have Dianne classed out of Grandmaster and into something else. Don't forget that Lucina can class change straight away too if movement is a big issue to you, though I never consider that as an option. Forged Rapier in Valm is too good.

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So? Assuming second seal distribution isn't a very good way to rank (or tier) in my opinion.

He could have given his second seals elsewhere or something like that. You can't just say "lolCavalier" very few Cavs aren't OP, Lucina being OP in that class isn't that special.

(I still think she's a pretty good unit)

Using the Second Seal on Lucina has no opportunity cost when abiding by the tier-list playstyle.

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Using the Second Seal on Lucina has no opportunity cost when abiding by the tier-list playstyle.

So? I don't remember the RTU stating that ratings are done according to "the tier-list playstyle".

And there is always a opportunity cost. Don't tell me there isn't because it makes no sense. If you take anything out of the resource pool it's a negative. Doesn't matter how well you use it.

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It is not a net negative. Besides the Avatar and Panne (who should already have reclassed), the other units competing for Second Seals don't have Veteran.

Edited by Redwall
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Second Seals are buyable after Severa, Nowi, or Inigo's Paralogues. Granted, they are the hardest ones to complete, but if you were so inclined, you can best any one of them before Lucina's join chapter and stock up on enough Seals for her and anyone else who'd want them.

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