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I don't get why he's hyped so much. Sure, he has potential for Galeforce, but it's not like he'd go anywhere with such mediocre growths. :/ Those are pretty bad by FE13 standards.

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Wow Intelligent Systems. Brady's growths suck more than I thought.

76 33 48 53 51 65 26


This is with Lon'qu as a dad. That's pretty much his highest spd growth.

With Chrom its 48. He has the worst personal bases of any other kid, his mother sucks at stats not mag lck res and his staff rank is even worse than every other kid's C rank in actual weapons. I may have been too generous with 0.5/10.

Like seriously, even reclassing him will only yield a unit with terrible growths and bases that. Promoting him will make a Mediocre Sage/War Cleric.

Okay, so assuming Lon'qu is his dad, and we're not staying in lolPriest, what are his growths?

EDIT: And, uh, worst personal bases? I think Owain takes that title.

Edited by eclipse
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His growths aren't as big a problem as his non-existent weapon ranks (outside of staves) imo. I assume we're talking maingame utility since no one has brought up caps.

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I don't get why he's hyped so much. Sure, he has potential for Galeforce, but it's not like he'd go anywhere with such mediocre growths. :/ Those are pretty bad by FE13 standards.

People factored in postgame potential and the fact he gets GALEFORCE! That's the problem with including postgame in scores, it makes it too iimbalenced and it's incredibly obvious that children will score high if postgame was factored in.

I mean, Owain is totally not worth anything above a 4 and Cynthia is worth about a 7 at max.

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People factored in postgame potential and the fact he gets GALEFORCE! That's the problem with including postgame in scores, it makes it too iimbalenced and it's incredibly obvious that children will score high if postgame was factored in.

I mean, Owain is totally not worth anything above a 4 and Cynthia is worth about a 7 at max.

And I think Brady should be worth at least a two, but we're only two people. I guess my problem is that I think Brady is either horribly overrated or underrated. Where's the happy middle ground, dammit?

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Wow Intelligent Systems. Brady's growths suck more than I thought.

76 33 48 53 51 65 26


This is with Lon'qu as a dad. That's pretty much his highest spd growth.

With Chrom its 48. He has the worst personal bases of any other kid, his mother sucks at stats not mag lck res and his staff rank is even worse than every other kid's C rank in actual weapons. I may have been too generous with 0.5/10.

Like seriously, even reclassing him will only yield a unit with terrible growths and bases that. Promoting him will make a Mediocre Sage/War Cleric.

dat defense growth


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Okay, so assuming Lon'qu is his dad, and we're not staying in lolPriest, what are his growths?

EDIT: And, uh, worst personal bases? I think Owain takes that title.

They're still pretty bad and you would be wasting Lon'qu on Maribelle :p

I forgot about Owain, but it still doesn't speak highly about Brady.

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WR Lonny

85 65 20 65 65 55 35


Lonny Brady WR

86 58 33 53 51 65 31 35

Thats why they tell you Luck sucks >_>

Heres Ricken!Owain growth



48 33 60 58 60 30 35

Lonny!Owain as a WR

85 63 28 56 55 56 33 33

Surprisingly decent >_>

And speaking of Personal Base, Brady's personal base is 2, and he has 6 STR 5 MAG as a comparison, Owain is 4/4 offense and 6 SPD. So, Owain is > Brady because lol2spd

And they called Owain delusional >_>

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They're still pretty bad and you would be wasting Lon'qu on Maribelle :p

I forgot about Owain, but it still doesn't speak highly about Brady.

Waste? Unless you're going for ALL CAPS, OPTIMIZED CLASSES, FORGES FOREVER, I think "waste" is a misnomer. If I'm getting Brady, it means I'm diddling around on some map that has nothing to do with the main story. This holds true for most kids (anyone not named Lucina/Morgan/Kjelle, in a nutshell).

WR Lonny

85 65 20 65 65 55 35


Lonny Brady WR

86 58 33 53 51 65 31 35

Thats why they tell you Luck sucks >_>

Heres Ricken!Owain growth



48 33 60 58 60 30 35

Lonny!Owain as a WR

85 63 28 56 55 56 33 33

Surprisingly decent >_>

And speaking of Personal Base, Brady's personal base is 2, and he has 6 STR 5 MAG as a comparison, Owain is 4/4 offense and 6 SPD. So, Owain is > Brady because lol2spd

And they called Owain delusional >_>

Here's some perspective for you: A 5% growth, on average, will win once 20 levels have been gained (by one point). You're also hyping 4 base Speed, and sticking the word "delusional" in there. I'd say Owain's greatest selling points are starting with Vantage and being in a class that's already fast - neither of which have to do with his bases (well, Vantage MIGHT have something to do with durability, but eh).

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No I mean, people call Owain delusional while he have 4 base STR and 4 base MAG

Meanwhile, Brady has 6 STR and 5 MAG >_>

And 2 SPD

Are you sure he is not a fighter or something

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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No I mean, people call Owain delusional while he have 4 base STR and 4 base MAG

Meanwhile, Brady has 6 STR and 5 MAG >_>

And 2 SPD

Are you sure he is not a fighter or something

His bases go pretty well with an insta-reclass to Cavalier. Depending on his father, he'll have anywhere from fail growths (Ricken, but why the hell would anyone pair two of the slowest characters in the game together?) to 5% off Sully (Virion). Most of the other kids can usually net decent growths, no matter who the father is (hello Yarne, assuming he isn't being groomed to be a mage).

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Whoop, I should've used this thread:

Question: Why give Cynthia a 1/10 (0/10 with your bias), but give Severa a 6.5/10 (7.5/10 with your bias)? I don't understand.

srsly lucy

this may just be my cynthia fanboyism getting the best of me, but still

Edited by Zeem
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Cynthia's good in the maingame, though. >_>

And if Severa's getting recruited all the time, why not Cynthia? Her appearing before the end of Chapter 18 makes her better.

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He gets the Cavalier line, which is probably better than mostly anything Donnel can do.

My Noire has Donnel as a father, and she's pretty bad. I'd rather give Donnel to someone that has a daughter, because Pegasus Knight is vastly superior to Villager.

On a personal experience note, I made a Brady with Chrom as the father, he's a wrecking ball, and he didn't take that long to get there; Second Seals, use them!

My personal experience had Brady kicking all the asses of everything with various different daddys. But then again..i do grind a bit. :B

And I think Brady should be worth at least a two, but we're only two people. I guess my problem is that I think Brady is either horribly overrated or underrated. Where's the happy middle ground, dammit?

Right? Poor Brady got stuck with an assy base class. And people hating on Owain? D:<

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Severa can still be usable since she joins after Ch.13. But if Cynthia doesn't join until after Ch.18, then she's really screwed because she's only two maps away from when everyone starts pulling out silver forges. Like to me it makes her really unusable. In main game, she's pretty much Severa that joins 4 maps later.

Cynthia's postgame isn't in the same ballpark as Severa's due to all of the options Severa gets.

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Cynthia's paralogue is accessible earlier if Severa's paralogue is open, so why not get them both after C13?

And I agree about the postgame part since Severa always has a better range of classes to choose from, but isn't maingame all we should be worrying about?

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I consider both, because those are the two ways I play the game. I've been doing that since the beginning.

I also consider units used in a vaccum, which means that Sumia (and Cynthia) isn't getting used when rating Cordelia (and Severa). So in my vaccum setting, Cynthia isn't unlocked until Ch.19.

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Cynthia's paralogue is accessible earlier if Severa's paralogue is open, so why not get them both after C13?

And I agree about the postgame part since Severa always has a better range of classes to choose from, but isn't maingame all we should be worrying about?

Rules don't really specify, so I'm not really taking main game into account (otherwise, there'd be a lot more zeroes).

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Rules don't really specify, so I'm not really taking main game into account (otherwise, there'd be a lot more zeroes).

Huh. Then I'd imagine Brady would get higher than the 0's and 1's he was getting.

But yet, the kids are getting rated by how people want to rate them, so w/e.

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The lowest i've been able to get before chapter 14 is 10, but it requires some speedy sorcerors. So I typically take a bit longer (around 15).

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