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Should Bosses Be Fought More Than Once?


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Awakening had a few examples of bosses fought multiple times. Four if I recall correctly. One of them seemed to have legitimately died and came back but the other two just straight up ran away (the last had a mustache so that makes perfect sense). Other games in the series have done this too, Lyon and Riev in Fe9 and quite a few bosses in Fe4. Yet for the most part the series seems to run on the principle of, if a character's health is reduced to zero then they die. The exceptions are few and far between yet still the exception are there. Do you like the fact that some bosses survive your first encounter with them? Or do you think enemies should die when they're killed?

(And please note I'm only really talking about bosses your meant to kill, bosses who turn up prematurely that your meant to run away from don't count even if you can kill them.)

Edited by Jotari
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I like how some bosses come back after you 'kill' them. Though only for more important bosses though. Random bosses shouldn't come back just randomly. Maybe they can do with what they did in PoR (from what I remember correctly), and have bosses that don't die when their HP goes to 0 just have their body stay down, but not disappear.

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Yeéah, twice is the maximum. Luminous Arc have you fighting the same bosses over and over, and it becomes really boring after a while... Fighting different bosses allows for more variety.

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If it means not fighitng a different boss, I'd rather they didn't come back. We wouldn't want it to become like the imprisoned... It just feels less creative to fight the same thing, more than once.

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It depends on the boss. If it's someone with little to no importance, then I see no problem with them surviving the first battles against the player's army. If it's an important boss, it's very reassuring seeing it die after a hard battle. So, yeah, I'm one of those who get pissed when a plot important or tough boss survives because the plot said so. They should just die in the first time.

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Any boss who's right in middle when it comes to plot importance. Any less important and it comes off as strange. Any more important and it comes off as cheap.

ie. when Cervantes resurrects himself with no plot relevance or implications on how he did it whatsoever.

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No, because people die when they are killed, and that is how it should be.

Maybe IS should stop being lazy and just rig the RNG like they did in FE5 all of the bloody time with Kempf and Evyal.

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Of course some bosses should be fought more than once. You have important player characters that tend to retreat when they get dropped to zero HP ((Marcus/Frederick/Cuan+Ethlin)), it only makes sense for the enemy to have the same treatment.

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I'm okay with it as long as it's not overdone. In fact, I'm actually quite fond of that relentless enemy that just doesn't give up until he does or kicks the bucket for it's trouble. And also depending on how it's done. Like say, I don't mind it when Yggdra Union pulls this stunt. Sure, like almost all the enemy cast gets re-fought at one point or another, but I always felt that they were spread out well, and that it was kinda the point.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I'm okay with it as long as it's not overdone. In fact, I'm actually quite fond of that relentless enemy that just doesn't give up until he does or kicks the bucket for it's trouble. And also depending on how it's done. Like say, I don't mind it when Yggdra Union pulls this stunt. Sure, like almost all the enemy cast gets re-fought at one point or another, but I always felt that they were spread out well, and that it was kinda the point.

Ditto. One instance that does bother me, though, is Pablo, since the chapter he reappears in is one that is ended prematurely if the boss is killed, for one, and second, he doesn't show up until turn 9 of said chapter.

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Sure, like almost all the enemy cast gets re-fought at one point or another, but I always felt that they were spread out well, and that it was kinda the point.

The point was too rip off Mega Man?

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The point was too rip off Mega Man?

How is it a Mega Man rip-off? Don't the games use different Robot Master between games?

Anyway, what I meant is that allowing them to come back time-and-again made for a small-ish cast, compared to say, FE using dozens of people with many being one-time only, and therefore they had many chances to be fleshed out as characters. It definitely felt that way to me specially for the Bronquian Empire characters.

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Of course some bosses should be fought more than once. You have important player characters that tend to retreat when they get dropped to zero HP ((Marcus/Frederick/Cuan+Ethlin)), it only makes sense for the enemy to have the same treatment.

Frankly, I don't like how they usually do that, either. I'd prefer to have some major consequences for getting a plot-important character dropped in a fight, like "very different plot development" tier consequences, and/or having future options cut off/reworked, a la Mass Effect.

I'm not radically against the concept itself, but (like many things I wish were slightly different in the series) I'd prefer them to give an explanation for it ahead of time, as opposed to just dropping "heh nice try" on our heads after they're beaten- say, have it mentioned that they're important enough to be recovered if lost in a fight, they have some plot dust handy, they go into some kind of "battle trance" once they're close enough to death that none of your guys are strong enough to overcome at this point, or whatever that isn't just them going "getting bored, bye"

If they're a boss whose defeat is optional to the completion of the chapter/instance, I'd prefer it if at least something in the narrative changed, or if we could do something like prevent their escape if we surrounded them on all sides before taking them down.

At the very least, they could do something like write in a unique line or so once the person that took them down in an earlier chapter gets close to them. "Oh fuck/Oh boy, it's that dude," "My scar/sides hurt, they must be close," "-actual conversation unique to each possible character-," etc.

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Ditto. One instance that does bother me, though, is Pablo, since the chapter he reappears in is one that is ended prematurely if the boss is killed, for one, and second, he doesn't show up until turn 9 of said chapter.

I actually thought that was really cool. Having a boss you just defeated arrive behind you, but taking a while to do so is pretty awesome.

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Sure, wynaut. Let's fight BK 10 times more without Hammer/Aether.


"Here comes the Black Knight !"

"Black Knight SMAASH !"


No matter how awesome the ennemy is, or how great his theme is...

Fighting it over and over is... really annoying...

Imagine if all the Plegia Arch was Gangrel over and over, then you fight Wallhart, Cervantes and/or Excellus for all the Valm Arch, then Valldar and Aversa for all the Final Arch, including the Final...

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It depends on the story and the boss in questions importance to the plot and the development of our lead or other characters.

Edited by Jedi
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A lot of people say it depends so I now ask, what enemy retreats throughout the series do you think were handled well and which ones could/should have been avoided?

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