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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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We think too small people. HD release of all Fire Emblem games 1-10. Hell we'll throw Shadow Dragon and Heroes of Light and Shadow in there too. A rerelease of a remake of a remake!

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We think too small people. HD release of all Fire Emblem games 1-10. Hell we'll throw Shadow Dragon and Heroes of Light and Shadow in there too. A rerelease of a remake of a remake!

Oh, that'd be awesome, I agree! Though I think FE1 and FE3 would be kind of redundant if we're throwing Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem in there. :P

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We think too small people. HD release of all Fire Emblem games 1-10. Hell we'll throw Shadow Dragon and Heroes of Light and Shadow in there too. A rerelease of a remake of a remake!

That would be very Damn cool but the odds of that happening are 1,000,000,000-1. (shakes fist at Nintendo)

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I've looked a bit into Earthbound. It just doesn't interest me. I've some interest in playing some other titles someday, but I still haven't gained enough to buy them.

I had little interest in it outside of a couple LPs towards the beginning, but I wound up buying it because it IS a genuinely good game, and I've genuinely enjoyed it thus far. Honestly, I would BUY the game for you, just so you can see why Mother is so well recieved. Though, I'd prefer you get Mother 3, however sending you that legitimitely is impossible.

As an added note, I myself quite like Ike as a character. A commoner who fights for what's right, asking for little else other than what he's promised in compensation (the monetary gain solely when what he's doing is something he was hired to do?) A man that learns and rectifies his faults as soon as he's able to? (Such as when he first called Ranulf a Sub-Human) He's a simple man, with a fairly complex family backstory, and I like that. And aesthetically, he looks quite cool and handsome. Dashing, really, as most heroes are.

But I do not think he's the absolute best.

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Love how misleading the original message was. Nintendo of America man.

If you're going to San Diego Comic-con you can play the 3DS demo but you have to do what the following pic asks you to do. Nothing special but just something neat if you're going to SDCC. Chances are they are setting up some invitation private booth there.

Edited by kingddd
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Oh, so you'd need to get some sort of text in order to play the demo? Erp.

Well, it's not like I'm going anyways! Though I hope Peach will actually be playable this time, since I'm craving to find out her entire moveset. I'm pretty sure most of it hasn't changed, but that rainbow she spawns does intrigue me...

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Oh, so you'd need to get some sort of text in order to play the demo? Erp.

Well, it's not like I'm going anyways! Though I hope Peach will actually be playable this time, since I'm craving to find out her entire moveset. I'm pretty sure most of it hasn't changed, but that rainbow she spawns does intrigue me...

This is a pretty good fansite for keeping tack of what attacks have and haven't been shown for characters.

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I'd also love a little explanation for Ike having blue fire in the Robin/Lucina trailer. I'm SO glad he's got it, but is it one of his customization options or was the fire on Ike's regular Eruption changed sometime after the pic of the day featuring him using the move was posted?

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New title is perfect for the thread.

I've been looking over the different characters, and I love how much work has been put into King Dedede's expressions. It goes well with him having the best crouch in the game.

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King Dedede is just all-around awesome in this game. He's kinda like Slippy's Melee trophy, and his crouch just says "Paint me like one of your French girls."


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No one can disagree that Lucina and Ike deserved to be in more than Chrom. And I want Wario in. If not I will be confused about how a fit exercise instructor beat the fatman who farts all day everyday.

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This is a pretty good fansite for keeping tack of what attacks have and haven't been shown for characters.

Oh, thanks! Now all I need left is to watch some official gameplay with Peach, and I'll be satisfied. Hopefully the comic-con can help fulfill my dreams! Zero Suit and Zelda were good to go at E3 and at the Smash Fest.


Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. All it's missing is Zero Suit.

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No one can disagree that Lucina and Ike deserved to be in more than Chrom.

I can, but unnecessary conflict is unnecessary. =p

Lol, when did the thread title get changed? Usually using my phone, so I didn't notice.

Edited by Mugen Wing
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Can't imagine Samus in a dress... merp.

That's good. Glad my favorite favorite isn't your cliche, princess who gets captured more times than you can count. Still, I like Peach and Zelda. If anything, Bowser should go after Rosalina. She's magical and she has the lumas. It'd be a good challenge for him.

Samus isn't a princess.

It's missing Rosalina, though.

Oh, but I said Samus because Peach, Zelda and Samus were my favorites. And Peach and Zelda were already there.

Edited by Carter
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hmm now that I think about it.....

Princess Rosalina (debatable)

Princess Peach

Princess Zelda

Lucina is a princess

And some people want Princess Daisy...

I wonder if the next new complaints will be too many princess?

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Loving the title change.

It was then that the forest received a grim reminder.

That...not a damn thing changed when the fanbase nation attacked.

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But didnt whats his name from Other M called her princess?

Anthony did, yes. Nickname he gave her from their joint Federation days.

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But didnt whats his name from Other M called her princess?

Other What? There has never been a Metroid game by the name of "Other M". Got it? No such game has ever existed. Do you understand me?


Edited by ClevelandSteve
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Behehehe. Thread title.

hmm now that I think about it.....

Princess Rosalina (debatable)

Princess Peach

Princess Zelda

Lucina is a princess

And some people want Princess Daisy...

I wonder if the next new complaints will be too many princess?

People will ALWAYS find something new to bitch about. We just gotta have the thick-enough skin to shrug it off and ignore it.

Other What? There has never been a Metroid game by the name of "Other M". Got it? No such game has ever existed. Do you understand me?


Other M? Is that a new type of M&M?


NEVER forget the atrocity! By allowing ourselves to forget history, we risk repeating it .-. That quote's probably not applicable in this instance but guess how much I care

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